• Title/Summary/Keyword: 결함 관리 기법

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Design of Truck Escape Ramps (자동차 긴급 피난 차선의 계획 설계)

  • 구본충
    • Journal of the Korean Professional Engineers Association
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.54-75
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    • 1995
  • This synthesis has been prepared from a review of literature on Truck Escape Ramps technology and a survey of current practice by state department of transportation. Their locations have been determined usually from a combination of accident experience and en-gineering judgement, but new tools are emerging that can identify needs and sites without waiting for catastrophic accidents to happen. The Grade Severity Rating Systems holds promise in this regard. Design Procedures for truck excape ramps continue to evolve. Gravel arrester beds are clearly the preferred choice across the country Rounded aggregate, uniformly graded in the approximate size range of 13 to 18mm. Tech-nical publications typically have dassified TER types as paved gravity, sandpile, and ar-rester bed ramps. The design speed for vehicle entry into the ramp in critical to the deter-mination of ramp length. An escape ramp should be designed for a minimum entry speed of 130km/hr, a 145km/hr design being preferred. The ramps should be straight and their angle to the roadway align-ment should be as possible. The grade of truck escape ramps show the adjustment of ramp design to local topography, such as the tradeoff of ramp length against earthwork requirements. A width of 9 to 12m would more safety acommodate two or more outof con-trol vehicles. Reguarding comments on the most effective material, most respondents cited their own specification or referred to single graded, rounded pea gravel. The consensus essentially Is that single graded, well -rounded gravel is the most desirable material for use in arrester beds. The arrester beds should be constructed with a minimum aggregate depth of 30cm. Successful ramps have used depths between 30 and 90cm.

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Manufacturing process and food safety analysis of sous-vide production for small and medium sized manufacturing companies: Focusing on the Korean HMR market (중소규모 생산업체의 수비드 제품 생산을 위한 공정 및 안전성 분석: 한국 HMR 시장 중심으로)

  • Choi, Eugene;Shin, Weon Sun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2020
  • The present study identified the restrictions on the use of sous-vide products in the Korean HMR market for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies. A detailed literature review revealed that the HMR market in Korea is close to saturation. Notably, the technologically advanced products produced using sous-vide seem to display significant potential to overcome market saturation. The sous-vide method differs from conventional cooking techniques and is characterized by maintenance of food texture along with flavor enhancement. However, due to the unfamiliarity of the manufacturers with this method and the unclear food safety regulations, mass food manufacturing companies do not agree on using this method; hence, sous-vide production is usually undertaken by small/medium sized companies catering primarily through online marketing portals. This study highlights the various restrictions to the implementation of sous-vide production, and discusses several practical implications of sous-vide production that would help users of this technique enter the HMR market.

Development of Quality Assurance Program for the On-board Imager Isocenter Accuracy with Gantry Rotation (갠트리 회전에 의한 온-보드 영상장치 회전중심점의 정도관리 프로그램 개발)

  • Cheong, Kwang-Ho;Cho, Byung-Chul;Kang, Sei-Kwon;Kim, Kyoung-Joo;Bae, Hoon-Sik;Suh, Tae-Suk
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.212-223
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    • 2006
  • Positional accuracy of the on-board imager (OBI) isocenter with gantry rotation was presented in this paper. Three different type of automatic evaluation methods of discrepancies between therapeutic and OBI isocenter using digital image processing techniques as well as a procedure stated in the customer acceptance procedure (CAP) were applied to check OBI isocenter migration trends. Two kinds of kV x-ray image set obtained at OBI source angle of $0^{\circ},\;90^{\circ},\;180^{\circ},\;270^{\circ}$ and every $10^{\circ}$ and raw projection data for cone-beam CT reconstruction were used for each evaluation method. Efficiencies of the methods were also estimated. If a user needs to obtain an isocenter variation map with full gantry rotation, a method taking OBI image for every $10^{\circ}$ and fitting with 5th order polynomial was appropriate. However for a mere quality assurance (QA) purpose of OBI isocenter accuracy, it was adequate to use only four OBI Images taken at the OBI source angle of $0^{\circ},\;90^{\circ},\;180^{\circ}\;and\;270^{\circ}$. Maximal discrepancy was 0.44 mm which was observed between the OBI source angle of $90^{\circ}\;and\;180^{\circ}$ OBI isocenter accuracy was maintained below 0.5 mm for a year. Proposed QA program may be helpful to Implement a reasonable routine QA of the OBI isocenter accuracy without great efforts.

