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Preparation of Students for Future Challenge (미래의 요구에 부응하는 미래를 위한 간호교육)

  • Kim Euisook
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.20 no.4 s.112
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    • pp.50-59
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    • 1981
  • 간호학생들이 당연하고 있는 문제점 미래의 간호학생들이 교육문제를 논하기 위하여는 간호학생들이 가지고 있는 문제점을 파악하고 또 이해하는 것이 우선순위가 될 것이다. 간호학생들이 문제점에 대한 연구는 한국에서 뿐아니라 미국에서도 꽤 많이 시행되어져 왔으며 특히 간호학과정에서 중간 탈락되는 중퇴자들에 대한 연구들 중에 이러한 문제점에 대해서 언급한 것이 많다. 고등학교를 졸업하고 곧 대학과정에 진학한 학생들을 대상으로 조사 보고될 Munro의 자료에 의하면 전문대학과정에서 27$\%$, 대학과정에서는 41$\%$의 간호학생들이 간호학과정에서 중간 탈락하고 있음이 보고되고 있다. 이들이 중간탈락하는 데에는 여러 가지 이유가 있으나 그 중 ''간호학에 흥미를 잃어서''가 가장 큰 이유로 보고되고 있다. 이곳 한국사회에서도 역시 비슷한 현상을 보이고 있다. 그러나 대학입시경쟁과 대학내에서의 전과가 거의 허용되지 않는 특수여건이기 때문에 학교를 중간 탈락하는 율은 미국이 보고만큼 높지는 않으나 역시 ''간호학에 흥미를 잃는다''는 것이 간호학생들의 가장 큰 문제점으로 대두되고 있다. 최근 한국에서 시행된 간호학생들에 관한 연구(표 1 참조)에 의하면 간호학생들의 학문에 대한 만족도는 조사자의 35$\~$50$\%$정도에 불과하였고 더우기 이 비율은 고학년에 올라갈수록 더욱 감소되고 있는 경향을 보이고 있다. 한국에서 시행된 어느 연구보고에 의하면 간호학에 실망했다고 생각하는 학생이 전체의 67$\%$였으며, 다른 학교로 전과를 희망한 경험이 있다는 학생이 71$\%$나 되는 것으로 보고되고 있다. 그러나 왜 흥미를 잃게 되는지 그 이유에 대하여 설명해 주는 연구는 많지 않았다. 미국의 한 저자는 간호학생들이 간호학에 흥미를 잃게 되는 원인을 간호원의 역할에 대한 이해가 정확하지 못한 것과 졸업 후 진로기회에 대한 인식부족 때문이라고 추측하고 있다. 간호학에 흥미를 잃게 되는 이유는 크게 다음의 세 가지로 분류 요약될 수 있다. 첫째, 간호학을 전공으로 택한 동기이다. 간호학의 특수성으로 인하여 학생들이 간호학을 전공으로 택한 동기도 다른 전공분야보다는 훨씬 다른 여러 종류를 보이고 있다. 즉, 종교적 이유, 다른 사람들에게 봉사할 수 있는 직업이기 때문에, 쉽게 취업을 할 수 있어서, 결혼 후에도 직업을 가질 수 있기 때문에, 외국으로 쉽게 취업할 수 있어서 등이 간호학을 선택한 이유로 보고되고 있다. 흥미나 적성에 맞다고 생각하기 때문에 간호학을 택한 학생의 수는 다른 과에 비하여 훨씬 적다. 