• Title/Summary/Keyword: 감각기 구조

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Modelling of the Information Process with Visual and Audio in Human Brain (두뇌의 시$\cdot$청각 정보처리 과정의 모델링)

  • 김성주;서재용;조현찬;김성현;전홍태
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.187-190
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    • 2002
  • 인간의 두뇌에서는 갖가지 다양한 형태의 입력들을 이용하여 동시에 여러 가지의 판단, 추론 및 기억 등의 기능을 수행한다 이러한 이유로 인간 두뇌는 거대한 지능형 정보처리기라고 할 수 있다 현재 정보처리 메커니즘은 다양한 형태로 발달되고 있지만 그 중에서도 지능형 정보처리 메커니즘으로는 소프트 컴퓨팅 기법을 응용한 것이 대부분이다. 본 논문에서는 소프트 컴퓨팅 기법을 이용하여 두뇌에서의 시각, 청각의 정보처리 과정을 하나의 구조로 모델링하고자 한다. 시각에서의 정보와 청각에서의 정보는 각기 다른 모듈에서 처리되는 방식을 취하고 있으며, 최종적으로 두 감각 정보를 이용한 처리가 가능하도록 모듈형태의 전체적인 구조를 지니고 있다. 상이한 두 가지의 정보를 동시에 처리하는 과정을 모델링함으로써 복잡한 문제의 해결 및 다양한 경우에 대한 고려를 수행하여 인간 두뇌 모델링의 기초를 마련하고자 한다.

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Scanning Electron Microscopy on Ixodes signatus Nymphs with Particular Reference to Major Physiological Sensory Organs (Ixodes signatus 약충(若蟲)의 생리학적(生理學的) 주요(主要) 감각기관(感覺器官)에 대(對)한 주사전자현미경적(走査電子顯微鏡的) 관찰(觀察))

  • Kang, Yung-bai
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.145-154
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    • 1988
  • Ixodes signatus nymphs were subjected to the scanning electron microscopy for the observation of the major physiological sense organs including the Hailer's organ. Finger prints and variable sensory setae were found on the body surface, and especially well developed setae were identified on the article IV and on the anal lobes. A central button-like organelle and numerous small holes were found in the spiracular plate. The Haller's organ was identified at the distal point of the tarsus I and regarded as the major sensory organ, chemoreceptor. Tow types of sensory setae were observed, the shorter ones in front of the organ and the longer ones in distal front as well as near behind of the organ. The fully opened organ was ellipsoidal and a total of seven basiconic sensory pegs rooted deeply and shaped as well arranged hook-like was found inside the organ.

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Study on Convergence Technique through Structural Analysis due to the Height of the Walker (보행 기구 높이에 따른 구조해석을 통한 융합 기술연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Ho;Cho, Jae-Ung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2015
  • Nowadays, the number of people who do not move actively or are treated for rehabilitation is increasing because of the disorder or the paralysis of their own lower body by the industrial disaster. In this study, the walker for the people whose bodies are not convenient or the old is investigated. The walkers due to the height of walker are designed and the structural simulation analysis is carried out. The study models of walker are modelled with CATIA program and analyzed with ANSYS program. As the analysis result, the models of 1, 2 and 3 have the maximum stresses extremely below the yield stress of this model and the elastic deformations at these models occurs. Among these models, As the maximum deformation of model 3 has the least value among these models, models 3 is thought to have the best durability. The safety of walker model can be estimated by the basis of the result of this study. The damage can be prevented and the durability is examined by applying this result into the design of walker. And it is possible to be grafted onto the convergence technique at design and show the esthetic sense.