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Effects on the Pine Mushroom Yield of Controlling Environmental Conditions at the Pine Stands in Namwoon, Korea (남원(南原) 소재(所在) 소나무림(林)의 환경조절(環境調節) 처리(處理)가 송이 발생량(發生量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Park, Hyun;Kim, Se Hyoun;Kim, Kyo Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.86 no.3
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    • pp.399-404
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    • 1997
  • This paper is presenting a practical result of environmental manipulation effect on pine mushroom Tricholoma matsutake yield and a discussion of key factor seeking for improving pine mushroom production by analyzing the effects on mushroom yield for 10 years with applying five kinds of environmental control at the pine stands located in Namwon, Chollabuk-do, Korea. The environmental controls included density control and forest floor manipulations, and the treatments were applied during early summer of 1983. The mushroom yield itself did not show statistically significant differences among the treatments. But, we could manifest the treatment effects by calculating the relative yield in percent on the basis of pretreatment yield collected in 1982. The forest floor manipulation with density control may affect pine mushroom yield in short term, and continuous management should be applied to keep and improve the mushroom production. The fine root activity was the most important factor of pine mushroom production at the Namwon research site since the floor raking resulted in the largest effect on the mushroom yield although the environmental condition for the growth of fungi is important for pine mushroom production. In addition, the pine mushroom forest with sandy soils demands adequate litter layer since the litter removal showed relatively detrimental effects on pine mushroom yield compared to that in litter covered plot at the research site. That is, soil texture should be considered for forest floor manipulation, and it is reconfirmed that the environmental control to improve pine mushroom production should be applied differently by each region.

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2-D/3-D Seismic Data Acquisition and Quality Control for Gas Hydrate Exploration in the Ulleung Basin (울릉분지 가스하이드레이트 2/3차원 탄성파 탐사자료 취득 및 품질관리)

  • Koo, Nam-Hyung;Kim, Won-Sik;Kim, Byoung-Yeop;Cheong, Snons;Kim, Young-Jun;Yoo, Dong-Geun;Lee, Ho-Young;Park, Keun-Pil
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2008
  • To identify the potential area of gas hydrate in the Ulleung Basin, 2-D and 3-D seismic surveys using R/V Tamhae II were conducted in 2005 and 2006. Seismic survey equipment consisted of navigation system, recording system, streamer cable and air-gun source. For reliable velocity analysis in a deep sea area where water depths are mostly greater than 1,000 m and the target depth is up to about 500 msec interval below the seafloor, 3-km-long streamer and 1,035 $in^3$ tuned air-gun array were used. During the survey, a suite of quality control operations including source signature analysis, 2-D brute stack, RMS noise analysis and FK analysis were performed. The source signature was calculated to verify its conformity to quality specification and the gun dropout test was carried out to examine signature changes due to a single air gun's failure. From the online quality analysis, we could conclude that the overall data quality was very good even though some seismic data were affected by swell noise, parity error, spike noise and current rip noise. Especially, by checking the result of data quality enhancement using FK filtering and missing trace restoration technique for the 3-D seismic data inevitably contaminated with current rip noises, the acquired data were accepted and the field survey could be conducted continuously. Even in survey areas where the acquired data would be unsuitable for quality specification, the marine seismic survey efficiency could be improved by showing the possibility of noise suppression through onboard data processing.

