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Adaptation of Enteral Tube Feeding (ETF) Nursing Practice Guideline (경장영양요법 간호실무지침 수용개작)

  • Choi, Eun Nyer;Song, Hosook;Choi, Jeong Eun;Seo, Ji Young;Kim, Heesoo;Nam, Kyung Hwa;Park, Min Jeong;Lee, Hyejin;Hwang, Myeong Jin;Park, Jee Won
    • Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.12-23
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to develop a Korean version of evidence-based enteral tube feeding (ETF) guidelines through adaptation of existing ETF guidelines. Methods: The guideline adaptation process was conducted into 24 steps according to a manual for guideline adaptation version 2.0 developed by NECA. Results: The adapted ETF nursing practice guideline was consisted of 9 domains and 20 recommendations, including confirmation of tube placement, risk of aspiration, assessment gastric residual volume, body positioning, treating feeding tube occlusion, administration rate, medication, tube flushes, and interruption of feeding. The results of the grading of recommendations assessment by expert penal showed that 8 recommendations in Grade A, 4 in grade B, and 8 in Grade C were emerged from the process. The range of content validity index scores by expert penal was 0.8-1.0. Conclusion: It is expected that the adapted ETF nursing practice guideline could be helpful for nurses to practice evidence-based ETF for their patients.

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Effects of Polyethylene Film Mulching and Planting Dates on Growth and Yield of Summer Type of Soybean (Glycine max) (하대두(Glycine max)의 파종기 및 비닐 멀칭재배가 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • 정길웅
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.50-54
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    • 1984
  • To study the effects of planting dates and mulching on the growth and yield of summer type soybean, a variety, Damamidori introduced from Japan, was planted four times from April 13 with 10 days interval. Experimental plot in each planting date was devided into two sub-plots, polyethylene film mulching and non-mulching. By mulching, days to emergence and first flowering were shortened, especially in the early plantings; e.g. as much as 11 and 12 days, respectively, in the first planting. Compared to non-mulching, plant height, number of nodes of main stem, number of branches, and dry weight of stem and branches per unit area were also much increased by mulching. As the plantings were delayed, plant height, the total number of nodes and dry weight of main stem and branches, and 100 seed weight showed increasing trends, which were mainly due to lower infection rate of soybean seeds to pod and stem blight (Diaporthe phaseolorum) in the later plantings. The higher infection rate of soybean seeds to pod and stem blight, the lower infection rate to purple seed stain (Cercospora kikuchii) was shown in mulching but not in non-mulching.

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Effects of Row Width and Plant Spacing Within Row on yield in Scutellaria baicalensis GEORGE (재색밀도 차익 황금의 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • 신종섭;권병선
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2001.11b
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2001
  • This study was investigated to find out the optimum planting densities of Scutellaria baicalensis GEORGE about growth characters, yield components and yield at 3 planting densities by direct sowing cultivated after barley Stem length was long In dense planting of 20$\times$10cm and short in spacious planting of 30$\times$10cm and 40$\times$10cm by direct sowing cultivated after barley. Stem diameter was thick in spacious planting of 30$\times$10cm and 40$\times$10cm and was thin in dense planting of 20$\times$cm by direct sewing cultivated after barley. Length and dry weight of root per plant were decreased in dense planting of 20$\times$10cm and were increased in spacious planting of 30$\times$10cm and 40$\times$10cm by direct sowing cultivated after barley. Yield of dry root was highest in optimum planting density(30$\times$10cm:33 plants/$m^2$) by direct sowing cultivated after barley. The correlation coefficient between number of planting plant and stem length showed highly positive correlation. These characters of stem diameter, number of branches, main root length and yield of dry root mentioned above showed negative correlations with planting plants.

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Effects of Row Width and Plant Spacing Within Row on Yield in Scutellaria baicalensis George (재식밀도 차이가 황금의 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • 권병선;신종섭;현규환;신정식
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.77-80
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    • 2002
  • This study was investigated to find out the optimum planting densities of Scutellaria baicalensis George about growth characters, yield components and yield at 3 planting densities by direct sowing cultivated after barley. Stem length was long in dense planting of 20$\times$l0cm and short in spacious planting of 30$\times$l0cm and 40$\times$10cm by direct sowing cultivated after barley. Stem diameter was thick in spacious planting of 30$\times$10cm and 40$\times$10cm and was thin in dense planting of 20$\times$10cm by direct sowing cultivated after barley. Length and dry weight of root per plant were decreased in dense planting of 20$\times$ 10cm and were increased in spacious planting of 30$\times$10cm and 40$\times$10cm by direct sowing cultivated after barley. Yield of dry root was highest in optimum planting density(30$\times$10cm:33 plants/㎡) by direct sowing cultivated after barley. The correlation coefficient between number of planting plant and stem length showed highly positive correlation. These characters of stem diameter, number of branches, main root length and yield of dry root mentioned above showed negative correlations with planting plants.

