The range of D. spathulata identified in this survey was between N 35° 24' 58" ~ N 35° 26' 35", E 129° 05' 43" ~ E 129° 07' 04". It is located at an altitude of 98~592 m. The soil pH was strongly acidic in the range of 4.2~4.9, with a canopy openness of 18.56% and a chlorophyll index of 36.74 ± 2.80. As a result of the TWINSPAN analysis, 20 plots of 100 m2 each were divided in 4 communities: Pinus densiflora community, Quercus monglica-Diabelia spathulata community, Quercus serrata-Diabelia spathulata community and Carpinus tschonoskii subassociation. The result of species diversity was 0.7615, and evenness and dominance were found to be 0.6077 and 0.3923, respectively. The height of D. spathulata is up to 3.4 m, and the average height is 1.1 m, with most of the species distributed as shrubbery and herbaceous. The average population density of the 20 plots was 1.635 individuals/m2, the height range of flowering was 1.0 ~ 1.8 (aver. 1.39 m) and the rate of flowering was 27.37%. It's propagation pattern was mainly formed by extending the rhizome to the side, creating a colony of ground stems.
Lee, Sue Kyoung;Son, Yowhan;Noh, Nam Jin;Heo, Su Jin;Yoon, Tae Kyung;Lee, Ah Reum;Sarah, Abdul Razak;Lee, Woo Kyun
Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
This study was conducted to estimate the carbon (C) contents in pure and mixed stands of pine (Pinus densiflora) and oak (Quercus spp.) trees for establishing the C inventory of forest ecosystems. A total of fifteen 20 m${\times}$20 m pure and mixed stands of pine and oak trees were chosen in natural forests in Hoengseong, Kangwon based on the basal area of all trees ${\geq}$ 5 cm DBH: three of 95% of pine and 5% oak trees [pine stand], three of 100% of oak trees [oak stand], and nine of 20 to 70% of pine and 80 to 30% of oak trees [mixed stand]. To estimate C contents in the study stands, biomass in vegetation, forest floor and coarse woody debris (CWD) were calculated and C concentrations in vegetation, forest floor, CWD and soil (0-30 cm) were analyzed. There was no significant difference in vegetation C contents among the stands; 147.6 Mg C/ha for the oak stand, 141.4 Mg C/ha for the pine stand and 115.8 Mg C/ha for the mixed stand. Forest floor C contents were significantly different among the stands (p<0.05); 12.7 Mg/ha for the pine stand, 9.9 Mg/ha for the oak stand, and 8.4 Mg/ha for the mixed stand. However, CWD C contents were not significantly different among the stands (p>0.05); 2.2 Mg/ha for the mixed stand, 1.7 Mg/ha for the oak stand, and 1.1 Mg/ha for the pine stand. Soil C contents up to 30 cm depth were not significantly different among the study stands; 44.4 Mg C/ha for the pine stand, 41.6 Mg C/ha for the mixed stand, and 33.3 Mg C/ha for the oak stand. Total ecosystem C contents were lower in the mixed stand than those in the pure stands, because vegetation C contents which occupied almost total ecosystem C contents were lower in the mixed stand than those in the pure stands; 199.6 Mg C/ha for the pine stand, 192.5 Mg C/ha for the oak stand and 169.1 Mg C/ha for the mixed stand. Lower vegetation C contents in the mixed stand might be influenced by interspecific competition between pine and oak trees and intraspecific competition among the oak trees resulted from high stand density. We suggest that forest management such as thinning to enhance C storage is indispensible for minimizing the competition in forest ecosystems.