Geological Structure of Precambrian to Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks in the Janggunbng area, Korea -Crustal evolution and environmental geology of the central part of the North Sobaegsan Massif, Korea- (장군봉지역 선캠브리아대-고생대 변성퇴적암류의 지질구조 -북부 소백산육괴의 중앙부지역의 지각진화와 환경지질)

  • Gang, Ji Hun;Kim, Hyeong Sik;O, Se Bong
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.244-244
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    • 1997
  • The Janggunbong area(this study area) at the central-south part in the North Sobaegsan Massif, Korea, consists mainly of Precambrian(Wonnam and Yulri Formations)-Paleozoic [Joseon Supergroup(Jangsan Quarzite, Dueumri Formation and Janggum Limestone) and Pyeongan Group(Jaesan and Dongsugok Formations)] metasedimentary rocks and Mesozoic granitoid(Chunyang granite.) This study is to interpret geological structure of the North Sobaegsan Massif in the Jang-gunbong area by analysing rock-structure and microstructure of the constituent rocks. It indicates that its geological structure was formed at least by four phases of deformation after the formation of gneissosity(S0) in the Wonnam Formation and bedding plane(S0) in the Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks. The first phase deformation(D1) formed tight isoclinal fold(F1). Its axial plane(S1) strikes east-west and steeply dips north. Its axis (L1) subhorizontally plunges east-west. The second phase deformation(D2), which was related to ductile shear deformation, formed stretching lineation(L2) and shear foliation(S2). The sense of the shear movement indicates dextral strike-slip shearing(top-to-the east shearing). The third phase deformation(D3) formed open inclined fold(F3). Its axial plane(S3) strikes east-west and moderately or gently dips north. Its axis(L3) subhorizontally plunges east-west. The F3 fold reoriented the original north-dipping S1 foliation and D2 shear sense into south-dipping S1 foliation(top-to-the west shear sense on this foliation) at its a limb. The four phase of deformation(D4) formed asymmetric-type open inclined fold(F4) of NE-vergence with NW striking axial plane(S4) and NW-NNW plunging axis(L4). The F4 fold partly reoriented pre-D4 structural elements with east-west trend into those with north-south trend. Such reorientation is recognized mainly in the Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks.

Geological Structure of Precambrian to Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks in the Janggunbong area, Korea-Crustal evolution and environmental geology of the central part of the North Sobaegsan massif, Korea- (장군봉지역 선캠브리아대-고생대 변성퇴적암류의 지질구조-북부 소백산육괴의 중앙부지역의 지각진화와 환경지질)

  • 강지훈;김형식;오세봉
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.224-259
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    • 1997
  • The Janggunbong area(this study area) at the central-south part in the North Sobaegsan Massif, Korea, consists mainly of Precambrian(Wonnam and Yulri Formations)-Paleozoic [Joseon Supergroupuangsan Quarzite, Dueumri Formation and Janggun Limestone) and Pyeongan Group (Jaesan and Dongsugok Formations)l metasedimentary rocks and Mesozoic granitoid(Chunyang granite). This study is to interpret geological structure of the North Sobaegsan Massif in the Janggunbong area by analysing rock-structure and microstructure of the constituent rocks. It indicates that its geological structure was formed at least by four phases of deformation after the formation of gneissosity(S0) in the Wonnam Formation and bedding plane(S0) in the Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks. The first phase deformation(D1) formed tight isoclinal fold(F1). Its axial plane(S1) strikes east-west and steeply dips north. Its axis(L1) subhorizontally plunges east-west. The second phase deformation(D2), which was related to ductile shear deformation, formed stretching lineation(L2) and shear foliation(S2). The sense of the shear movement indicates dextral strike-slip shearing(topto-the east shearing). The third phase deformation(D3) formed open inclined fold(F3). Its axial plane(S3) strikes east-west and moderately or gently dips north. Its axis(L3) subhorizontally plunges east-west. The F3 fold reoriented the original north-dipping S1 foliation and D2 shear sense into south-dipping S1 foliation(top-to-the west shear sense on this foliation) at its a limb. The four phase of deformation(D4) formed asymmetric-type open inclined fold(F4) of NE-vergence with NW striking axial plane(%) and NW-NNW plunging axis(L4). The F4 fold partly reoriented pre-D4 structural elements with east-west trend into those with north-south trend. Such reorientaion is recognized mainly in the Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks.