Basic Studies on the Native Colored-Soybean Cultivars I. Seed Characteristics and Performances in Growth and Yielding of Collected Colored - Soybean Cultivars (유색대두 수집종의 특성연구 제1보 유색대두 수집종의 종실 및 생육특성 연구)

  • 구자옥;민경수;하기용
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.211-215
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    • 1983
  • Thirty eight varieties with high uniformity and clearance in grain quality among 70 colored soybeans collected from nation-wide provinces were investigated for their seed morphological and agronomic traits. As for seed morphological traits, grain volumetric size, grain weight, grain length, grain thickness, . hilum length and width were studied on the tendency of statistical dispersion and variations. As a result, four groups could be classified on the basis of 100 grains weight, so as small, medium, large, and super large groups, Also, as for agronomic traits, among others, the tendency of setting in flowering date, maturing date, yield components, and stem weight, stem length were studied on the basis of statistical inter-relationships between above mentioned characteristics. From the above, bigger variations were detected in weighing characters of soybean plants than in duration characters. And the flowering and maturing days showed significant relationships to the stem length, stem weight, also stem length and stem weight to the grain yield.

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Updates of Nursing Practice Guideline for Enteral Nutrition (경장영양 간호실무지침 개정)

  • Cho, Yong Ae;Gu, Mee Ok;Eun, Young;Yu, Mi;Kim, Jung Yeon;Lee, Hyun Hee;Min, Ja Kyung;Song, Jung Mi
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.10-25
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to update the previously developed nursing practice guideline for enteral nutrition (EN). Methods: The guideline update was done in 22 steps using standardized methodology for nursing practice guidelines. Results: The updated EN guideline consisted of 16 domains and 228 recommendations. The domains and number of recommendations in each domain were for IDSA (Infectious Diseases Society of America): 8 on general instruction, 9 on general instruction for special nutrition, 9 on general instruction for EN, 3 on assessment of EN, 10 on access to EN, 18 on EN device insertion, 16 on selection and preparation of nutritional supplements, 46 on administration and stopping EN, 22 on maintenance and management of EN, 9 on monitoring EN, 16 on prevention and management of complications of EN, 18 on medication administration, 20 on EN in various situations, 20 on prevention of errors, 1 on nursing education, and 3 on nursing documentation. For the levels of evidence, there were 9.7% for level I, 13.1% for level II, 62.5% for level III and 1.1% for GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation): 3.3% for low, 0.8% for moderate, 9.3% for very low. A total of 133 recommendations were newly developed and 10 previous recommendations were modified. Conclusion: This updated EN nursing practice guideline can be used to enhance evidence-based practice in fundamentals of nursing practice and it should be disseminated to nurses nationwide in order to improve the efficiency of EN practice.

A New Perilla Cultivar for Edible Seed 'Dayu' with High Oil Content (기름함량이 높은 종실용 들깨 신품종 '다유')

  • Lee, Myoung-Hee;Jung, Chan-Sik;Oh, Ki-Won;Park, Chung-Berm;Kim, Dae-Gyun;Choi, Jae-Kuen;Nam, Sang-Young
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.616-619
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    • 2011
  • 'Dayu', a perilla (Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton) cultivar for edible seed was developed by Department of Functional Crop, NICS, RDA in 2004. It was developed from a cross between a pedigree of Daeyeop as a female and YCPL1846 as a male parent in 1994. 'Dayu' could be characterized by white flower color and brown grain color. Dayu shows 127 cm in plant height, and has lodging tolerance. Maturing date of 'Dayu' was October 6, which was similar with that of 'Saeyeopsil'. This new cultivar has high oil content with 48.5% and high linolenic acid in the fatty acid composition. The grain yield potential of 'Dayu' is about 1.44 MT/ha in the regional yield trial.

Relationship between Lodging and Agronomic Characters of Soybean Plant (대두의 도복 양상 및 관련 형질 연구)

  • Park, Kyeong-Yeol;Han, Young-Hee;Song, Su-Hyeun;Kim, Byeong-Hyeon;Ree, Dong-Woo
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.289-294
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    • 1990
  • This study was carried out to investigate the lodging patterns and the direct and indirect effects of several agronomic characters upon lodging of soybean plants. Most of the lodged plants had bent main stem above first stem node at higher plant density. Lodging was significantly correlated with plant height, internode length and shoot fresh weight in two soybean cultivars, Paldalkong and Jangyeobkong. Root fresh weight was also significantly correlated with lodging in Paldalkong, Jangyeobkong and Kwangkyo. Length of internode showed the greatest direct effect on lodging in Paldalkong and Jangyeobkong.

