• Title/Summary/Keyword: 감가상각비

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The Effects of Prior Sales Change on Asymmetric Cost Behavior of R&D Costs (전기 매출액 변동이 연구개발비의 비대칭적 원가행태에 미치는 영향)

  • Noh, Gil-Kwan;Lee, Jeong-Eun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of Prior Sales change on R&D Costs and each detail item, and to analyze what decision managers make when changing sales. In order to conduct a more in-depth analysis as well as a one-period model of Anderson et al. (2003), which was used in previous studies, the two-period model of Banker et al.(2014) And analyzed the detailed items. As a result of the analysis, it is possible to confirm cost stickiness behavior only in the depreciation cost and others due to the limit of the model in the one period model. For a more in-depth analysis, the analysis of two-period model showed that labor costs and other items showed cost stickiness behavior when prior sales increased, but total R&D costs showed a anti-cost stickiness behavior. When prior sales decline, consigned service costs showed a cost stickiness behavior. This study is meaningful because it analyzed the effect of prior sales change on R&D cost behavior which were not performed in previous studies. Furthermore, we expect to be able to conduct more detailed research by sales and industry in future studies.

A study on the relationship between cost fluctuation and cost elements -focused on defense R&D project- (원가변동과 원가 비목 간 영향력에 관한 연구 -국방연구개발사업을 중심으로-)

  • Kang, Kyung-Mok
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.223-230
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzes the cost fluctuation between cost in contract stage and cost in adjustment stage in defense R&D project. This research shows that certain costs hold with the cost fluctuation and their degree of influence. The results of first analysis show that 13 out of 17 costs have a relationship with the cost fluctuation. The estimate of direct labor cost is positive and significant at the 0.1% level(direct labor = 1.022, t = 38.355). The estimate of amount of cost paid to subcontractor is positive and significant at the 1% level(amount paid to subcontractor = 0.942, t = 51.894). The results of second analysis show that all the direct costs have a relationship with the cost fluctuation(The fact that cost system is focused on direct labor cost is a consideration in this analysis). The estimate of direct labor cost is positive and significant at the 0.1% level(direct labor = 2.014, t = 21.787). The estimate of amount of cost paid to subcontractor is positive and significant at the 0.1% level(amount of cost paid to subcontractor = 1.068, t = 15.636). This finding supports a proposal theory that cost system is focused on direct labor cost through actual proof analysis and an inducement that amount of cost paid to subcontractor is a way to reduce the R&D cost.

The Impacts of Reporting Choice on Asymmetric Cost Behavior - Focused on Korean and Japanese Manufacturing Firms - (회계선택이 비대칭적 원가행태에 미치는 영향 - 한국, 일본 제조기업을 중심으로 -)

  • Noh, Gil-Kwan;Kim, Dong-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.452-458
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze how managers' reporting choices affect asymmetric cost behaviors in manufacturing firms in Korea and Japan. In order to analyze the contents, SG&A, COGS, and operating expenses (OE), which were the targets of the previous studies, were analyzed using the operating costs paid in cash (OC) and the operating expenses before depreciation (OEBD) proposed by Shust and Weiss (2014). The differentiation of cost behavior was analyzed. The analysis revealed, first, that both Korea and Japan showed the difference between cost behavior of OE and OC. Specifically, the cost stickiness of OC was higher than that of OE. In particular, it showed that Korea firms have a higher intensity of tangible fixed assets that are weakening the cost stickiness compared to Japanese firms. Second, the occurrence of depreciation costs weakens the cost stickiness in both countries. Lastly, the higher the debt ratio, the more aggressively the cost reduction of Japanese companies. We hope that this study will help to improve the relationship between the two countries at the academic level when the Korea-Japan relationship cools down.

A Study on the Financial Structure Effect Factor and Business Analysis of Ocean Shipping Companies (국적외항선사의 경영실태분석과 재무구조 영향요인에 관한 실증연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Yhun;Kim, Young-Dae;Ahn, Ki-Myung
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.264-272
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the rate of return on investment used as a proxy variable for the entity's value and financial structure (liability ratio) is related to positive balance. This is consistent with the Static Tradeoff Theory (STT) that the entity's value and financial structure are related to a positive balance because the capital expense of a debt (tax-saving effects) that is less than its equity cost before it is in financial difficulty. Also, operating profitability (EBITDA/Sales), investment safety, total asset growth, net working capital and depreciation expenses are related to negative (-) with financial structure (liability ratio). This is the result of an analysis consistent with the Pecking Order Theory (POT). Fuel costs, borrowing, total asset turnover, financial costs, and tangible asset ratios have a significant positive relationship with the debt ratio. This is consistent with the agency theory and confirms that excessive chartering expenses, such as the bankrupt H company, are the main factors that pressure the financial structure of Korean ocean carriers.

