• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경상의료비

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Frequency of Clostridium difficile-associated Diarrhea and Relevant Medical Treatment in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Korea (3차 의료기관에서 Clostridium difficile-associated Diarrhea의 발생빈도 및 치료에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Hye-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.228-236
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    • 2011
  • 배경: 약물로 인한 Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD)는 널리 알려져 있으며 우리나라에서 항생제와 프로톤 펌프 억제제 소모량을 고려할 때 질환 치료과정에서의 CDAD 발생빈도 및 CDAD 유발 이전에 투여한 약물의 사용빈도와 CDAD의 치료방법을 조사할 필요성이 있다. 방법: 경상대학교 병원에서 2011년 1월부터 6월까지의 입원환자를 대상으로 대변 독소 검사에 의해 CDAD로 판명된 환자의 성별, 연령분포, 질환명, 입원병동, 재발률을 조사하였으며 CDAD 판명이전에 투여한 약제 및 CDAD 판명후 치료약제를 조사하였다. 결과: 연구기간 동안 CDAD 대변 독소 검사 의뢰된 환자수는 1,500명이었으며 CDAD 양성은 111명(9.3%)이었고, 재발은 29명(26.1%)이었다. CDAD를 주소로 입원한 환자는 17명 (15.3%)이었고, 나머지는 입원기간 중에 발생하였다. CDAD 양성인 환자의 연령대는 60대에서 32.4% (36/111명) 이었고, 내과병동에서 34.2%를 나타내었고, 재발률은 외과계 병동에서 41.4%로 가장 높게 나타났다. CDAD 환자의 17% (19/111명)은 항암제 투여 동안 발생하였으며 CDAD 발생 전 사용약물로는 세팔로스포린계 항생제가 162회로 가장 빈번하게 사용 되었으며, 히스타민2 수용체길항제 107회, 스테로이드 82회, 비 스테로이드 항염제 79회, 프로톤 펌프 억제제 77회, 하제 59회, 항암제가 33회 처방되었다. CDAD 치료약제로는 8종의 약제가 241회 처방 되었으며 metronidazole이 99회로 가장 빈번하게 사용되었고, vancomycin이 37회로 나타났다. 결론: 입원환자에 있어서 CDAD양성은 특히 고령의 암환자가 많아 항암제 투여 시에는 CDAD 발생에 주의해야 할것으로 보인다. CDAD의 치료약제로는 metronidazole이 vancomycin 보다 많이 사용되는 것으로 나타났다.

An Efficiency Evaluation of Gyeongnam Public Health Center by Data Envelopment Analysis (경남지역 보건소의 효율성 평가)

  • Chang, Dong-Min;Yang, Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.3563-3571
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    • 2011
  • In this research, we analyzed the efficiency of 20 public health centers of Gyeongnam Province during 2007-2009, so weakness of input and output factor were found. We used the CCR, BCC model of Data Envelopment Analysis as a method of evaluation, made a choice human resource as the input variable, made a selection the performance of public health care center, ward as the output variable. The results of this study show that the efficiency of 20 public health centers have got better because Government and Gyeongnam have provided administrative, financial support. It is expected that this research can give good information for effective management of public health centers.

A Study on the Health Status according to Sasang Constitutions for the Elderly in a Rural Community (농촌 지역 노인들의 사상체질에 따른 건강상태 조사연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Hun;Nam, Chul-Hyun
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.213-221
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    • 2004
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the health status, and disease distribution in the elderly according to their Sasang constitutions. Methods: A total of 196 elderly in Sungjugun Kyungsangbukdo were interviewed for this study. Data were collected from 1 July, 2002 to 31 July, 2002. Results: The distribution of constitutions of the subjects were So-yang 30.4%, So-eum 12.6%, Tae-eum 57.0% in elderly men, and So-yang 32.5%, So-eum 16.2%, Tae-yang 8.6%, Tae-eum 42.7% in elderly women. Especially, there are Tae-yang 8.6% in elderly women. Conclusions: Subjective health status according to Sasang constitutions, less of Tae-yang elderly reported that their health status was not well but more of these individual reported that their health status was good compared with other groups. On the other hand, more of So-eum elderly reported that their health status was not well but less of these individual reported that their health status was good compared with other groups.

