• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공간 분할 기법

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Block Classification of Document Images by Block Attributes and Texture Features (블록의 속성과 질감특징을 이용한 문서영상의 블록분류)

  • Jang, Young-Nae;Kim, Joong-Soo;Lee, Cheol-Hee
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.856-868
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    • 2007
  • We propose an effective method for block classification in a document image. The gray level document image is converted to the binary image for a block segmentation. This binary image would be smoothed to find the locations and sizes of each block. And especially during this smoothing, the inner block heights of each block are obtained. The gray level image is divided to several blocks by these location informations. The SGLDM(spatial gray level dependence matrices) are made using the each gray-level document block and the seven second-order statistical texture features are extracted from the (0,1) direction's SGLDM which include the document attributes. Document image blocks are classified to two groups, text and non-text group, by the inner block height of the block at the nearest neighbor rule. The seven texture features(that were extracted from the SGLDM) are used for the five detail categories of small font, large font, table, graphic and photo blocks. These document blocks are available not only for structure analysis of document recognition but also the various applied area.

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A Study on Automatic Classification of Characterized Ground Regions on Slopes by a Deep Learning based Image Segmentation (딥러닝 영상처리를 통한 비탈면의 지반 특성화 영역 자동 분류에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyu Beom;Shin, Hyu-Soung;Kim, Seung Hyeon;Ha, Dae Mok;Choi, Isu
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.508-522
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    • 2019
  • Because of the slope failure, not only property damage but also human damage can occur, slope stability analysis should be conducted to predict and reinforce of the slope. This paper, defines the ground areas that can be characterized in terms of slope failure such as Rockmass jointset, Rockmass fault, Soil, Leakage water and Crush zone in sloped images. As a result, it was shown that the deep learning instance segmentation network can be used to recognize and automatically segment the precise shape of the ground region with different characteristics shown in the image. It showed the possibility of supporting the slope mapping work and automatically calculating the ground characteristics information of slopes necessary for decision making such as slope reinforcement.

Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques in Urban Weather Prediction using Air Quality Sensor Data (실외공기측정기 자료를 이용한 도심 기상 예측 기계학습 모형 비교)

  • Jong-Chan Park;Heon Jin Park
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2021
  • Recently, large and diverse weather data are being collected by sensors from various sources. Efforts to predict the concentration of fine dust through machine learning are being made everywhere, and this study intends to compare PM10 and PM2.5 prediction models using data from 840 outdoor air meters installed throughout the city. Information can be provided in real time by predicting the concentration of fine dust after 5 minutes, and can be the basis for model development after 10 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 hour. Data preprocessing was performed, such as noise removal and missing value replacement, and a derived variable that considers temporal and spatial variables was created. The parameters of the model were selected through the response surface method. XGBoost, Random Forest, and Deep Learning (Multilayer Perceptron) are used as predictive models to check the difference between fine dust concentration and predicted values, and to compare the performance between models.

Evaluation of High-Resolution QPE data for Urban Runoff Analysis (고해상도 QPE 자료의 도시유출해석 적용성 평가)

  • Choi, Sumin;Yoon, Seongsim;Lee, Byongju;Choi, Youngjean
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.48 no.9
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    • pp.719-728
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    • 2015
  • In this study, urban runoff analyses were performed using high resolution Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE), and variation of rainfall and runoff were analyzed to evaluate QPE data for urban runoff analysis. The five drainage districts (Seocho3, 4, 5, Yeoksam and Nonhyun) around Gangnam station were chosen as study area, the area is $7.4km^2$. Rainfall data from KMA AWS (34 stations), SKP AWS (156 stations) and Gwanduk radar were used for QPEs in Seoul area. Four types of QPE(QPE1: KMA AWS, QPE2: KMA+ SKP AWS, QPE3: Gwangduk radar, QPE4: QPE2+QPE3) of 6 events in July 2013 were generated by using Krigging and conditional merging. The temporal and spatial resolution of QPEs are 10 minutes and 250 m, respectively. The complex pipe network were treated as 773 manholes, 772 sub-drainage districts and 1,059 pipelines for urban runoff analysis as input data. QPE2 and QPE4 show spatial variation of rainfall by sub-drainage districts as 1.9 times bigger than QPE1. The peak runoff of QPE2 and QPE4 also show spatial variation as 6 times bigger than Gangnam and Seocho AWS. Thus, the spatial variation of rainfall and runoff could exist in small area such as this study area, and using high-resolution rainfall data is desirable for accurate urban runoff analysis.