Park, Joon hyung;Lee, Kwang Soo;Ju, Nam Gyu;Kang, Young Je;Ryu, Suk Bong;Yoo, Byung Oh;Park, Yong Bae;kim, Hyung Ho;Jung, Su Young
Journal of agriculture & life science
This study was carried out to establish the optimum forest management plan for the Cryptomeria japonica plantations in southern inland and Jeju island in Korea. Sixty seven circular sample plots of 0.04ha were established and we surveyed vegetation structure and growth characteristics from three layers(upper, middle, and lower). As a result of cluster analysis obtained by importance values of each tree species, the community type of C. japonica stands were classified into C. japonica group(C1) and C. japonica-C obtusa group. C. obtusa community were also sbudivided into P. thunbergii-Q. serrata group(C2) and Q. serrata-C obtusa group(C3). In tree layers importance value(IV) of C. japonica were 97.2% in C1, 80.7% in C2, and 47.6% in C3 and in sub-tree layers IV were 8.9% in C1, 15.2% in C2, and 5.7% in C3. Especially in C3 there are bamboo species (Smilacina japonica var. lutecarpa and Pseudosasa japonica) it is necessary for us to control them. In shrub layers C. japonica were found in C1(9.2%) and C2(7.0%), but except for C3. In tree layer species diversity indices of each community ranged from the lowest 0.059 in C1 to the highest 0.548 in C3. Dominance ranged from 0.958 in C1 to 0.393 in C3 which may caused by interspecific competition. Current annual increment of diameter growth ranged from 7.01mm/yr to 8.04mm/yr. As a result of our study we recommend the application of proper thinning and pruning for C1 and C2.
This study was conducted to understand the plant community structure characteristics of warm-temperate forest in Geoje Island. Survey sites were set up on ridges, valleys, and slopes where evergreen broad-leaved trees predominated or distributed in canopy, sub-canopy, or shrub layers at Chunjangsan(Mt.). Thirty-one sites were located in the areas, such as vegetation community, ridges, valleys, and slopes, to observe vegetation structure and location changes. The community classification with TWINSPAN identified six groups: Neolitsea sericea-Platycarya strobilacea, N. sericea-Styrax japonicus, N. sericea-Euonymus oxyphyllus, Pinus thunbergii-N. sericea, N. sericea-Quercus serrata, and Q. variabilis-P. strobilacea. Considering the results of previous studies that reported that the successional pattern of the warm temperate forests progressed from deciduous to evergreen forests, the regions predominated by deciduous communities such as P. thunbergii, Q. serrata, P. strobilacea, Zelkova serrata, and Q. variabilis, is likely to transform into the evergreen forest predominated by N. sericea. The relationship between the impact of the environmental factors and the vegetation distribution showed that slope, Na +, K +, electrical conductivity, and clay among physical properties had direct or indirect effects on vegetation distribution.
The purpose of this study was to identify characteristics of vegetation structure, vegetation succession, and species diversity of artificially planted Chamaecyparis obtusa (CO) stands. The study was carried out by performing vegetation survey for eight CO stands located in Jeollanam-do Province, Korea. Analysis on vegetation classification and ordinations of the stands was conducted using the data from the vegetation survey, and as a result, the stands were classified into five types of communities. Community I showed a considerably lower index of species diversity when compared to other communities because the canopy of the dominant CO was so highly dense that the low-height vegetation was not able to develop or the low-height vegetation almost disappeared due to elimination of weed trees. Meanwhile, the Community II - IV had relatively higher indices of species diversity because various native tree species mixed with the low-height vegetation and competed with each other in the understory and shrub layers to some degree of stability or in their early stage of vegetation development. Community V, lastly, showed higher use intensity as a recreational forest, thus developing simpler vegetation structure on account of artificial intervention. There was positive correlation between photosynthetically active radiation entering the forest floor, number of observed species and index of species diversity. Such characteristics of vegetation structure in CO stands are closely associated with forest management and prescription for planting reforestation, thinning, and brush cutting in the past. There was a slight difference in vegetation structure and species diversity by communities, based on rotation time of the vegetational succession, process of disturbance frequency and disturbance, development, and maturity by planting CO stands. However, when compared to natural forests, the CO stands showed simpler vegetation structure. Because artificial forests are vulnerable in ecosystem service with lower species diversity, a drive for ecological management is needed for such forests to change into healthy ecosystems that can display functions of public benefit.