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Performance State and Improvement Countermeasure of Primary Health Care Posts (보건진료소(保健診療所)와 업무실태(業務實態)와 개선방안(改善方案))

  • Park, Young-Hee;Kam, Sin;Han, Chang-Hyun;Cha, Byung-Jun;Kim, Tae-Woong;Gie, Jung-Aie;Kim, Byong-Guk
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.353-377
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    • 2000
  • This study was performed to investigate the performance state and improvement countermeasure of Primary Health care Posts(PHPs). The operation reports of PHPs(1996 330 PHPs, 1999 313 PHPs) located in Kyongsangbuk-Do and data collected by self-administered questionnaire survey of 280 community health practitioners(CHPs) were analyzed. The major results were as follows: Population per PHP in 1999 decreased in number compared with 1996. But population of the aged increased in number. The performance status of PHP in 1999 increased compared with 1996. A hundred forty one community health practitioners(50.4%) replied that the fiscal standing of PHP was good. Only 1.4% replied that the fiscal standing of PHP was difficult. For the degree of satisfaction in affairs, overall of community health practitioners felt proud. The degree of cooperation between PHP and public health institutions was high and the degree of cooperation of between PHP and private medical institutions was high. The degree of cooperation between PHP and Health Center was significantly different by age of CHP, the service period of CHP, and CHP's service period at present PHP. Over seventy percent of CHPs replied that they had cooperative relationship with operation council, village health workers, community organization. CHPs who drew up the paper on PHP's health activity plan were 96.4 % and only 11.4% of CHPs participated drawing up the report on the second community health plan. CHPs who grasped the blood pressure and smoking status of residents over 70% were 88.2%, 63.9% respectively and the grasp rate of blood pressure fur residents were significantly different according to age and educational level of CHP. CHPs received job education in addition continuous job education arid participated on research program in last 3 years were 27.5%, respectively. CHPs performed the return health program for residents in last 3years were 65.4%. Over 95% of CHPs replied that PHPs might be necessary and 53.9% of CHPs replied that the role of PHPs should be increased. CHPS indicated that major reasons of FHPs lockout were lack of understanding for PHP and administrative convenience, CHPs were officials in special government service governors intention of self-governing body. CHPs suggested number of population in health need such as the aged and patients with chronic disease, opinion of residents, population size, traffic situation and network in order as evaluation criteria for PHP and suggested results of health performance, degree of relationship with residents, results of medical examination anti treatment, ability for administration and affairs in order as evaluation criteria for CHP. CHPs replied that the important countermeasures for PHPs under standard were affairs improvement of PHPs and shifting of location to health weakness area in city. Over 50% of CHPs indicated that the most important thing for improvement of PHPs was affairs adjustment of CLIP. And CHPs suggested that health programs carried out in priority at PHP were management of diabetes mellitus and hypertention. home visiting health care, health care for the aged. The Affairs of BLIP should be adjusted to satisfy community health need and health programs such as management of diabetes mellitus and hypertention, home visiting health care, health care for the aged should be activated in order that PHPs become organization reflecting value system of primary health care.

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A Study on Knowledge of and Attitude to the Elderly among Some Dental Hygienist (일부 치과위생사의 노인에 대한 지식과 태도 연구)

  • Sim, Su-Hyun;Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the knowledge of dental hygienists about the elderly and their attitude toward them as dental hygienists played vital roles in oral health care for elderly patients. It's ultimately meant to help improve their right understanding of the elderly to provide quality oral health care service to the elderly population in preparation for an aging society. The subjects in this study were 241 dental hygienists, on whom a self-administered survey was implemented. After the collected data were analyzed, the following findings were given: They got a mean of $12.40{\pm}2.99$ out of possible 22 points on knowledge of the elderly. Their general characteristics and characteristics related to the elderly made no statistically significant differences to their knowledge. As for attitude toward the elderly, they got a mean of $3.13{\pm}0.28$. Concerning links between their general characteristics and attitude toward the elderly, the better-educated dental hygienists took a more favorable attitude to the elderly.

