• Title/Summary/Keyword: 고유어

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The Search of Image Outline Using 3D Viewpoint Change (3차원 시점 변화를 활용한 이미지 외곽라인 검색 제안)

  • Kim, Sungkon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.283-288
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    • 2019
  • We propose a method to search for similar images by using outline lines and viewpoints. In the first test, the three-dimensional image, which can't control the motion, has lower search accuracy than the static flat image. For the cause analysis, six specific tropical fish data were selected. We made a 3D graphics of tropical fishes of each kind, and we made 144 image outline lines with 12 stage viewpoints of top, bottom, left and right. Tropical fish by type were collected and sorted by time of search through similar search. Studies have shown that there are many unique viewpoints for each species of tropical fish. To increase the accuracy of the search, a User Interface was created to select the user's point of view. When the user selects the viewpoint of the image, a method of showing the result in consideration of the range of the related viewpoint is proposed.

Accuracy Improvement Methods for String Similarity Measurement in POI(Point Of Interest) Data Retrieval (POI(Point Of Interest) 데이터 검색에서 문자열 유사도 측정 정확도 향상 기법)

  • Ko, EunByul;Lee, JongWoo
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.498-506
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    • 2014
  • With the development of smart transportation, people are likely to find their paths by using navigation and map application. However, the existing retrieval system cannot output the correct retrieval result due to the inaccurate query. In order to remedy this problem, set-based POI search algorithm was proposed. Subsequently, additionally a method for measuring POI name similarity and POI search algorithm supporting classifying duplicate characters were proposed. These algorithms tried to compensate the insufficient part of the compensate set-based POI search algorithm. In this paper, accuracy improvement methods for measuring string similarity in POI data retrieval system are proposed. By formulization, similarity measurement scheme is systematized and generalized with the development of transportation. As a result, it improves the accuracy of the retrieval result. From the experimental results, we can observe that our accuracy improvement methods show better performance than the previous algorithms.

A Study on the Arabic numeral reading rules in Modern Korean (현대 한국어에서 아라비안 숫자의 읽기 규칙 연구)

  • Jung, Young-Im;Kim, Jeong-Se;Kim, Sang-Hoon;Lee, Young-Jik;Yoon, Ae-Sun
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 2002.10e
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    • pp.16-23
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    • 2002
  • 본 논문에서는 아라비안 숫자를 포함한 텍스트를 음성으로 합성하기 위하여, 숫자 형태와 분류사 그리고 숫자가 나오는 문맥에 따라 숫자를 자동으로 문자화할 수 있는 전처리 규칙을 설정하는데 목적을 둔다. 먼저 선행연구를 통해 숫자를 포함한 수사 및 수사표현의 읽기 규칙의 적용 범위 및 한계점을 살펴보고, 음성 합성을 위한 아라비안 숫자의 문자화 규칙을 설정하고자 한다. 현대 한국어에서 아라비안 숫자를 읽는 방식은 크게 고유어 방식과 한자어 방식이 있으며 단(單)단위에서는 영어가 사용되기도 한다. 또한 한자어 방식에서도 단위를 붙여 읽는 경우와 모든 수를 단 단위로 읽는 경우가 있으므로, 아라비안 숫자의 문자화를 단순한 규칙을 설정하여 자동화하기에는 중의성이 높다. 본 연구에서는 (1) 숫자 전 전치어(pre-numeral), (2) 기호를 포함한 숫자열의 표현 형식과 크기, (3) 단위 표현, (4) 숫자 후치어(post-numeral), (5) 분류사(classifier) (6) 분류사 후치어(post-classifier), (7) 수사표현 앞뒤 문맥에 따라, 아라비안 숫자표현이 문자화되는 방식을 살펴보았다. 분석 대상 말뭉치는 C 신문의 2000년 1월부터 2000년 4월까지 전체 기사 1,400건에서 숫자가 포함된 숫자표현 약 63,000개론 구성하였다. 패턴화된 구조 및 중의성이 없는 구조를 12가지로 밝히고 중의성이 있는 구조의 유형을 밝혔으며 분류사 후치어와의 결합 관계, 좌우 문맥정보를 통해 중의성 해결의 단서를 제시하고자 하였다.