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A Search on the Spatial Orientation in Flight (비행시 공간정위 유지에 대한 고찰)

  • Gu, Bon-Sool
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.2
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    • pp.139-182
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    • 1994
  • 조종사들은 비행시에 일상 생활 환경에서는 경험하지 못하는 여러가지 적대환경에 폭로된다. 이러한 환경에서는 인체의 평형기관은 실제와 일치하지 않는 정보를 제공해 주는 경우가 허다하다. 예를들면, 내이의 미로 전정기관이나 피하압력기관기 등은 항공기의 기동으로 발생하는 중력과 지구의 중력을 구별 하지 못하는 기능의 한계성때문에 계기비행하에서는 대개의 경우 공간정위상실, 즉 비행착각을 유발한다. 이 착각으로 인한 항공기 사고는 통계상에서 상당 부분이 치명사고로 나타나고 있는데, 이러한 사실은 비행착각현상이 비행안전에 극히 위험한 요소가 되고 있다는 것을 실증한다고 할 수 있다. 그러므로 조종사들은 비행시 공간정위 유지를 위한 철저한 대비가 있어야 한다. 공간정위 상실현상이 잘 발생하는 경우는 야간이나 기타 계기비행 환경에서 주위시각이 제약을 받을 때이다. 즉, 계기비행 환경에서의 편대비행시나 고기동시, 그리고 대조물이 모호한 야간의 활주로에서 이착륙할때 등을 들 수 있다. 비행시 공간정위 상실현상을 예방하기 위해서는 첫째로 이러한 유형의 사고분석자료를 토대로 하여 항공기의 설계단계에서부터 제작에 이르기까지 착각을 유발할 수 있는 구조적 요인을 제거해야 한다. 둘째로는 이러한 착각을 유발하지 않는 운항이나 기동방식을 택하여 비행임무를 수행토록 해야한다. 세째로 조종사들은 이러한 착각을 정상적인 인체의 반응에 의한 것이므로 자신에게도 당연히 일어난다는 사실을 용인해야 한다. 네째로 조종사들은 계기비행에 대한 구체적이고 실제적인 훈련을 통하여 계기비행 경험을 쌓아야 한다. 다음은 조종사들의 실제비행시 공간정위 상실현상에 봉착했을때의 처리요령이다. 첫째로 계기비행상황에서 자신의 감각과 계기가 일치하지 않을 때는 즉시 계기를 Cross Check하여 항공기의 자세나 기동형태를 정확하게 파악해야 한다. 둘째로 계기가 조종사의 의도대로 나타나도록 조작하고 이를 철저하게 의지하고 믿어야 한다. 세째로 자신의 감각과 계기가 일치할때까지 수평비행을 유지해야 한다. 그리고 마지막으로, 고성능 항공기가 계기비행중 저공에서 비행착각에 봉착하게 될때의 행동절차를 철저하게 숙지하고 있어야 한다.

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Nature of contact between the Ogcheon belt and Yeongnam massif and the Pb-Pb age of granitic gneiss in Cheondong-ri, Danyang (단양 천동리 지역 옥천대/영남육괴의접촌관계와 소위 화강암질 편마암의 Pb-Pb 연대)

  • 권성택;이진한;박계헌;전은영
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.144-152
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    • 1995
  • The Jangsan Quartzite of the Joseon Supergroup and the foliated granite (so-called granitlc gneiss of presumed Precambrian age) of the Yeongnam massif are in direct contact at Cheondong-ri area, 6 km @SE of Danyang. sllthough it has been thought traditionally that the Jangsan Quartzite overlies unconformably the f&ted granite, it is difficult to interpret the contact as an unconformity smce the basal conglomerate in- the lower part of the Jangsan Quartzite does not have any clast of the foliated granite, Rather, recent structural studies of this area indlcate that the contact is a ductile shear zone. However, the sense and age of the shear movement are still problematic. Our mesoscopic and microscopic studies of &tre Cheondong-11 semi-brittle shear zone involving foliated cataclasite and phyllonite, which is a pa& of the Ogdong fault, indlcate a top-to-the northeast shearing, i.e., dextral strike slip. We also performed Pb-Pb dating for the age-unknown foliated granite, since the age of deformed granite ccarr emtrain the maximum age of deformation. The whole rock and feldspar Pb isotape data for the foliated granite and a micaceous xenolith define an isoc chron age of $2.16{\pm}0.15$ Ga ($2{\sigma}$;MSWD=4.4) which is interpreted as the emplacement age of the granite. This early Proterozoic age agrees with those of Precambrian igneous activity In the Yeongnam massif reported previously. The obtaiPrfid gge confirms the traditional idea about the age of the foliated granite and indicates that other methd(s) should be employed to constrain the age of the shear movement.