이러한 흥미나 적성 때문이 아닌 여러 가지 다른 이유들로 인하여 간호학을 택한 경우에 특히 간호학에 쉽게 흥미를 잃어버리는 것을 볼 수 있다. 간호학에 현실적인 개념을 가지고 있는 학생들일수록 추상적이고 현실적인 개념을 가지고 있는 학생들보다 더 간호학에 지속적인 흥미를 가지며 중간에 탈락하는 율이 훨씬 적다는 것이 많은 연구에서 보고되었다. 또한 흥미나 적성 때문에 간호학을 택하였다는 학생들이 다른 과로 전과를 희망하는 율이 낮다는 것도 보고되었다. 둘째, 교과내용자체나 실습에 대한 불만족이다. 간호학에 대한 체계적인 교과내용의 결여, 과중한 과제물, 임상실습에서의 욕구불만, 실습으로 인한 부담, 지식과 실습의 차이점에 대한 갈등 등이 주요 이유로 보고되고 있다. 대부분의 연구들이 이 교과목이나 실습에 대한 불만족, 특히 실습경험에서의 갈등을 학생들이 흥미를 잃는 가장 중요한 요인이 되는 것으로 보고하고 있다. 어느 한 연구에서는 응답자의 90$\%$가 임상실습에 만족하지 못한다고 응답하였으며 그들 중의 88$\%$가 실습감독에 문제가 있다고 생각한다고 보고하였다. 셋째, 교수들에 대한 불만족이다. 대부분의 연구들이 학년이 올라가면 갈수록 교수에 대한 신뢰도가 낮아지며 또한 그에 비례하여 간호학에 대한 만족도가 낮아진다고 보고하고 있다. 교육내용에 대한 전문지식의 결여, 학생들과의 인간적인 관계의 결여, 교수법에 대한 불만족 등이 교수에 대한 불만의 주요내용으로 보고되었다. 미래의 간호에 부응할 학생교육 계속적인 사회적 변동과 더불어 급격하게 변화하고 있는 일반인들의 건강에 대한 요구도와 앞에서 기술한 문제점 등을 감안할 때 학생들에게 동기를 부여하고 간호학에 확신감을 가질 수 있도록 준비시키므로써 간호환경에서 실망하기보다는 오히려 그것을 받아들여 변화하는 사회요구에 책임감을 느낄 수 있도록 교육시키는 것이 미래의 간호학생을 준비시키는데 가장 중요한 요인이라고 할 수 있겠다. 이러한 교육을 위하여 다음의 두가지 안을 제시한다. 1. 교수와 학생간의 관계-서로의 좋은 동반자 : 교수들이 학생에게 미치는 영향, 특히 학생들의 성취도에 대한 영향에 대하여는 이미 많은 연구가 시행되었다. Tetreault(1976)가 간호학생들의 전문의식에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대하여 연구한 바에 의하면 다른 어느 것보다도 교수의 전문의식여부가 학생들의 전문의식 조성에 가장 큰 영향을 미친다고 하였다. 또한 학생들이 교수에게 신뢰감을 가지고 있을때, 교수들이 전문가로서의 행동을 하는 것을 보았을때 비로서 배움이 증가된다고 하였다. Banduras는 엄격하고 무서운 교수보다는 따뜻하고 인간적인 교수에게 학생들이 더 Role Model로서 모방하려는 경향을 나타낸다고 보고 하였다. 그러면 어떻게 학생에게 신뢰받는 교수가 될 수 있겠는가? apos;학생들의 요구에 부응할 때apos;라고 한마디로 표현할 수 있을 것이다. Lussier(1972)가 언급한 것처럼 학생들의 요구에 부응하지 못하는 교육은 Piaget이 언급한 교육의 기본 목표, 즉 개인에게 선배들이 한 것을 그대로 반복하여 시행하도록 하는 것이 아니라 새로운 것을 시도할 수 있는 능력을 가지게 하는 목표에는 도달할 수 없으며 이러한 목표는 간호학에도 가장 기본이 되어야 할 기본목표이기 때문이다. 