Analysis of Evaluator's Role and Capability for Institution Accreditation Evaluation of NCS-based Vocational Competency Development Training (NCS 기반 직업능력개발훈련 기관인증평가를 위한 평가자의 역할과 역량 분석)

  • Park, Ji-Young;Lee, Hee-Su
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.131-153
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to derive evaluator's role and capability for institution accreditation evaluation of NCS-based vocational competency development training. This study attempted to explore in various ways evaluator's minute roles using Delphi method, and to derive knowledge, skill, attitude and integrity needed to verify the validity. To the end, this study conducted the Delphi research for over three rounds by selecting education training professionals and review evaluation professions as professional panels. From the results, roles of evaluators were defined as the total eight items including operator, moderator-mediator, cooperator, analyzer, verifier, institution evaluator, institution consultant, and learner, and the derived capabilities with respect to each role were 25 items in total. The area of knowledge included four items of capabilities such as HRD knowledge, NCS knowledge, knowledge of vocational competency development training, and knowledge of training institution accreditation evaluation, and the area of skill comprised fourteen items of capabilities such as conflict management ability, interpersonal relation ability, word processing ability, problem-solving ability, analysis ability, pre-preparation ability, time management ability, decision making ability, information comprehension and utilization ability, comprehensive thinking ability, understanding ability of vocational competency development training institutions, communication ability, feedback ability, and core understanding ability. The area of attitude was summarized with the seven items in total including subjectivity and fairness, service mind, sense of calling, ethics, self-development, responsibility, and teamwork. The knowledge, skill and attitude derived from the results of this study may be utilized to design and provide education programs conducive to qualitative and systematic accreditation and assessment to evaluators equipped with essential prerequisites. It is finally expected that this study will be helpful for designing module education programs by ability and for managing evaluator's quality in order to perform pre-service education and in-service education according to evaluator's experience and role.

Research on ITB Contract Terms Classification Model for Risk Management in EPC Projects: Deep Learning-Based PLM Ensemble Techniques (EPC 프로젝트의 위험 관리를 위한 ITB 문서 조항 분류 모델 연구: 딥러닝 기반 PLM 앙상블 기법 활용)

  • Hyunsang Lee;Wonseok Lee;Bogeun Jo;Heejun Lee;Sangjin Oh;Sangwoo You;Maru Nam;Hyunsik Lee
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.471-480
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    • 2023
  • The Korean construction order volume in South Korea grew significantly from 91.3 trillion won in public orders in 2013 to a total of 212 trillion won in 2021, particularly in the private sector. As the size of the domestic and overseas markets grew, the scale and complexity of EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) projects increased, and risk management of project management and ITB (Invitation to Bid) documents became a critical issue. The time granted to actual construction companies in the bidding process following the EPC project award is not only limited, but also extremely challenging to review all the risk terms in the ITB document due to manpower and cost issues. Previous research attempted to categorize the risk terms in EPC contract documents and detect them based on AI, but there were limitations to practical use due to problems related to data, such as the limit of labeled data utilization and class imbalance. Therefore, this study aims to develop an AI model that can categorize the contract terms based on the FIDIC Yellow 2017(Federation Internationale Des Ingenieurs-Conseils Contract terms) standard in detail, rather than defining and classifying risk terms like previous research. A multi-text classification function is necessary because the contract terms that need to be reviewed in detail may vary depending on the scale and type of the project. To enhance the performance of the multi-text classification model, we developed the ELECTRA PLM (Pre-trained Language Model) capable of efficiently learning the context of text data from the pre-training stage, and conducted a four-step experiment to validate the performance of the model. As a result, the ensemble version of the self-developed ITB-ELECTRA model and Legal-BERT achieved the best performance with a weighted average F1-Score of 76% in the classification of 57 contract terms.

Functional MRI of Visual cortex in the Patients with Occipital Lobe Ischemia (후두엽의 허혈성 뇌졸중 환자에서 시각피질의 기능적 자기공명영상)

  • 이영준;정태섭;윤영수;한승한;조영재;배준호
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.173-178
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : To evaluate the usefulness of functional MRI (fMRI) of visual cortex in patients with ischemic infarction in the occipital lobe. Materials and Methods : Four patients with the symptoms and signs of visual cortical ischemia were included. Functional MRI was performed by 2D-FLASH technique with the parameter of 90/56msec TR/TE, $40^{\circ}$ flip angle, $240{\times}240{\;}FOV,{\;}64{\times}128$ matrix number, 8.32 seconds acquisition time, 8mm slice thickness. An axial slice including both visual cortices was selected and alternative activation and resting of the visual cortex was performed using red color photostimulator. all patients undertook visual field test, and vascular abnormality was examined by MRA (n=4) and DSA (n=2). fMRI results were compared with the results of a visual field test, conventional MRI and cerebral angiography. Results : On fMRI, decreased activity of the visual cortex was found in the occipital lobe corresponding to stenosis of the posterior cerebral artery or its branch noted on angiogram. However, 2 of 4 patients showed no abnormal findings on conventional MRI. Visual field defect was noted in 3 patients, one and of whom showed no abnormality on conventional MRI and diffusion-weighted image, but revealed decreased activity in the corresponding visual cortex on fMRI. Conclusion : fMRI may be a sensitive method for detection of the status of decreased blood flow or vascular reserve which other methods can not.