에너지는 인류문명발달의 원동력이며 현대 산업사회에서는 모든 산업활동과 국민경제에 필수적인 요소이므로 세계 거의 모든 나라들은 에너지의 안정확보를 국가정책의 제 1로 삼고 있다. 세계적으로 볼 때 시대의 변천에 따라 에너지의 주역도 바뀌어 산업혁명 후 제2차 세계 대전까지는 석탄이 주역이었고, 2차대전 후 1970년대 석유위기 전까지는 석유가 단연 주역이었다가 석유위기 후 1980년대는 천연가스와 원자력이 상당부문 석유를 대체하고 있으며, 21세기에는 가스이용기술의 개발에 따라 편리성과 경제성에서 가스의 우월성으로 타에너지를 대체하고, 특히 지구온난화방지 노력과 관련하여 전세계적인 $CO_2$ 감축 목표에 따라 청정연료로서 타에너지 보다 사용이 크게 늘어 2010년까지는 1995년의 $50\%$가 증가하여 21세기 연료의 주역이 될 것으로 전망된다. 우리나라는 에너지의 $98\%$를 외국에서 도입하는 상황에서 석유의존도가 $60\%$를 넘고 있으며, 원자력발전소의 확장에 어려움이 많고 세계기후변화협약을 비준한 국가로서 지구온난화방지를 위한 의무를 지게 될 것이므로, 에너지 공급원의 다원화를 통한 안정확보와 청정에너지 이용의 확대 및 에너지 산업에 대한 규제완화 등으로 경제성에 입각한 시장경쟁에서 가스는 우위를 확보함으로써 1차 에너지중 가스의 비중이 매우 높아질 것으로 전망되고있다. 따라서 가스산업은 우리나라 에너지산업중 가장 크게 발전하고 또 다른 에너지가 여러면에서 제약을 받게 될 때 이러한 제약을 극복하는 대체에너지로서 역할이 크게 전망되며, 특히 발전, 열병합, 냉방, 자동차 연료부문에서의 사용이 크게 늘어날 것으로 예상되어 이러한 가스이용의 확대에 대비하여 가스자원의 개발, 국내 공급설비의 확충, 연구개발등에 대한 투자와 규제완화에 의한 시장경쟁에 대한 대비가 필요하다.계산모델 및 원자력병원에서 보유하고 있는 방사선 치료계획장치인 CAP-PLAN의 선량계산모델의 계산 결과와 비교하여, 흡수선량은 ${\pm}10\%$ 이내에서 거리로는 0.4mm 이내에서 대부분 일치하였다. 최대 오차는 각각 $11.3\%$ 및 0.8mm로 나타났다. 이상의 결과들로부터 새로 개발한 금으로 된 기구와 Ir-192 seed를 이용한 근접 방사선 치료법으로 안구의 악성종양에 대한 치료를 보다 효과적으로 시행할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 구성원을 간소 목적을 위하여 사용할 수 있어야 하겠다 마지막으로 이들 내의 위험 집단을 우선적으로 파악. 접근하여야 할 것이다. 위험 집단으로는 경제적 문제로 적절한 의료 이용을 할 수 없는 저소득층, 문화적으로 열등한 위치에 있는 여성층과 초기 이민 적응에 가장 문제를 일으킬 소지가 있는 노년층을 들 수 있겠다. 이 연구는 몇 가지 제한점을 가진다. 첫째. 연구 대상자 선정이 어려워서 자원자를 대상으로 연구가 행해졌다. 둘째. 적은 수의 연구 대상자를 대상으로 연구가 행해졌다. 셋째. 연구기간이 짧았던 까닭에 좀더 상세한 사례 연구가 이루어질 수 없었다 좀 더 신뢰할 수 있는 표본 추출 방법을 통하여 선정된, 많은 연구 대상자를 가지고, 심도 있는 연구가 추후 반복적으로 이루어져야 할 것이다.더욱 더 발전을 거듭하고 있으며, 외식은 여행과 여가 활동의 필수적인 요소로써 그 역할을 일조하고 있다. 이와 같은 여가시간의 증가는 독신자들에게는 좀더 많은 여유시간을 가족을 이루고 있는 가족구성원들에게는 가족과의 유대를 강화하는 휴식과 오락의 소비 트렌드를 창출시켰다. 이와 더불어 외식은 식사를 해결하기 위한 단순한 수단에서 벗어나 동기와 동반자에 따라 달라지는 행동 패턴을 나타내고 있으며, 연령과 목적에 따라 세분화되는 분명한 선호도를 나타낸다. 지난 10여 년간 외국으로부터 수입된 다양한