학생들이 현재 어떤 요구를 가지고 있으며 또 어떤 생각을 하고 있는지 계속 파악하고 있는 것이 학생요구에 부응하는 교육을 할 수 있는 기본조건이 될 것이다. 의외로 많은 교수들이 학생들을 이해하고 있다고 생각하고 있으나 잘못 이해하고 있는 경우가 많다. 표 2는 현 간호학생들이 생각하고 있는 가치관과 문제점을 파악하고 또 교수가 그 가치관과 문제점을 어느 정도 파악하고 있는지 알아보기 위하여 일개 4년제 대학 200여명의 학생과 그 대학에 근무하는 18명의 교수진을 대상으로 질문한 결과를 간략하게 보고한 것이다. 또한 여기에서 학생이 보고하는 가치관, 문제점, 교수에게 바라는 점이 교수가 이해하고 있는 것과 차이가 있다는 것도 보여주고 있다. 우리가 학생들의 요구를 파악할 수 있도록 귀를 기울이고 이해하며, 그 요구에 부응하려고 노력할때 진정한 교수와 학생간의 관계가 이루어질 수 있을 것이며 이때 비로서 우리는 apos;partnershipapos;을 이룰 수 있을 것이다. 이때 간호학에 대한 실망은 줄어들 수 있을 것이며 우리도 학생들에게 전문가적인 태도를 함양시켜줄 수 있는 기회를 부여할 수 있을 것이다. 이렇게 될때 앞으로 기다리고 있는 미지의 의무에 효과적으로 또 적극적으로 대처할 수 있는 자질을 형성한 학생들을 준비해 낼 수 있을 것이다. 2. 간호모델에 의한 교과과정의 확립과 임상실습에의 적용 : 교과과정이 학생들의 모양을 만들어주는 하나의 기본틀이라고 말할 수 있다면 미래의 요구에 부응하는 학생들을 준비시키기 위하여 지금까지와는 다른 새로운 방향의 교과과정이 필요하다는 것은 재론할 필요가 없을 것이다. 이미 진취적인 간호대학에서는 guided design systems approach 또는 integrated curriculum 등의 새로운 교과과정을 시도하고 있음은 알려진 사실이다. 물론 간호모델에 준한 교과과정을 발전시키는데 대한 장점과 이에 수반되는 여러가지 새로운 문제점에 대하여 많은 논란이 있으나 모든 교과과정이 처음 시도될 때부터 완전한 것이 있을 수 없으며 시간이 지남에 따라 성숙되는 것임을 감안해 볼 때 이러한 새로운 교과과정에의 시도는 미래의 새로운 간호방향에 필수적인 사업이라고 하겠다. 이러한 교과과정을 개발하는데 몇가지 게안점을 첨부하려 한다. (1) 새로운 교과과정의 개발은 처음부터 끝까지 모든 교수진의 협력과 참여로 이루어져야 한다. (2) 비록 처음에는 어렵고 혼란이 있더라도 교과과정은 의학모델이 아닌 간호모델을 중심으로 이루어져야 한다. (3) 간호모델에서 다루어지는 개념들은 모두 직접 간호업무에 적용될 수 있는 것으로 선택되어야 한다. (4) 교과과정의 결과로 배출되는 학생들의 준비정도는 그 지역사회에 적합하여야 한다. (5) 그 지역사회의 고유한 문화적 요소가 포함되어야 한다. 아직 우리는 간호분야 내부의 갈등을 해결하지 못하고 있는 시기에 있다. 우리 내부의 문제점을 잘 해결할 수 있을때 외부와의 갈등에 잘 대처할 수 있을 것이다. 내부의 갈등을 잘 해결하기 위한 힘을 모으기 위하여는 동반자, 즉 교수와 학생, 간호교육자와 임상간호원 등이 서로 진정한 의미의 동반자 될때 가장 중요한 해결의 실마리가 될 것이다.

