• Title/Summary/Keyword: 고지도 해석

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라이너지 제조공정의 점착성 이물질에 대한 물질수지 해석

  • 이학래;함충현;김종민;강태영
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Conference
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    • 2001.04a
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    • pp.156-157
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    • 2001
  • 최근 제지업계는 원가절감과 환경보전을 위하여 고지 재활용율 증대와 공정 폐쇄화 를 추구하고 있다. 이와 같은 변화는 특히 국산 고지의 활용 비율이 높은 골판지 원지 공정 에서 여러 가지 문제를 유발하는 원인이 되고 있으며, 그 가운데에서도 점착성 이물질에 의 한 공정 오염과 이에 따른 생산성과 제품의 품질 저하가 심각한 문제점으로 대두되고 있다. 점착성 이물질, 즉 스닥키는 공정개선이나 제품 품질의 향상을 위해 투입되는 고분자 첨가 제와는 달리 주로 고지에 함유되어 있는 핫벨트, 점착성 테이프, 라벨, 도공파지 혹은 OMG 로부터 유래되는 합성고분자로 라텍스, 영크, 복사 토너 등 다양한 조성을 지니며 그 크기에 따라 매크로 스틱키와 마이크로 스틱키로, 성질에 따라 일차 스틱키와 이차 스틱키로 구분 된다. 매크로 스틱키는 일반적으로 라이너지 지료에서 0.15mm의 슬롯크기를 가지는 스크린 에 의해 걸러지는 점착성 이물질을 말하며, 마이크로 스틱키는 그 이하의 크기를 갖는 스탁 키를 일걷는다. 또 일차 스틱키는 고지 해리 시 발생한 스틱키를, 이차 스틱키는 계 내에 분 산된 상태로 존재하다 환경의 변화에 의하여 점착성을 나타내는 스틱키를 말한다.

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A Study on the Types and Management of Old Maps Collected by Library and Museum in Korea (우리나라 도서관.박물관 소장 고지도의 유형 및 관리 실태 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.6 s.117
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    • pp.714-739
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    • 2006
  • This study is to analyze the types and management of old maps collected by library and museum in Korea. About 1,200 items of old maps are collected in 39 institutes. This distribution is due to the scatter during late Joseon period through Japanese imperialism period. Half and half of old maps are reserved in museum and library. Atlas of county maps are reserved mainly in Gyujanggak, the National Library of Korea and Library of Korea University There are 10 copies of $\lceil$cheonggu-do(靑邱圖)$\rfloor$ and 25 copies of $\lceil$Daedongyeo-jido(大東輿地圖)$\rfloor$ put in together in all instutes. Forms of those maps in terms of size, picture and place names recorded are different between each other. Methods of management of those maps are different between library and museum. Old maps are treated as rare old books in library, but as traditional old picture in museum. Methods and levels of opening to public of maps are also different in each institute. More serious thing is that there is no specialist in old maps in most institutes.

The Geodynamic Evolution of the Chugaryeong Fault Valley in a View Point of Paleomagnetism (고지자기학적 관점에서 본 추가령단층곡의 생성과 진화)

  • 이윤수;민경덕;황재하
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.555-571
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    • 2001
  • The dynamic evolution of the Chugaryeong fault valley is studied by paleomagnetic works on 163 samples at 16 sites from Late Cretaceous and Quaternary volcanic rocks in the valley. Conglomerate test and stepwised thermal/alternating field demagnetization indicate that all the characteristic directions are of primary origin. Paleomagnetic pole ponsition(216.8$^{\circ}$E/7l .6$^{\circ}$N; dp=7.1$^{\circ}$, dm=10.0$^{\circ}$) for the upper par of the Jijangbong Volcanic Complex Is indistinguishable from the coeval retference pole position from the Gyeongsang Basin, which further substanciates the reliability of the Paleomagnetic data. This indicates the study area has not undergone any tectonic rotation since Late Cretaceous by uy significant reactivation of the Chugaryeong fault valley. The Quaternary pole position (134.2$^{\circ}$E/86.5$^{\circ}$N; $A_{95}$=7.1 $^{\circ}$) from the Jeongog Basalt reflects the present geocentric axial dipole field for the area, supporting the above conclusion. Unlike the upper part, paleomasnelic directions of the lower part of the Jijangbong Volcanic Complex show random distrinution between sites. We interpret that the early stage of the volcanic activity was created by sinistral strike slip motion of the Chugaryeong fault during early Late Cretaceous. The creation and evolution of the Chugaryeong fault valley emphasize the significance of the kinematic FR (folding ruler) model in east Asia.

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Determination of Floodplain Restoration Area Based on Old Maps and Analysis on Flood Storage Effects of Flood Mitigation Sections (고지도를 활용한 홍수터 복원 구역 선정 및 홍수완충공간의 홍수 저류효과 분석)

  • Dong-jin Lee;Un Ji;Sanghyuk Kim;Hong-Kyu Ahn;Eun-kyung Jang
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.40-49
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    • 2023
  • To reduce the damage of extreme flooding caused by climate change and to create flood mitigation sections in a nature-friendly riparian area, it is necessary to restore the floodplain area by referring to the past floodplain section of the current inland waterfront area before the levee was built. This study proposed a method of selecting a location for floodplain restoration using old maps of the Geum River study section and analyzed the effect of flood level reduction through unsteady flow numerical simulations using the floodplain as a flood mitigation space. As a result of analyzing changes in the river areas using old maps, the river section was estimated to gradually reduce by 27.8% (1,059,380 m2) in 2020 compared to 1919, and it was found to have an effective storage capacity of 2,200,868 m3 when restored to offline storage. The flood level and discharge control effects analyzed based on HEC-RAS unsteady flow simulation were 16 cm and 219.01 m3/s, respectively, in the downstream cross-section. In the numerical simulation in this paper, the flood mitigation space was applied as an offline reservoir. The effect of reducing the flood level may differ if levee retreat/relocation is applied.