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Transmission electron microscopic ultastructure of the tegument of Fibricola seoulenis (Fibricola seouenis 표피의 투과전자현미경적 미세구조)

  • 손운목;이순형
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.301-314
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    • 1993
  • An electron microscopic study was performed to observe the ultrastructure of the tegument of U seoulensis. The outer surface of the tegument was covered with a tnlaminated plasma membrane. The electron-dense cytoplasmic layer was $2.5{\;}\mu\textrm{m}$ wide In the anterior portion and contained numerous vacuoles, mitochondriae and granular materials in its matrix. The basement layer was 330 nm wade or so, and Its numerous extensions protruded into the cytoplasmic layer. The sensory organ was composed of a small vesicle of $1.7{\;}{\times}{\;}1.1{\;}\mu\textrm{m}$ in dimensions, which possessed a cilium of $1.2{\;}{\times}{\;}0.19{\;}\mu\textrm{m}$ in size. The pharynx was composed of the epithelial layer of about $0.5{\;}\mu\textrm{m}$ wide, well developed muscle layer and basement layer. The tegument of the oral sucker was composed of a cytoplasmic layer of $0.4-0.5{\;}\mu\textrm{m}$ width, a narrow basement layer, a well developed muscle layer and tegumental cells. Some kinds of secretory granules that seemed to be originated from the cells of the oral sucker were observed In the parenchymal portions of the adjacent cells. The tribocytic organ consisted of numerous microvilli. The microvilli were 5 nm wide and heptalaminated. Two types of secretory granules originated from the gland cells of tribocytic organ were observed In the tegument and parenchyme. The tegumental cells were irregular in shape, and of which nuclei were multifarious.

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A Convergence Study through Strength Analysis of Side Bolster (사이드 볼스터의 강도 해석을 통한 융합 연구)

  • Oh, Bum-Suk;Cho, Jae-Ung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.169-174
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    • 2020
  • Side bolster is a part of the vehicle seat that holds the passenger's body from the side to make it more stable when the passenger is seated in the seat. In this study, the structural and fatigue analyses of the side bolsters at a car seat were carried out with two models of A and B. The heavily loaded parts, the damage by fatigue at driving a car and the difference of durability due to the structure were examined and the distributions of stress and deformation, and the fatigue lives were seen. Also, the strength and durability were examined. This study result is thought to be devoted to decrease the fatigue damage and increase the fatigue life and durability according to the design of bolster. This result is able to improve the product by applying the design of automotive side bolster practically. And it is thought to be the advantage to apply this study result to the convergence research with esthetic sense.

A Study on Assessment of Vibration Serviceability of Highway Bridges Using Driving Simulator (주행 시뮬레이터를 활용한 운전자 중심의 교량 진동 사용성 평가기준 연구)

  • Oh, Jeong-Jae;Park, Jong-Sub;Sung, Ik-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.1778-1784
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    • 2010
  • This study investigates the criteria for assessing the vibration serviceability of highway bridges using advanced driving simulator. Reiher-Meister Curves were firstly reviewed for extended application to serviceability of highway bridges. Modified Reiher-Meister Curves were provided in this paper based on field test results and numerical analyses results. The Modified Reiher-Meister Curves were evaluated using advanced driving simulator. The new curve consisted of 4 level, A(Disturbing), B(Strongly perceptible), C(Allowable), and D(Comfortable). The new criteria will be extensively applied to design and maintain highway bridges with respect to driver condition.