  • PDF

Individual Thinking Style leads its Emotional Perception: Development of Web-style Design Evaluation Model and Recommendation Algorithm Depending on Consumer Regulatory Focus (사고가 시각을 바꾼다: 조절 초점에 따른 소비자 감성 기반 웹 스타일 평가 모형 및 추천 알고리즘 개발)

  • Kim, Keon-Woo;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.171-196
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    • 2018
  • With the development of the web, two-way communication and evaluation became possible and marketing paradigms shifted. In order to meet the needs of consumers, web design trends are continuously responding to consumer feedback. As the web becomes more and more important, both academics and businesses are studying consumer emotions and satisfaction on the web. However, some consumer characteristics are not well considered. Demographic characteristics such as age and sex have been studied extensively, but few studies consider psychological characteristics such as regulatory focus (i.e., emotional regulation). In this study, we analyze the effect of web style on consumer emotion. Many studies analyze the relationship between the web and regulatory focus, but most concentrate on the purpose of web use, particularly motivation and information search, rather than on web style and design. The web communicates with users through visual elements. Because the human brain is influenced by all five senses, both design factors and emotional responses are important in the web environment. Therefore, in this study, we examine the relationship between consumer emotion and satisfaction and web style and design. Previous studies have considered the effects of web layout, structure, and color on emotions. In this study, however, we excluded these web components, in contrast to earlier studies, and analyzed the relationship between consumer satisfaction and emotional indexes of web-style only. To perform this analysis, we collected consumer surveys presenting 40 web style themes to 204 consumers. Each consumer evaluated four themes. The emotional adjectives evaluated by consumers were composed of 18 contrast pairs, and the upper emotional indexes were extracted through factor analysis. The emotional indexes were 'softness,' 'modernity,' 'clearness,' and 'jam.' Hypotheses were established based on the assumption that emotional indexes have different effects on consumer satisfaction. After the analysis, hypotheses 1, 2, and 3 were accepted and hypothesis 4 was rejected. While hypothesis 4 was rejected, its effect on consumer satisfaction was negative, not positive. This means that emotional indexes such as 'softness,' 'modernity,' and 'clearness' have a positive effect on consumer satisfaction. In other words, consumers prefer emotions that are soft, emotional, natural, rounded, dynamic, modern, elaborate, unique, bright, pure, and clear. 'Jam' has a negative effect on consumer satisfaction. It means, consumer prefer the emotion which is empty, plain, and simple. Regulatory focus shows differences in motivation and propensity in various domains. It is important to consider organizational behavior and decision making according to the regulatory focus tendency, and it affects not only political, cultural, ethical judgments and behavior but also broad psychological problems. Regulatory focus also differs from emotional response. Promotion focus responds more strongly to positive emotional responses. On the other hand, prevention focus has a strong response to negative emotions. Web style is a type of service, and consumer satisfaction is affected not only by cognitive evaluation but also by emotion. This emotional response depends on whether the consumer will benefit or harm himself. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm the difference of the consumer's emotional response according to the regulatory focus which is one of the characteristics and viewpoint of the consumers about the web style. After MMR analysis result, hypothesis 5.3 was accepted, and hypothesis 5.4 was rejected. But hypothesis 5.4 supported in the opposite direction to the hypothesis. After validation, we confirmed the mechanism of emotional response according to the tendency of regulatory focus. Using the results, we developed the structure of web-style recommendation system and recommend methods through regulatory focus. We classified the regulatory focus group in to three categories that promotion, grey, prevention. Then, we suggest web-style recommend method along the group. If we further develop this study, we expect that the existing regulatory focus theory can be extended not only to the motivational part but also to the emotional behavioral response according to the regulatory focus tendency. Moreover, we believe that it is possible to recommend web-style according to regulatory focus and emotional desire which consumers most prefer.

A study on the establishment and regional strunture of Seoul metropolitan region (서울대도시권역의 설정과 지역구조에 관한 연구)