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Scaling of the Individual Differences to Cognize the Image of the City - Focusing on Seong-Nam- (개인차 척도법을 이용한 도시 이미지 인지 경향 연구 - 성남시를 중심으로 -)

  • Byeon, Jae-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.83-99
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    • 2008
  • Images of Seong-Nam appears different according to diverse conditions. This study was intended to analyze the differences of cognition by personal characteristics such as age, gender, location, and period when an individual evaluates an urban image. This research focused on the interpretation of the visualized results from Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) and Individual Difference Scaling (INDSCAL) with two questionnaires. This study can be summarized as follows: 1. Namhan Sansung was ranked as the first symbolic property by citizens in Seong-Nam. Next was Yuldong Park, followed by Bundang Central Park, Seohyun Station including Samsung Plaza, and, finally, Moran Market. This trend also similarly appeared in the selection of preferred places. 2. There were no statistical differences in trends of choice of symbolic landmarks and preferred places according to age, gender, and period; however, there were meaningful differences according to location. 3. The total image of Seong-Nam was positioned to be separated from images of other districts and landmarks on the image spatial plot by MDS; however, images of the old and new district were plotted close to symbolic landmarks where located around each district. 4. INDSCAL illustrated that men weighted the historical meaning while women weighted preference and city size when evaluating an urban image. On the other hand, there was no difference in cognitive trends according to age, location, and period. Until now, an individual difference in the cognition and evaluation of an urban image was a socially accepted notion. However, this study verified the difference according to personal characteristics and developed a practical tool to analyze an individual cognition trend about a city image.

Development and Validation of Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction to Determine Squid Species Based on 16s rRNA Gene (오징어류 종 판별을 위한 다중 유전자 검사법 개발 및 검증)

  • Kim, Hyunsu;Seo, Yong Bae;Choi, Seong-Seok;Kim, Jin-Hee;Shin, Jiyoung;Yang, Ji-Young;Kim, Gun-Do
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2015
  • In this study, single PCR and multiplex PCR tests were examined for identification of four types of squid species (giant squid, cuttlefish, octopus, beka squid) purchased from fish market as well as aquatic processed products in Busan. To design the specific primers against each species, the nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial 16s rRNA gene of Architeuthis dux, Todarodes pacificus, Enteroctopus dofleini, Enteroctopus megalocyathus, Uroteuthis chinensis, Uroteuthis duvauceli, Uroteuthis edulis groups were analyzed for the identification of each species registered in the GeneBank (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) and have been used for comparative analysis. In order to obtain the size variation of amplified fragments on multiplex PCR, we designed KOJ-F, OJ-F, OCT-F, HAN-F, ALLR primers for each species. The optimal PCR conditions and primers were selected for four types of squid species to determine target base sequences in its PCR products. In the case of single PCR, giant squid was only amplified by KOJ-F/ALLR primer; cuttlefish was only amplified by OJ-F/ALLR primer; octopus was only amplified by OCT-F/ALLR primer; and beka squid was only amplified by HAN-F/ALLR primer. For multiplex PCR, the mixture of four kinds of genomic DNA (giant squid, cuttlefish, octopus, beka squid) been prepared as a template and used together with the mixture of KOJ-F/OJ-F/OCT-F/HAN-F/ALLR primers in the reaction. By the multiplex PCR, it is confirmed that four samples are correspond to multiple simultaneous amplicon. Finally, we validated the established methods of multiplex PCR in the aquatic processed products. Although the mitochondrial 16s rRNA primers used in this study was useful as a marker for detection of each species among them, the study indicated that the established multiplex PCR method can be more useful tool for monitoring the processed products.