Analysis on Tax Benefits of Tax Lease Scheme for Ships (선박 조세 리스제도의 세제혜택효과 분석)

  • Cho, Kyu-Yeol;Lee, Ki-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.63-86
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    • 2020
  • The tax lease scheme for ships is an advanced ship financing tool that generates tax benefits through accelerated depreciation of capital allowances and transferring them to the ship operator (leasee) via reductions in rental payments. The scheme was introduced by Japan in 1978 and by France in 1998 to support their shipping and shipbuilding industries. The size of tax benefits varies by country depending on the depreciation rate for ships, corporate tax rate, and the tax system on profits from the sale of ship. This study uses a virtual model of the Korean tax lease scheme for ships based on the French tax lease scheme. The size of tax benefits is calculated and compared to those in the French and Japanese tax lease schemes. According to the analysis, the size of the tax benefit was approximately 19% for France, 14% for Japan, and 12% for Korea. This is differentiated by the country's depreciation rate and corporate tax rate, which have the greatest impact on the size of tax benefits. For the Korean virtual model, if the tax benefits are distributed by the operator and the investor at the rate of 75:25, the operator is expected to enjoy tax benefits equivalent to about 9% of the ship price and the investor to enjoy 3%. Despite limited information and data regarding the tax lease scheme for ships, this study was the first attempt in Korea to design a virtual model of the Korean tax lease scheme based on some predictable assumptions. Therefore, a group of shipping, financing, and legal experts will follow up on more professional and practical reviews of the model in the near future. Hence, this study will serve as a small contribution to the early introduction of the Korean tax lease scheme for ships.

Analysis of Management Status and Optimum Production Scale of Quarrying Firms in Korea -Comparative Analysis of Aggregate and Building-Stone Quarrying Firms- (산지채석업체(山地採石業體)의 경영실태(經營實態) 및 적정규모설정(適正規模設定) -골재용(骨材用) 채석업체(採石業體)와 건축용(建築用) 채석업체(採石業體)의 비교(比較) 분석(分析)-)

  • Joung, Ha Hyeon;Cho, Eung Hyouk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.80 no.1
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    • pp.72-81
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    • 1991
  • This study was carried out to provide necessary information for improving quarrying industry management in Korea. The results of the study are summarized as follows : 1. In aggregate and building-stone quarrying firms the managers over 40 years of age are 97% and 89.1%, the ones above education level of high school are 90% and 85% and the ones not more than 10 years of quarrying experience are 70% and 52%, respectively. Accordingly it can be pointed out that most of the managers of two types of firms are relatively old, have high educational background, while quarrying experiences of building-stone firm managers are longer than that of aggregate firm managers. 2. Most of the management forms are social corporation(60%) for aggregate quarry firms and private management(76%) for building-stone firms. Average areas of permitted stone-pits of aggregate and building-stone quarries are about 2.86ha and 1.66ha respectively. That is, aggregate quarrying firms are carried on a larger scale than building-stone quarrying firms. 3. The yearly average product of aggregate quarrying firms has increased steadily from $88.961m^3$ in 1985 to $144.028m^3$ in 1988, while, in case of building-stone quarry firms, it has significantly increased from $4.155m^3$ to $19.462m^3$ from 1985 to 1987, but reduced to $13.400m^3$ in 1988. Unstable production activities of building-stone quarrying firms may require continuous government support. 4. Major cost items are equipment rental, depreciation, salaries, repair, maintenance for aggregate quarrying firms, and salaries, depreciation, fuel, tax for building-stone quarrying firms. The yearly average rate of return is about 9.7% for aggregate quarry firms and 2.6% for building-stone quarry firms. It can be pointed out that aggregate quarrying firms is better managed than building-stone quarrying firms. 5. The production elasticity of salary for aggregate quarrying firms is 0.495, that of employees is 0.559, and that of capital service is 0.513. The sum of the elasticities is 1.257>1. Fur building-stone quarrying firms, that of employees is 0.492, that of variable costs is 0.192, and that of capital service is 0.498. The sum of elasticities is 1.172>1, thus denotes the increasing returns to scale for both types quarrying firms. 6. The ratio of marginal value product to opportunity cost of empolyees is 2.54, that of variable costs is 3.62, and that of capital service is 1.45, in aggregate quarrying firms. That of employees is 2.47, that is variable costs was 2.34, and that of capital service is 19.67 in building-stone quarrying firms. Therefore the critical factors for more expansion of management scale in aggregate quarrying firms are variable cost and employees, and are capital service in building-stone quarry ing firms. 7. The break-even points of stone sales are about 0.587 billion won and 0.22 billion won in aggregate and building-stone quarrying firms respectively. The optimum sales Level for profit maximization are about 2.0 billion and 0.5 billion in aggregate and building-stone quarry firms respectively.