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Progress of Management Policy and Research of Place Names in North Korea (북한의 지명관리 정책과 연구 동향 분석)

  • Kim, Kihyuk
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.14-30
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    • 2013
  • Place names in North Korea has been regarded as an effective instrument of revolution since division of territory(1945) and as typical case which politcal ideology affected the place names. Especially in North Korea, self-reliance ideology(Juche Idea) and idolization of Kim Il Sung influenced the place names. With local administrative district reform in 1952, names of district and village were changed on national scale. National survey of place names were proceeded in 1964~1966 with direct support of Kim, Ilsung. After this survey, North Korea made alteration of place names in terms of idolization of Kim Il Sung family as well as socialist revolution. Encyclopedia of place names were widely published. Almost linguist were forced to produce writing and papers for the praise of the legitimacy of new place names. But it should be attended that research trend are slowly changed since 2000s. Research for idolization of Kim Il Sung has become a little importance.

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A Study on Wage System and Social Security for Precarious Workers: Focusing on the Award Wage of Construction Workers in Australia (불안정 노동자를 위한 임금 체계와 사회보장 사례 연구: 호주 건설 노동자의 어워드 임금 체계를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Gyunho;Lim, Woontaek
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.109-142
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    • 2018
  • This paper aims to analyze the Award wage system in Australia for construction workers. Considering low wages and precarious employment situation of construction workers in general, it is of advantage especially for them in Australia. Furthermore, it seems to be instructive for Korean construction workers, who stand in more precarious and unstable situation and furthermore are lack of fair wage and social safety. After strong and longstanding labour struggle in the late 19th century in Australia, it has been established a tripartite institution called as 'tribunal' between trade unions, employers, and the government. Under the highly institutionalized form of industrial relations, it functions as an arbitration and conciliation system between labour and management. The Award wage system stands in the middle point. This Award wage system including various welfare provisions is settled by the tribunal, today renamed as Fair Work Commission. In this wage system should be defined level of minimum wages according to the various skill levels, which are in turn connected with compulsory superannuation and Medicare as well as vocational education and training. Furthermore, it provides especially for the construction workers, who suffer from job instability, so-called 'portable benefits', which relate to long service leave and redundancy pay. Considering general conditions of precarious construction workers in Korea, In that respect, the Australian Award wage system would be very instructive for our social wage and safety system for construction workers.

Study on the Distribution Patterns of Anchovy Eggs and Larvae and Environmental Characteristics in the Eastern Part of Jeju Strait, Korea (제주해협 동부해역에 있어서 멸치 난·자치어의 분포패턴과 환경 특성)

  • Lee, Seung-Jong;Go, You-Bong
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.36-44
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    • 2006
  • The distribution patterns of anchovy eggs and larvae and environmental characteristics such as oceanographic conditions and meteorological factors in the eastern part of Jeju Strait, Korea from June to October 2003 were investigated. During the sampling periods, the anchovy spawned on the coastal area mainly and approximately 85% of total egg abundance occurred in only two months, from July to August, suggesting that the main spawning season of anchovies is considered in summer from July and August in the study area. Relatively high proportions of the anchovy larvae larger than 20 mm TL observed in the eastern part area. These facts suggest that anchovy larvae gradually moved out to the eastern part of study area. Most wind speeds were markedly reduced to below 10 m/s with the exception of a few days and the precipitation was concentrated (37%) from July to August when the anchovy eggs and larvae occurred abundantly. Results of correlation analysis showed that the anchovy egg abundance correlated with the increasing chlorophyll a and copepod biomass. It is considered that the plankton biomass in the sea area would have significant effects on the anchovy spawning. In addition, salinity variations also had significant effects on the abundance of anchovy larvae, with increasing water temperature.