두산은 2001년에 <산> 소주 제품으로 소주시장에 진입하였지만, 2002년도에 6.7%였던 <산> 소주의 시장 점유율이 2004년도 들어서서 5.4% 로 하락하였고, 선호도 역시 매우 낮은 수준으로 조사되어, 원인분석과 함께 새로운 소주에 대한 개발 필요성이 대두되었다. 당시 두산은 시장 선도 브랜드인 <참이슬>의 충성 고객층은 감소하면서 비호감 고객층이 증가하는 등 소주에 대한 고객의 욕구가 변화하고 있다는 시장조사 결과에서 성공의 기회를 엿볼 수 있었다. 그리고 1인당 알코올 소비량은 감소하였으나 소주의 소비량은 연간 70병으로 일정한 소비를 나타나고 있었기 때문에, 소주시장의 매력도는 아직 충분히 존재한다고 판단하였다. 그리하여 두산이 목표로 삼을 표적시장 선정을 위한 시장조사를 대대적으로 시작하였는데, 소주 음용 조사에서 30~40대의 남성들은 소비량이 감소하는 반면 여성들의 소주 소비량은 전 연령대에 걸쳐 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 여기에서 두산은 새로운 소주시장에 대한 신제품 개발의 기회를 발견하고, 신제품 개발 프로젝트에 착수하게 되었다. 이를 위해 먼저 소주 트렌드의 변화와 소비자들의 라이프 스타일을 살펴보고, 이를 통해 '웰빙'을 신제품의 주요가치로 결정하게 된다. 이후 시장 세분화 조사를 통해 다량음용자(heavy user)가 많은 품질 중시 시장과 도수 및 숙취 중시 시장에 진입하기로 한다. 그 다음 소주에 대한 소비자들의 불만족 요인이 무엇인지 살펴보고 이를 해결하기 위한 대안들을 탐색한다. 그 결과 '목 넘김이 부드럽고, 몸의 산성화를 중화시키며, 숙취 해소'에 뛰어난 '알칼리수'를 신제품의 주원료로 사용한 <처음처럼>을 개발하게 된다. 소주의 주요 속성별 선호도 조사를 실시한 결과, 모든 속성에서 <처음처럼>이 경쟁사 제품보다 뛰어난 것으로 나타나 두산은 <처음처럼>을 시장에 출시하게 되었다. <처음처럼>은 24~35세를 목표 고객으로 설정하고, 유흥업소가 밀집한 중심상권을 집중적으로 공략하였다. 이를 위해 저가 정책을 실시하여 유통업체의 마진을 높였으며, 다양한 광고, 촉진 전략을 통해서 소비자 인지도를 향상시켰다. 그 결과 수도권 및 전국 지역에서 지속적으로 시장점유율이 증가하였으며, 소비자들에게 <참이슬>과 차별화된 이미지를 구축하게 되었다. <처음처럼>이 성공적으로 시장에 진입할 수 있었던 이유로는 알칼리수 사용, 감성적 브랜드명 채택, 차별화된 마케팅 전략 구사, 그리고 조직원의 강력한 성공 의지 등을 들 수 있다. 소주 시장의 독보적 존재였던 <참이슬>과의 경쟁에서 이루어진 결과라는 점에서 <처음처럼>의 사례는 많은 기업들에게 시사점을 제공할 수 있다. 하지만 현재 '대중성'이나 '친근감'같은 이미지가 <참이슬>에 비해 상대적으로 낮고, <참이슬 fresh>의 출시로 인해 목표 고객인 20대가 이탈되는 문제는 앞으로 <처음처럼>이 극복해야 할 과제이다. 이를 위해 <처음처럼>은 무엇보다 '웰빙 소주'로서의 이미지를 확고히 하기 위한 마케팅 전략을 실행하여야 할 것이다.