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Effects of Storage Temperature on Sprouting Ability and Growth Properties of Ginseng Seedlings for Cultivation of Ginseng Sprouts (묘삼의 저장온도가 새싹인삼 생육품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Eun Ha Chang;Ji Hyun Lee;Ji-Weon Choi;Sooyeon Lim;Haejo Yang;Il Sheob Shin
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2020.08a
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    • pp.79-79
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구는 새싹인삼(Panax ginseng sprout) 재배용으로 이용하기 위한 묘삼(종삼)의 장기 저온저장 시 저장온도가 묘삼의 새싹인삼으로의 생장과 품질에 미치는 영향을 조사하여 묘삼의 저장에 적합한 온도를 구명하고자 수행하였다. 2년생 묘삼을 50 ㎛ LDPE 필름에 100g씩 넣어 포장하였고 온도 0, -2, -4℃에서 10개월 동안 저장하면서 2개월 마다 꺼내어 5℃ 저장고로 이동하여 5~7일 온도순화처리를 거친 후 실험을 실시하였다. 1차 육안조사로 묘삼의 부패율과 2차 생육조사로 묘삼을 재식 후 새싹인삼으로 재배 후 생장 상태와 품질을 조사한 결과 저장 4개월 이후 묘삼의 생육조사 시 새싹인삼의 생장과 품질이 묘삼의 저장온도에 따라 유의적인 차이를 보였다. 즉, 저장 4개월 된 묘삼의 건전한 새싹인삼으로의 생장은 0℃ 저장 묘삼에서 58.3%, -2℃ 저장 묘삼에서 72.1%, -4℃ 저장 묘삼에서 37.2%로 조사되었고, 저장 8개월 된 묘삼은 0℃ 저장 묘삼에서 9.7%, -2℃ 저장 묘삼에서 54.3%, -4℃ 저장 묘삼에서 6.9%로 조사되었다. 특히 0℃ 저장 묘삼은 저장 2개월에 출아가 진행되었고 저장기간이 지날수록 출아된 싹이 동해의 피해를 받는 것으로 조사되었다. 묘삼의 생육특성인 엽장, 엽폭, 경장, 근장을 측정한 결과 -2℃에 저장된 묘삼의 엽폭과 경장의 길이가 유의적으로 긴 것으로 조사되어 새싹인삼 재배를 위한 묘삼의 적정 저장온도는 -2℃로 설정하였다.

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The Agronomic Growth Characteristics and Fatty Acid Composition in Genetics Resources of Rapeseed (유채(Brassica napus L.) 유전자원의 생육특성과 지방산 조성)

  • Kwang-Soo Kim;Ji Eun Lee;Young Lok Cha;Da Hee An;Dong Chil Chang
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2022.09a
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    • pp.83-83
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    • 2022
  • 유채(Brassica napus L.)는 가을에 파종하여 이듬해에 초여름에 수확하는 겨울작물로 종실 수량이 많고 종자의 조지방 함량이 높아 주로 기름을 생산하기 위해서 재배되고 있다. 우리나라에서 유채는 경관을 목적으로 주로 재배되며 면적은 약 5,000ha 정도 재배되고 있다. 최근에는 유채유 생산을 목적으로 전남 등 남부지방에서 재배면적이 증가하고 있다. 유채유의 대량 생산을 위해서는 재배과정의 생력기계화에 유리한 논 재배가 주로 이루어지고 있다. 따라서 유채의 육종은 논 재배 적응성이 뛰어나며, 벼와의 작부가 가능하며 봄 파종 재배가 가능한 조숙품종의 육성이 필요하며, 식용유로 이용이 가능한 지방산 조성이 우수한 품종의 육성도 필요하다. 본 연구는 농촌진흥청 농업유전자원센터에서 보유하고 있는 유채 유전자원 350점을 대상으로 작물학적 생육특성을 평가하였고 종자를 수확한 후 지방산 조성을 분석하였다. 생육특성은 경장 등 12항목을 유채 유전자원 특성조사 및 관리요령(RDA, 2011)을 기준으로 조사하였다. 가을에 파종하여 재배할 때 개화소요일수는 파종 후 137일부터 210일까지 소요되었으며, 봄 파종 재배 시에는 파종 후 65일부터 150일까지 개화가 진행되었고 개화가 되지 않은 계통이 67계통이었다. 경장은 85 ~ 211cm, 수장은 28 ~ 79cm, 분지수는 5 ~ 21개, 수당 협수는 29 ~ 106개, 협당 종자수는 18 ~ 35개 및 협장은 2.7 ~ 8.8cm로 다양하였다. 유채 유전자원의 지방산 중 올레산과 에루스산 함량은 각각 9.7 ~ 70.4% 및 0 ~ 54.7% 범위였다. 공시계료 중 IT 279089 등 3자원은 개화기가 빨라 조생종 육성에, IT279125 등 3자원은 올레산 함량이 68%이상으로 양질 지방산 품종 육성재료로 활용할 예정이다.

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