Impact of Renewable Energy on Extension of Vaccine Cold-chain: a case study in Nepal (신재생 에너지의 백신 콜드체인 확장 효과: 네팔 사례 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Soo;Mun, Jeong-Wook;Yu, Jongha;Kim, Min-Sik;Bhandari, Binayak;Bak, Jeongeun;Bhattachan, Anuj;Mogasale, Vittal;Chu, Won-Shik;Lee, Caroline Sunyong;Song, Chulki;Ahn, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of Appropriate Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 2020
  • Renewable energy (RE) is essential to comprise sustainable societies, especially, in rural villages of developing countries. Furthermore, application of off-grid RE systems to health care can improve the quality of life. In this research, a RE-based vaccination supply management system was constructed to enlarge the cold-chain in developing countries for the safe storage and delivery of vaccines. The system was comprised of the construction of RE plants and development of vaccine carriers. RE plants were constructed and connected to health posts in local villages. The cooling mechanism of vaccine carriers was improved and monitoring devices were installed. The effect of the system on vaccine cold-chain was evaluated from the field test and topographical analysis in the southern village of Nepal. RE plants were normally operated for the vaccine refrigerator in the health post. The modified vaccine carriers had a longer operation time and better temperature control via monitoring and RE-based recharging functionality. The topographical analysis estimated that the system can cover larger region. The system prototype showed great potential regarding the possibility of a sustainable and enlarged cold-chain. Thus, RE-based vaccine supply management is expected to facilitate vaccine availability while minimizing waste in the supply chain.

Dental Care Utilization pattern of City Residents (소도시(小都市) 주민(住民)의 치과의료(齒科醫療) 이용양상(利用樣相))

  • Park, Myung-Ja
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.67-79
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    • 1992
  • This study was conducted to analyze the dental care utilization pattern of the city residents. An interview and questionnaire survey was carried for 1008 people who lived in Kimchun-city, Kyungsangpook-do, from february 1 to March 30, 1992. The summarized results are as follows : The rate of persons who experienced the oral disease was 32.7 per 100 persons during 1 year and it was highest in the age group of 20$\sim$29. During 1 year period, 90.3% of the cases had treated the perceived oral disease, 9.7% had done no action. 65.8% had treated experienced oral disease at dental clinics. The rate of person who dad experienced dental prosthesis during ten-year period was 37.5% among 18year and older, and it was higher in male as compared to female and it was highest in age group of 40$\sim$64 year old. The rate of person who had treated dental prosthetics by the unauthorized illegally was 27.0%, and the reason for it was cheap-price free(44.2%). Of the person who dad treated dental prosthetics by the unauthorized illegally, 64.3% had satisfied and 4.3% had done out of use, while each was 80.1%, 2.7% at dental clinics. The rate of persons with missing teeth was 18.0%. Of the persons with missing teeth, 57.6% did not treat the missing teeth due to economic reason and 89.6% hopped treating the dental prosthetics at dental clinics. In consideration of above finding, we may conclude that oral health community program to prevent oral diseases should be intensified, oral health education to raise oral health knowledge should be performed periodically and the control of unlicensed activities should be enforce at community health center and allows benefits for prosthetics.

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Internal Changes and Countermeasure for Performance Improvement by Separation of Prescribing and Dispensing Practice in Health Center (의약분업(醫藥分業) 실시(實施)에 따른 보건소(保健所)의 내부변화(內部變化)와 업무개선방안(業務改善方案))