  • ;;Lee, Hee-Yeon;Song, Jong-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.35-56
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    • 1995
  • During the last two decades, Korea has achieved remarkable economic growth. In this process the nation has become urbanized and industrialized. But we have also encountered widening regional disparity, housing shortage of larger cities, transportation congestion, environmental pollution and many other problems. Rapid increasing urbanization and continuous migration toward Seoul since the late 1960s have been one of the major concerns of government. Government has sought ways to moderate the population increase in Seoul. The regulation which include new town development near Seoul and dispersion strategies of higher education and other administration and living facilities outside of Seoul havemade a great expansion of the spatial influence of Seoul city. Seoul metropolitan reaion has evolved as the most powerful center of political and economical spaces. Generally within a metropolitan region, there exists a growing mutual interdependence economically, as well as socially between a central city and its surrounding area. Seoul metropolitan region manifests itself not only as a coherent system of urbanized regions, but also as an integral part of the daily urban system. The surrounding Gyunggi province and Seoul city become closely linked both economically and functionally, constituting true functlonai urban system. This study is primarily undertaken with the purpose of delineation of the sphere of influence of Seoul city in 1990. At the time of 1985, Seoul metropolitan region was delineated according to the result of the study which was performed by Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements. Afterward, the rapid speed of metropolitanization process with dramatic increase in mobility through the provision of wider transportation system across the Capital region have evolved, resulting in the great expansion of the spatial influence of Seoul city. So this study examines the expanded area of Seoul metropolitan regin during the period of 1985-90. In order to delineate Seoul metropolitan region, the indices of urbanization and functional linkage are selected. Variables included in the measurement of the urbanization level are agricultural structure, population characteristics, manufacturing and service industries, and cultural aspects such as newspaper circulation, the ratio of car ownership and piped water supply. Variables included in the measurement of functional linkage are commuting, shopping pattern, centralized service such as medical facilities and trade of agricultural products. The standardization method and factor analysis are employed in making the delineation of Seoul metropolitan region. According to the result of this study, 2 cities, 8 Eups and 46 Myuns are included Seoul metropolitan region in 1990. If we compare this delineated area in 1990 to that of 1985, we can find the distinctive pattern of expanded axes according to the main transportation routes such as Seoul-Suweon, Seoul-Gwangju, Seoul-Incheon. In 199O, all the Gyunggi province, except a few Myuns located at the north and northwest part of Gyunggi province, are included in Seoul metropolitan region. Furthermore, this study attempts to the analysis of regional structure of Seoul metropolitan region according to the functional characteristics of each city and Gun. Variables included in this analysis are the new residential function, manufacturing function, service function, education and infermation function, public facility function and agricultural function. Factor analysis and cluster analysis are employed in making regionalization. Seoul metropolitan reaion is subdivided into four subregions which reflect different functional specialization. The first group is the specialized region of newly formed residential function. The second group is the specialized reaion of manufacturing function. The third group is the specialized region of service function. And the fourth group has little specialized in terms of manufacturing, service, and residential function. But this region has some potentiality of development when Seoul metropolitan region grow continuously. Seoul metropolitan region accounted for 43% of national population, despite 11.8% of national land size in 1990. Although Seoul metropolitan region enjoys important agglomeration economies, it also has huge social cost in the form of transportation congestion, housing shortage, rapid increase of land value, environment pollution, and etc. Efficient metropolitan plan making is a vital element in promoting Seoul's economic development and providing high quality living environment at low cost. In the light of the result of this study, the outer ring of Seoul metropolitan region, especially northeastern part, are underdeveloped compared to overdeveloped southwestern area. It is needed to develop the guidelines for the implement of the growth control and management plan, inducing more balanced development for whole Seoul metropolitan reaion.

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The analyses of duplicated contents of 'Consumer Life' area in Technology & Home Economics and other subject textbooks for middle and high school students (중·고등학교 기술·가정 교과서와 타 교과 교과서의 '소비생활' 영역 중복 내용 분석)

  • Lee, Jung Yoon;Yu, Nan Sook
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.121-140
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    • 2015
  • The purposes of this study were to analyze the duplicated contents of 'Consumer life' area of Technology & Home Economics and other subject textbooks for the middle and high school students. It focused on textbooks compiled following the 2009 revised curriculum. To achieve the purposes of this study, "Technology & Home Economics I II", "Social studies I II", and "Ethics I II"textbooks for middle school and "Technology & Home Economics", "Social studies", and "Life & Ethics" textbooks for high school were analyzed based on the criteria for analyses of 'Consumer life' area. The results were as follows. First, the analysis of duplicated contents in Technology & Home Economics and other subjects (Ethics, Social studies) for middle school revealed that Technology & Home Economics textbook had the most proportion of 'Consumer Life' area, followed by Social studies and Ethics. The duplicated content elements in Technology & Home Economics, Ethics, and Social studies textbooks for middle school were 'consumer decision making', 'consumer information', 'economic impact of consumption', 'food life and sustainability', and 'consumption and sustainability'. Secondly, as a result of the content analysis of textbooks for high school Technology & Home Economics, Social studies, and Life & Ethics according to the criteria of analysis, it was found that Technology & Home Economics textbook had the most proportion of 'Consumer Life' area, followed by Life & Ethics and Social studies. The "content elements" 'food life management and consumption environment', 'desire of consumption', 'economic impact of consumption', 'changing factors and characteristics of consumer culture', and 'consumption and sustainability' were commonly found in all three textbooks. In this way, the 'Consumer life' area of Technology & Home Economics is thought to play a central role in teaching the 'Consumer Life' area because of its strength that contains detailed contents about consumer life for adolescent consumers who will apply it to everyday life. Based on the result of this research, it is needed to consider articulation of 'Consumer life' area of secondary schools for the future curriculum development of Technology & Home Economics to reduce the duplicated contents and to help the adolescents develop the ability to solve consumption problems they may encounter in real life and grow up to be rational adult consumers.