Nam-Won Park;Yeon-Jin Kim;Chae-Young Lee;Jeong-Han Kim;Jong-In Choi;Yun-Hae Lee
Journal of Mushroom
This study was conducted to evaluate the market potential of 'Hwanggeumsantari', a new oyster mushroom variety developed in Gyeonggi Province in 2019, and to derive effective market entry strategies. To objectively assess the marketability of 'Hwanggeumsantari' from various perspectives, a panel of 50 consumers was formed, and surveys and interviews were conducted. Additionally, two Focus Group Interviews were held with distributors in the agri-food sector. The results showed that potential consumers were positive about the color and texture of 'Hwanggeumsantari', but expressed relatively less satisfaction with its shelf life and aroma. Distributors, through tow Focus Group Interviews, evaluated that the product had sufficient market competitiveness, but called for efforts to improve cultivation techniques and enhance price competitiveness. Based on the results of market evaluations by consumers and distributors, a SWOT analysis was conducted. The main strengths identified were its outstanding color and texture, while the main weakness was its freshness issue. Meanwhile, the growing demand for healthy foods and various online sales channels could provide market entry opportunities for 'Hwanggeumsantari', but high sensitivity to price in the case of premium pricing could pose a threat. Consequently, a market entry strategy for 'Hwanggeumsantari' was proposed using a 4P mix approach based on the SWOT analysis results. The product strategy emphasized premium positioning, small packaging, and the development of packaging technology to maintain freshness. The price strategy proposed premium pricing and the operation of incentive programs. The distribution strategy suggested channel diversification, direct stores, or direct sales, while the promotion strategy emphasized storytelling and collaboration with influencers.
This study analyzed the characteristics of vegetation structure of the camphor tree (Cinnamomum japonicum) community in the area of mount Tachibana, Kasuya county, Fukuoka Prefecture designated as a special natural monument in Japan. The survey showed overwhelming dominance of canopy tree in the canopy layer (about 30 m in tree heights and 92.79 cm in average breast height diameter) but no appearance in the understory layer or the shrub layer. In the understory layer and the shrub layer, Castanopsis sieboldii, Machilus thunbergii, Neolitsea sericea, and Cinnamomum yabunikkei, which were the competing species to the canopy layer and the late-successional species in the warm temperate climate zone, were mainly distributed. Moreover, the species diversity was generally low, indicating the vegetation characteristics that was not typical of evergreen broad-leaved forests. This is presumably because camphor trees were actively planted, protected, and cultivated to produce camphor which was valuable in the past. Although this site has not been artificially managed for the past 90 years as the raw materials of camphor have not been collected, vegetation transition did not proceed, which is unique. It is probably due to the fact that camphor was overwhelmingly dominant in the canopy layer so that the inflows of species were restricted, and young tree germination did not occur due to the allelopathy effects of camphor trees.
Park, Joon Hyung;Ju, Nam Gyu;Yoo, Byung Oh;Lee, Kwang Soo;Yoo, Seok Bong;Jung, Su Young
Journal of agriculture & life science
The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of thinning intensity on the changes of vegetation structure in Japanese Evergreen Oak(Quercus acuta Thunb.) stands in Wando-arboretum. The flora were composed of 24 families, 33 genera, and 36species in thinned sites. The dominant layer of control site showed higher number of plant species than that of treatment sites. On the while, the sub-dominant layer, shrub layer, and herbaceous layer treatment sites showed higher number of plant species than control site. According to the analysis of importance value, Q. acuta in the dominant layer, Q. acuta and Camellia japonica in sub-dominant layer, and Camellia japonica in shrub layer showed the highest importance values, respectively. The importance value of Trachelospermum asiaticum was the highest in the herbaceous layer. According to the results, species diversity was higher in descending order of heavy thinning, light thinning, and control. This result could be explained by increased light transmissions from higher thinning intensity than in other treatments. In this context, the results of this study may be useful for selecting appropriate tending methods in terms of forest management and biodiversity conservation.
본 웹사이트에 게시된 이메일 주소가 전자우편 수집 프로그램이나
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이를 위반시 정보통신망법에 의해 형사 처벌됨을 유념하시기 바랍니다.
[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.