  • Jeong, Myeong-Sun;Kam, Sin;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.19-35
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to investigate the internal changes and the countermeasure for performance improvement by Separation of Prescribing and Dispensing Practice (SPDP) in Health Center. Data were collected from two sources: Performance report before and after SPDP of 25 Health Centers in Kyongsangbuk-do and 6 Health Centers in Daegu-City and self-administerd questionnaire survey of 221 officials at health center. The results of this study were summarized as follows: Twenty-four health centers(77.4%) of 31 health centers took convenience measures for medical treatment of citizens and convenience measures were getting map of pharmacy, improvement of health center interior, introduction of order communication system in order. After the SPDP in health centers, 19.4% of health centers increased doctors and 25.8% decreased pharmacists. 58.1% of health centers showed that number of medical treatments were decreased. 96.4%, 80.6% 80.6% 96.7% of health centers showed that number of prescriptions, total medical treatment expenses, amounts paid by the insureds and the expenses to purchase drugs, respectively, were decreased. More than fifty percent(54.2%) of health centers responded that the relative importance of health works increased compared to medical treatments after the SPDP, and number of patients decreased compared to those in before the SPDP. And there was a drastic reduction in number of prescriptions, total medical treatment expenses, amounts paid by insureds, the expenses to purchase drugs after the SPDP. Above fifty percent(57.6%) of officers at health center responded that the function of medical treatment should be reduced after the SPDP. Fields requested improvement in health centers were 'development of heath works contents'(62.4%), 'rearrangement of health center personnel'(51.6%), 'priority setting for health works'(48.4%), 'restructuring the organization'(36.2%), 'quality impro­vement for medical services'(32.1%), 'replaning the budgets'(23.1%) in order. And to better the image of health centers, health center officers replied that 'health information management'(60.7%), 'public relations for health center'(15.8%), 'kindness of health center officers'(15.3%) were necessary in order. Health center officers suggested that 'vaccination program', 'health promotion', 'maternal and children health', 'communicable disease management', 'community health planning' were relatively important works, in order, performed by health center after SPDP. In the future, medical services in health centers should be cut down with a momentum of the SPDP so that health centers might reestablish their functions and roles as public health organizations, but quality of medical services must be improved. Also health centers should pay attention to residents for improving health through 'vaccination program', 'health promotion', 'mother-children health', 'acute and chronic communicable disease management', 'community health planning', 'oral health', 'chronic degenerative disease management', etc. And there should be a differentiation of relative importance between health promotion services and medical treatment services by character of areas(metropolitan, city, county).

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Need Assessment for Enlargement of Oriental Medical Care Service Room in Rural Community Health Center (농촌지역 보건소 한방진료실 확대설치 요구도 및 관련요인 - 일개 군 보건소 한방진료실 내소자를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Dae-Feel;Song, Mi-Sook;Song, Hyun-Jong
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2003
  • Objectives: The oriental medical care has been getting popular in community health centers because of uniqueness, changing of disease patterns, and increasing of elderly population. From 1998, oriental medical doctors has been working in several rural community health centers for their military obligations. At this point of time, it is necessary to evaluate the oriental public health doctors system. This study was performed to investigate the utilization patterns, the degree of satisfactions, needs of oriental medical care service provided by community health center in a designated Gun area. This study focused on the need for extending over Myun area of community health center's oriental medical care services. Methods: Person-to-person interview survey method through a structured questionnaire was done by a personnel at a oriental medical care service room in a Gun community health center. The major statistical method used for the analysis were the t-test, ANOVA, and logistic analysis. Results: The total number of responded subjects in this study was 163 residents. Among these 65.0% were aged 61 or over, and only 13.5% recognized themselves were healthy. 73.7% of the respondents demanded establishment of more oriental medical care services provided by community health center to other Myun area. Factors affecting the need for enlargement of oriental medical care service room were education level, subjective awareness of access to community health center, and cost satisfaction of oriental medical service provided by community health center. Thus, a resident who had graduation of middle school achievement or above(OR=3.35), had a long way to center(OR=2.47), satisfied with oriental medical service cost(OR=2.78) had demonstrated increased chance of need by logistic regression analysis.

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Finite element analysis for acoustic and temperature characteristics of a piezoelectric HIFU transducer at 10 MHz (10 MHz용 압전 HIFU 트랜스듀서의 음향 및 온도 특성에 대한 유한요소해석)

  • Jong-Ho Kim;Il-Gok Hong;Ho-Yong Shin;Hyo-Jun Ahn;Jong-In Im
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.116-123
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    • 2023
  • A high intensity focuses ultrasound (HIFU) is one of the emerging technologies in the biomedical field. The piezoelectric HIFU transducer is a device that utilizes the thermal energy generated by high ultrasound energy. Recently an operating frequency of the HIFU transducer is to expand above a 7 MHz. In this study, the acoustic pressures and temperature distributions in the tissue that generated by the HIFU transducer at 10 MHz were calculated with the finite element method. In addition, the pressure focusing characteristics of the device were analyzed. The geometrical variables are the piezomaterial thickness, lens shape, water height, and film thickness. The results shown that the acoustic pressure increased and saturated gradually when the height/radius (HL/RL) ratio of the lens increased. Moreover, the focal area was gradually decreases with HL/RL ratio of the lens. In case of the optimized HIFU transducer, the maximum pressure and temperature were analyzed about 19 MPa and 65℃ respectively. And the -3 dB focused distances in the axial and lateral direction are around 2.3 mm and 0.23 mm respectively.