Festival Space Design to Change the Value of Sudokwon Landfill Site - 2014 Dreampark Chrysanthemum Festival Basic Plan and Design - (수도권 매립지 가치변화를 위한 지속 가능한 축제 공간 계획 - 2014 드림파크 국화축제 기본계획 및 기본설계 -)

  • Kim, Ok-Kyung;Lee, Hak-Youn;Kim, Joo-Am;Lee, Bo-Ram;Kim, Ha-Yan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2014
  • This paper offers a landscape design proposal for the 2014 Dreampark Chrysanthemum Festival within the Sudokwon Landfill Site. This site is located at 58 Baeksukdong, Seo-gu, Incheon, and it has an area of approximately $560,000m^2$. Over 1.53million visitors came to this festival on the previous year. This design includes an overall masterplan and a series of planting plans along with a core selection of iconic topiaries. The goal of the design is to create a landscape that improves the value of the place image and local economy as well as celebrates the 2014 Incheon Asian Game. In order to achieve this goal, three design subjects were considered: promoting local pride as a part of Incheon, increasing the aesthetic value of the site based on the brand image, and sustainable placemaking. To promote local pride, the 2km long "Little Incheon" is designed over a wildflower field, which is inspired by Incheon Bridge to give a strong image of the locality. A variety of programs from local gardening participation were introduced to the east part of the site. The design also outlines the vision for the development of Dreampark - a people-oriented gathering place for the entire community with spaces that offer a variety of unstructured recreational and cultural experiences. To increase the aesthetic brand value of the festival, it introduced a variety of wildflower beds scattering through the whole site. It creates a strong brand image for the festival and memories that will encourage visitors to return. Various folktales of Asian countries are displayed by autumn flowers and groundcover plants at the centre of the site, which is the highlight of the festival site. For sustainable placemaking, the design preserves the existing trees and reed beds for wildlife to create natural layers of landscape. In addition, facilities and service centers are designed to be flexible and are centred on the needs of the people using them. Also a festival management scheme was planned in order to operate the site efficiently and economically.

Relationship of BMI to Body Dysmorphic Disorder among College Students in Gangwon Province (강원지역 대학생들의 BMI에 따른 신체이형장애 조사)

  • An, So-Youn;Oh, Na-Rae;Jeong, Mi-Ae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.3293-3300
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    • 2013
  • Recently, Korean prefer the slim and skinny body. Even though they are normal or underweight, they strive for weight control routinely. Due to the appearance-oriented trend prevalent in our society, severe losing weight for women has become a social problem. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between body dysmorphic disorder and depression. Health-related and health-unrelated college students were classified into three different groups according to BMI. This study was performed of 200 health-related and 200 health-unrelated college students respectively at K college in Gangwon province. A self-administered survey was conducted from September 10 to 21, 2012, and the 319 questionnaires were analyzed. The collected data were analyzed by the SPSS(statistical package for the social science) WIN 18.0. Regarding the relationship between the BMI of the female students and their unsatisfied parts of the body, the overweight female students were more dissatisfied with the entire lower parts of their body(${\chi}^2$=6.97, p<.05). About the waist and belly, the female students of normal weight were the most dissatisfied but of under weight were less dissatisfied than the other groups and the differences among them were statistically significant(${\chi}^2$=8.12, p<.05). About the chest and breasts, the female students of under weight were more dissatisfied than the other groups and there were significant differences according to BMI. As a result of analyzing the relationship between the BMI of the female students and their dissatisfied parts of the body, the female students of over weight were more dissatisfied with the entire lower parts of their body and whole body, and the female students of normal weight were more dissatisfied with their waist and belly than the other groups. The female students of under weight were more dissatisfied with their chest and breasts. But, there were no differences in the way they want to try for a change of the dissatisfied part of the body. Because this body dysmorphic disorder may be associated with depression and cause the social and cultural problems, the development of counseling programs and additional research should be needed.