Performance Prediction for Plenoptic Microscopy Under Numerical Aperture Unmatching Conditions (수치 구경 불일치 플렌옵틱 현미경 성능 예측 방안 연구)

  • Ha Neul Yeon;Chan Lee;Seok Gi Han;Jun Ho Lee
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2024
  • A plenoptic optical system for microscopy comprises an objective lens, tube lens, microlens array (MLA), and an image sensor. Numerical aperture (NA) matching between the tube lens and MLA is used for optimal performance. This paper extends performance predictions from NA matching to unmatching cases and introduces a computational technique for plenoptic configurations using optical analysis software. Validation by fabricating and experimenting with two sample systems at 10× and 20× magnifications resulted in predicted spatial resolutions of 12.5 ㎛ and 6.2 ㎛ and depth of field (DOF) values of 530 ㎛ and 88 ㎛, respectively. The simulation showed resolutions of 11.5 ㎛ and 5.8 ㎛, with DOF values of 510 ㎛ and 70 ㎛, while experiments confirmed predictions with resolutions of 11.1 ㎛ and 5.8 ㎛ and DOF values of 470 ㎛ and 70 ㎛. Both formula-based prediction and simulations yielded similar results to experiments that were suitable for system design. However, regarding DOF values, simulations were closer to experimental values in accuracy, recommending reliance on simulation-based predictions before fabrication.

Singular Value Decomposition based Noise Reduction Technique for Dynamic PET I mage : Preliminary study (특이값 분해 기반 Dynamic PET 영상의 노이즈 제거 기법 : 예비 연구)

  • Pyeon, Do-Yeong;Kim, Jung-Su;Baek, Cheol-Ha;Jung, Young-Jin
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.227-236
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    • 2016
  • Dynamic positron emission tomography(dPET) is widely used medical imaging modality that can provide both physiological and functional neuro-image for diagnosing various brain disease. However, dPET images have low spatial-resolution and high noise level during spatio-temporal analysis (three-dimensional spatial information + one-dimensional time information), there by limiting clinical utilization. In order to overcome these issues for the spatio-temporal analysis, a novel computational technique was introduced in this paper. The computational technique based on singular value decomposition classifies multiple independent components. Signal components can be distinguished from the classified independent components. The results show that signal to noise ratio was improved up to 30% compared with the original images. We believe that the proposed computational technique in dPET can be useful tool for various clinical / research applications.

A Study on Spatial Downscaling of Satellite-based Soil Moisture Data (토양수분 위성자료의 공간상세화에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Dae Yun;Lee, Yang Won;Park, Mun Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.414-414
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    • 2017
  • 토양수분은 지면환경에서 일어나는 수문 및 에너지 순환을 이해하는 데 있어 중요한 기상인자이다. 토양수분 현장관측은 땅속에 매설된 센서에 의해 상당히 정확하게 이루어지만, 관측점 수가 충분치 않아 공간적 연속성을 확보하지 못하는 어려움이 존재한다. 이에 광역적 및 연속적 관측이 가능한 마이크로파 위성센서가 토양수분 정보 획득을 위한 보조수단으로서 그 중요성이 부각되고 있다. 마이크로파 위성센서는 구름 등 기상조건의 제약을 받지 않으며, 1978년 이래 현재까지 여러 위성에 의해 25 km 및 10 km 해상도의 전지구 토양수분자료가 생산되어 왔다. 마이크로파 센서를 이용한 토양수분자료는 동일지점에 대하여 하루 2회 정도 산출되므로 적절한 시간분해능을 가지지만, 공간해상도가 최고 10 km로서 지역규모의 수문분석에 적용하기에는 충분치 않다. 이러한 토양수분자료의 공간해상도 문제 해결을 위하여 다양한 지면환경요소를 활용한 통계적 다운스케일링이 대안으로 제시되었다. 최근의 선행연구들은 대부분 방정식을 이용한 결합모형을 통해 통계적 다운스케일링을 수행하였는데, 회귀식과 같은 선형결합뿐 아니라 신경망이나 기계학습 등의 비선형결합에서도, 불가피하게 발생할 수밖에 없는 잔차(residual)로 인하여 다운스케일링 전후의 공간분포 패턴이 달라져버리는 문제를 안고 있었다. 회귀분석에 잔차의 공간내삽을 결합시킨 회귀크리깅(regression kriging)은 잔차보정을 통해 이러한 문제를 해결함으로써 다운스케일링 전후의 공간분포 일관성을 보장하는 기법이다. 이 연구에서는 회귀크리깅을 이용하여 일자별 AMSR2(Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2) 토양수분 자료를 10 km에서 1 km 해상도로 다운스케일링하고, 다운스케일링 전후의 자료패턴 일관성을 평가한다. 지면온도(LST), 지면온도상승률(RR), 식생온도건조지수(TVDI)는 일자별로 DB를 구축하였고, 식생지수(NDVI), 수분지수(NDWI), 지면알베도(SA)는 8일 간격으로 DB를 구축하였다. 이러한 8일 간격의 자료를 일자별로 변환하기 위하여 큐빅스플라인(cubic spline)을 이용하여 시계열내삽을 수행하였다. 또한 상이한 공간해상도의 자료는 최근린법을 이용하여 다운스케일링 목표해상도인 1 km에 맞도록 변환하였다. 우선 저해상도 스케일에서 추정치를 산출하기 위해서는 저해상도 픽셀별로 이에 해당하는 복수의 고해상도 픽셀을 평균화하여 대응시켜야 하며, 이를 통해 6개의 설명변수(LST, RR, TVDI, NDVI, NDWI, SA)와 AMSR2 토양수분을 반응변수로 하는 다중회귀식을 도출하였다. 이식을 고해상도 스케일의 설명변수들에 적용하면 고해상도 토양수분 추정치가 산출되는데, 이때 추정치와 원자료의 차이에 해당하는 잔차에 대한 보정이 필요하다. 저해상도 스케일로 존재하는 잔차를 크리깅 공간내삽을 통해 고해상도로 변환한 후 이를 고해상도 추정치에 부가해주는 방식으로 잔차보정이 이루어짐으로써, 다운스케일링 전후의 자료패턴 일관성이 유지되는(r>0.95) 공간상세화된 토양수분 자료를 생산할 수 있다.