A Study on the Transmission Process of Yeoju-Palkyung in Old Poems and Map (팔경시와 고지도에 투영된 여주팔경의 전승양상)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.14-27
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    • 2011
  • The study reviewed the content and the meaning of the present Yeoju Palkyung(eight scenery) through analyzing and interpreting the Palkyung poems, old maps and paintings, and classic materials transmitted in Yeoju area, and investigated the transmission process. Although five scenes of the Yeoju Palkyungs illustrate abstract landscapes derived from the Sosang Palkyung, there are mixed with local sceneries showing famous historical ruins in the area and local life of the Yeogang(驪江: river). Seunggyeong(勝景) of Yeoju, highlighted in old paintings, has been emphasized through duplication the object and the view point field of Yeoju Palgyeong(驪州八詠), which is usually symbolized to sailing boats along the Yeogang, forests around Cheongshimru, and the layer Jeontap and Maam above Shinreuksa(神勒寺) Dongdae(東臺). It is quite undoubtful that the Yeoju Palyong of Choi Sukjeong and Seo Geojung is the copy of the present Yeoju Palkyung, but the present version is found to be all included in the Cheonggijeongsipyoung(淸奇亭十詠) of Cho Moonsu since the 17th Century, which shows that the Cheonggijeongsipyoung is viewed that it played an important role for the transmission of the Yeoju Palkyung. Also, it. is concluded that the Yeoju Palyong recorded in Yeojidoseo(與地圖書) is the same landscape collecting with the presend Yeoju Palkyung, which would be dated back at least until the mid 18th Century. In addition, given the fact that the studied old maps show Eight scenery, Sachoneohwa, Shinreukmojong, Yeontanguibum, Paldaejangrim, Yangdonagan, Ibanchungam, Pasagwau, and Yongmoonjeukchui, recorded consistently in the same time order, the eight scenic points in the old maps had been apparently established as the typical copy of the Yeoju Palkyung in the 18th Century. Therefore, the transmission route of the Yeoju Palkyung follows two separate versions, one starting from the Yeoju Palyong(Choi Sukjeung, Seo Geojeong) to Cheonggijeongpalyong to Yeoju Palyoung(Yeojidoseo) to the present. Yeoju Palkyung, and the other from the Yeoju Palyoung Geumsa Palyong(金沙八詠) to the old map Palkyung to the Yeoju Palkyung(the late 18th C). These two transmission processes have their own cultural sceneries having the same origin, which are different only in perspective which attempts to cover the representative scenic landscapes including Yeoju and Geumsa.

Design for Rectangular Waveguide Slot Antenna using FDTD Method (FDTD법을 이용한 구형도파관의 Slot 안테나 설계)

  • 고지원;김광욱;김동철;임학규;민경식
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2000.05a
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    • pp.147-151
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents an analysis of a slot on the broad wall of a rectangular waveguide using the 3D FDTD method. In order to reduce the reflection loss, Mur's 2nd absorbing boundary condition is used. To realize the optimum design by FDTD, the effects of time step, excitation aperture size, analysis region and excitation position in model are derived. The analysis results are compared with the experimental results and they show a good agreement with each other.

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조선기술의 발전현황과 전망 (1)

  • Kim, Jae-Bok
    • Defense and Technology
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    • no.9 s.175
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 1993
  • 조선기술은 기계공학, 구조해석학, 유체역학, 재료공학 및 전기, 전자공학 등을 총망라하는 종합 공학으로서, 각 부분 전문기술이 균등하게 발전해야 비로소 향상된 고부가, 고품질 함정의 개발과 건조가 가능합니다 소위 첨단기술로 불려지는 자동화, 고지능화 및 고신뢰도 기술의 도입으로 선박의 고속화, 경량화, 정숙화, 성력화 및 은밀화와 더불어 제한된 공간에서 승조원의 쾌적한 생활 향상을 위한, 인체공학적인 측면에서도 개선될 수 있도록 연국 개발되고 있습니다

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Effects of Crystal Structure in Electroless Cu film for Semi-Additive Process on Chemical Etching Rate (Semi-Additive Process용 초박형 무전해 구리 피막의 결정구조가 에칭속도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Chang-Myeon;Heo, Jin-Yeong;Lee, Hong-Gi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.178-178
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    • 2015
  • SAP 씨앗층용 구리필름에 대한 결정구조와 에칭속도의 상관관계를 알아보았다. 그 결과, 저지수 면보다는 고지수면이 우선적으로 성장되어 있는 구리피막이 높은 에칭속도를 나타내었다. 이와 같은 우선결정방위와 에칭속도의 관계를 결정구조적인 관점에서 해석하였다.

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