Green Spaces in the Urban Peripheries of Metropole Regions for Sustainable Development - Focused on Berlin, Milano and Seoul - (지속가능한 발전을 위한 대도시 외연부 녹지 활용 사례연구 - 베를린, 밀라노, 서울을 대상으로 -)

  • Hoh, Yun Kyeong;Chae, Jin-Hae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.72-85
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    • 2018
  • This study focused on cases that led sustainable urban development through the construction and utilization of organic greenery systems linking green spaces of urban peripheries with metropolitan areas. To that end, Berlin - Brandenburg's regional parks in Germany and Milan's Raggi Verdi, a radial green axis project, in Italy were selected for analysis as case studies. As frameworks for this analysis, this study has established existing infrastructure accessibility and linkage, recycling and cooperative management. The results of the case study analysis are as follows: First, the specialized spatial strategy based on the individuality of the green space outside the city rather than a uniform landscape was used as the foundation of the sustainable development plan. Second, physical linkage from the center of the city to the periphery contributed to the sustainable development of the overall metropolis by improving the economic value of the surrounding area as well as ecological and environmental values. Third, the central management system was established to reduce the administrative inconvenience caused by multiple administrative districts in the green space of urban periphery. The implications of applying the above results to Seoul, Korea are as follows. First, it is necessary to establish a differentiation strategy by re-establishing the identity of a green landscape in the urban periphery, because the green spaces of Seoul's periphery are dispersed and mostly have a repetitious mountain landscape. Also, it is necessary to actively link peripheral mountains and urban green areas to create ecological value and economic value, and ultimately to help the sustainable development of the city. Finally, building an integrated management system is required to solve fragmented green space management departments in most of the urban periphery's green spaces. In conclusion, this study shows the significant possibility that the sustainable development of a metropolis can be derived from the utilization, linkage, and management of the green space in the urban peripheries, which is extraordinary compared to normal centralized urban development.

The Present and Future for the Protection, Management and Planning of Landscape in the Country - A Perspective from Holism - (국토경관 보호·관리·계획의 현재와 미래 - 전체론의 관점을 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Je-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.166-175
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    • 2015
  • Nowadays, in the European countries, landscape is spoken of its importance as often as environment, by those who are engaged in such fields as politics, administration, research and civil society. In Korea, while recognizing such an international trend, academics and administrators have made a series of efforts to reflect landscape concept on a variety of policies. However, it is recognized that the effects of these policies have not been satisfactory. Under these circumstances, this paper aims to examine the complex values and multiple meanings in the landscape, which have been discussed by landscape experts in the European countries. Then, it aims to the explore the future direction of policy and research on the landscape to be pursued in Korea, where there is relatively less interest in the issues of landscape. It is argued that landscape should be approached and understood from a holistic perspective, because it is a very complex concept with multiple meanings that have been coined differently depending on the situation. All the academic fields, involved in the landscape research, should try in co-operation to develop the comprehensive approach rather than the inter- and multi-disciplinary approach to the landscape study. In Korea, moreover, it is also necessary in the legislation to recognize the fact that degradation and retreat in the quality of landscape would make a negative effect on the quality of human daily life. Natural and cultural heritages contained in the rural landscape are also now in danger of disappearing. These heritages, therefore, should become an important subject for research and policy on landscape before the countryside is completely evacuated after the aging population die out. To make this happen, it is very urgent that evaluation and classification of landscape character should be undertaken from the holistic perspective, which is equipped with a methodology overcoming as well as encompassing the boundaries of academic fields. It is also equally very urgent that education on landscape should be provided to the politicians, citizens and students as well as the officials dealing with landscape matters. Finally, government should strive to make the landscape concept penetrate deeply as well as widely into the spatial planning and legislation process while designing and implementing a comprehensive landscape policy at the national level.