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Numerical Formulation for Flow Analysis of Dredged Soil (준설토 유동해석을 위한 유한요소 수식화)

  • Shin, Hosung
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2014
  • Experimental study of sedimentation and self-weight consolidation has been primary research area in dredged soil. However, good quality of the dredged soil and minimum water pollution caused by the pumping of reclaimed soil require intensive study of the flow characteristics of dredged material due to dumping. In this study, continuity and the equilibrium equations for mass flow assuming single phase was derived to simulate mass flow in dredged containment area. To optimize computation and modeling time for three dimensional geometry and boundary conditions, depth integration is applied to governing equations to consider three dimensional topography of the site. Petrov-Galerkin formulation is applied in spatial discretization of governing equations. Generalized trapezoidal rule is used for time integration, and Newton iteration process approximated the solution. DG and CDG technique were used for weighting matrix in discontinuous test function in dredged flow analysis, and numerical stability was evaluated by performed a square slump simulation. A comparative analysis for numerical methods showed that DG method applied to SU / PG formulation gives minimal pseudo oscillation and reliable numerical results.

The Relative Position Estimate of the Moving Distributed Sources Using the Doppler Scanning Technique (도플러 스캐닝 기법을 이용한 이동하는 다중 음원의 상대 위치 추적 기법)

  • 노용주;윤종락;전재진
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.446-454
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents the Doppler Scanning technique which enables us to detect the relative positions of moving distributed sources using Doppler frequency shift estimate when the moving source consists of distributed sources with different signature frequencies. Doppler frequency shifts of characteristic frequencies of machinery noise sources such as ship's generator and propeller, with tine along CPA (Closest Point of Approach of moving source) are unique, and can be functioned with respect to each source position. Therefore, this technique can be applied to estimate the relative geometrical positions between machinery noise sources. The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) which has a high frequency resolution with high time resolution, is adopted for improving accuracy of Doppler frequency shift estimate geometric resolution of machinery positions since machinery noise sources show in general low frequency band characteristics with limited spacial distance. The performance of the technique is examined by the numerical simulations and is verified by the experiment using loudspeaker sources on the roof of the car.

Pattern Similarity Retrieval of Data Sequences for Video Retrieval System (비디오 검색 시스템을 위한 데이터 시퀀스 패턴 유사성 검색)

  • Lee Seok-Lyong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.13D no.3 s.106
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    • pp.347-356
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    • 2006
  • A video stream can be represented by a sequence of data points in a multidimensional space. In this paper, we introduce a trend vector that approximates values of data points in a sequence and represents the moving trend of points in the sequence, and present a pattern similarity matching method for data sequences using the trend vector. A sequence is partitioned into multiple segments, each of which is represented by a trend vector. The query processing is based on the comparison of these vectors instead of scanning data elements of entire sequences. Using the trend vector, our method is designed to filter out irrelevant sequences from a database and to find similar sequences with respect to a query. We have performed an extensive experiment on synthetic sequences as well as video streams. Experimental results show that the precision of our method is up to 2.1 times higher and the processing time is up to 45% reduced, compared with an existing method.