National or Ethnic Language Fluency and the Quality of Relationship between Parents and Children in Multicultural Family in Korea (한국 다문화 가정 부모자녀 간 한국어 및 계승어 유창성의 일치도가 부모자녀 관계 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Jisu Park;Youjin Koh;Yoonsun Han
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.649-669
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    • 2015
  • Korea has entered a multicultural society. As the number of multicultural family grows, identifying factors that facilitate family adjustment seems important. The relationship between parent and children can be a crucial predictor in family adjustment. Thus this study examined how the concordance/discordance in language fluency affects youth's satisfaction towards their parents. This research employed the 2012 National Survey of Multicultural Families (NSMF) using 9 to 24 year-old multicultural youth'(N=4314) data and that of their parents. Since some youth were from the same family, we used Multilevel Models to take into account youth-level data (level-1) and family-level data (level-2). The major findings are as follows: First, concordance/discordance in both national and ethnic language fluency is associated with the quality of relationship between parents and youth. Second, youth's satisfaction toward parents is highest when foreign parent and youth are fluent in Korean, as well as, when Korean parent and youth are fluent in ethnic languages. These findings can suggest directions for Korean multicultural policy to encourage fluency in both Korean and ethnic languages in multicultural families.

Support on Ideograph Characters Search of Unicode Based Information System (정보 시스템의 유니코드 기반 한자 검색 지원)

  • Yoon, So-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.375-391
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    • 2007
  • Unicode Han ideograph character set differed from the our principle of the phonetic value ordering in that it followed the principle of KangXi radical-stroke ordering of the characters. Therefore, information system should support ideograph search on precise analysis of materials which consist of korean character (hangul) and ideograph character (hanja). History Information system has been maintaining Hanja(Chinese Character) to Hangul Dictionary, Terminology Dictionary for composition, borrowing, non-ideographic principles, Variant Forms Dictionary, and Recently discovered Chinese Characters List.

Japanese Dictionary Input System in Korean Traditional Reading Rule of Chinese Character (한자음으로 일본어 사전을 검색하는 방법(독음입력법))

  • Jeong, Cheol
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.139-144
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    • 2005
  • When a Japanese learner in Korea tries to find Japanese dictionary, he must know the pronunciation of the target word. But it's not easy to know the pronunciation of target word from Japanese sentence. Because most of general Japanese sentence shows only HanJa(Chinese character) instead of Kana(Japanese alphabet). If the Japanese learner knows the Korean traditional pronunciation of the target word, he can input the word to electronic Japanese dictionary with the Korean pronunciation. For this solution, the dictionary service provider must convert the Japanese word to Korean pronunciation, in advance. After setting of the conversions as a additional searching process, we can find the target word through Korean pronunciation of the Japanese HanJa, This process is possible for the three reasons below, 1. Korean, Japanese and Chinese are using the nearly same HanJa. The difference is small. 2. Most Japanese learner in Korea, knows the Korean pronunciation of the HanJa. 3. The Korean pronunciation of the HanJa is nearly unique, a HanJa has a Korean pronunciation, generally.

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A Study on Line Marks Added to the Proper Nouns of Korean Origin in the Hikun of Shakunihongi (『석일본기』「비훈」에 가점된 한국계 고유명사의 선점(線點) 고찰)

  • 박미현
    • Korean Journal of Japanese Language and Literature
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    • no.86
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    • pp.25-46
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    • 2019
  • This paper studied the usefulness of 'Line marks of the proper nouns of Korean origin in the Hikun of the Shakunihongi' as a material to analyze tone marks of the proper nouns of Korean origin. First, the analysis showed that Line marks of Shakunihongi do not reflect the Middle Chinese sounds directly. Second, the analysis revealed that Jyosyo and Kyosyo tend to be marked to a mark. Next, in order to analyze the interference of the Japanese sounds, the tone of Japanese Kan-on and Go-on and the correspondence were studied. The result showed that Kyosyo of Japanese Go-on is marked to a point. This means that the tone of proper nouns of Korean origin in Shakunihongi were not influenced unilaterally by Japanese Kan-on and Go-on. Also, the line marks tended to be seen in Bokun monotone kanji. The line marks were found to be consciously distinguished from the Circle marks. There is a characteristic that Line marks of proper nouns of Korean origin in Shakunihongi are marked to Hyoso. This is the same tendency with Circle marks. That is why Line marks in Shakunihongi can also be used as a tone-mark material of proper nouns of Korean origin.