Characteristics of Omegisul with Seeweeds (Sargassum fulvellum and Hizikia fusiformis) and Their Qualities (해조류 첨가 오메기술의 품질 특성)

  • Shin, Seung-Shick;Lim, He-Ran;Shin, Dong-Bum;Park, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.723-730
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we developed traditional liquor, Omegisul, with seaweeds to support the regional culture of Jeju Island in manufacturing traditional liquors. Seaweed extracts from Sargassum fulvellum and Hizikia fusiformis were added for manufacturing Omegisul at a final concentration of either 5 or 10% and fermented for 10 days. During fermentation, samples were collected to measure changes in quality of Omegisul including pH, acidity, alcohol content, chromaticity, total microbes, organic acid content, and antioxidant activity. Both pH and acidity of Omegisul were significantly altered in the early stages of fermentation. Alcohol contents increased over the fermentation period up to 9%. Regarding chromaticity of the product, L, a, and b values were highest in Omegisul with 10% Hizikia fusiformis. Both total plate count and lactic acid bacterial count tended to increase in the early stage of fermentation and decrease later, reaching their highest points in Omegisul with 10% Hizikia fusiformis at 10 days: $1.45{\times}10^8CFU/mL$ and $2.21{\times}10^8CFU/mL$, respectively (P<0.05). Among organic acids, lactic acid contents were significantly higher during fermentation with the highest concentration of 7.474 mg/mL in Omegisul containing 10% Sargassum fulvellum. 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) radical scavenging assays showed that antioxidant activity of Omegisul was increased during fermentation period. Among the samples, Omegisul with 10% Sargassum fulvellum showed the highest antioxidant activities of 69.81% and 81.61% in DPPH and ABTS assays, respectively. Taken together, Omegisul with 10% Sargassum fulvellum showed better characteristics in terms of quality than the other groups and has potential as functional Omegisul.

The Effects of Pet Dog-Assisted Activities on Self-Esteem, Depression and Cognitive Function among Elderly People (애완견 매개활동이 노인의 자기존중감, 우울 및 인지기능에 미치는 효과)

  • Shin, Esther;Lee, Sung-Kook
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.314-325
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of pet dog-assisted activities on self-esteem, depression and cognitive function of elderly people Method: The experimental group(pet dog-assisted group) consisted of 22 people over 65 years old out of about 90 elderly people registered with a home for the aged and the control group(non-pet dog assisted group) consisted of 22 people over 65 years old out of about 90 elderly people registered with another home for the aged in Daegu. Both groups had similar general characteristics, state of health, conduct on health and self-esteem, depression and cognitive abilities. Nineteen people who participated in the program at least 10 times out of 12, were chosen for the final analysis from the experimental group. For the control group, 20 people who responded to all three tests, which had been conducted before, 1 week after, and four week after the experiment, were analyzed. Result: Mean(${\pm}SD$) differences between before and 1 week after the experiment for self-esteem, depression, and cognitive function were 5.84(${\pm}3.06$), -3.26(${\pm}1.76$), 1.47(${\pm}1.26$), respectively. Those between before the experiment and 4 weeks after the experiment was 5.68(${\pm}3.64$), -3.94(${\pm}2.32$), 1.63(${\pm}0.96$), respectively. Those for control group between before and after the experiment were -0.40(${\pm}1.27$), 0.00(${\pm}0.92$), 0.15(${\pm}0.93$), respectively. Those for control group between before and 4 weeks after the experiment were -0.45(${\pm}2.24$), 0.25(${\pm}1.68$), 0.15(${\pm}0.93$), respectively. All the differences between experiment and control group in mean differences between before and 1 week after experiment, between before and 4 weeks after experiment were statistically significant(p<0.05). Conclusion: This study suggests that the pet-assisted activities can be useful solution for elderly people who have psychological and emotional problems caused by retrogression of physical, mental and social ability.