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Analysis of Management Status and Optimum Sales Scale of Beekeeping Farmhouses in Korea (양봉농가(養蜂農家)의 경영실태(經營實態) 및 적정규모설정(適正規模設定))

  • Cho, Eung Hyouk;Kwak, Kyung Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.82 no.4
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 1993
  • This study was conducted to obtain necessary information to improve beekeeping farmhouses management and to establish related problem. Using data obtained from 50 beekeeping farmhouses in Korea, current status of management and optimum sales scale were analysed. The results of the study are summarized as follows ; 1. Managers of beekeeping farmhouses are relatively old(64% of them is over 50 years old) and highly educated and experienced(76% of them is in the business more than 10 years). 2. Only a portion of managers(38%) considers beekeeping as a major job, while the rest(62%) involves as a side job working with other agricultural business. 3. Major supply of labor force comes from family group. Total input of family labor is 6.4 months a year. Fourty-four percent of management units is migrating and 56% of them is settled in specific locations. 4. In 1991, the average number of conventional beehive casks per farmhouse is decreased by 2.94 casks but improved-type beehive casks is increased by 13.79 casks. Total number of beehive casks per farmhouse is increased by 12.66 casks during the year. 5. Major cost items of beekeeping farmhouses include bee colony aquisition cost, feeding cost, depreciation cost, wages in an order. The average yearly profit rate of farmhouses is about 29.4%. 6. The break-even point of honey sales is about 3 million won. The optimum sales scale was 52.2l, then average production cost was estimated 53,800Won.

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An Economic Analysis of Wildlife Rearing Farmhouses in Korea (Deer, Pheasant, Wild Boar and Fox Rearing Farmhouses) (야생조수(野生鳥獸) 인공사육농가(人工飼育農家)의 경영실태분석(經營實態分析)(사슴, 꿩, 멧돼지와 여우 사육농가(飼育農家)를 중심(中心)으로))

  • Kwak, Kyung Ho;Cho, Eung Hyouk;Kim, Se Bin;Oh, Kyoung Su
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 1993
  • This study was conducted to obtain necessary informations for improving of wildlife rearing management. The data was gathered by surveying with questionaire. One hundred and eighty farmers which was 60 of deer and pheasant, 30 of wild boar and fox rearing farmers respectively were investigated during the summer in 1992. The results of this study are as follows : 1. Most of managers considered their rearing as a side job but agriculture was appointed as a main job from most of them except wild boar managers. 2. The major cost items were breeding stock and feeding which occupied over than half. 3. The yearly profit was the highest in deer(25.5%) but the lowest in wild boar(10.3%). 4. The break-even point was the highest in wild boar(24 mil. won) but the lowest in pheasant(7.3 mil. won). 5. The optimum sales scale for a year was deer(11 heads), Pheasant(1,027 heads), Wild boar(69 heads) and Fox (102 heads).

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A Study on the Determinant of Capital Structure of Chinese Shipbuilding Industry (중국 조선기업 자본구조 결정요인에 관한 연구)

  • Jin, Siwen;Lee, Ki-Hwan;Kim, Myoung-Hee
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.81-93
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    • 2022
  • Since 2008, China's shipping industry has been in a slump, with shipbuilding orders falling sharply, and high-growth excess capacity has become increasingly apparent, leaving many firms with sharply reduced orders at risk of bankruptcy and shutdown. To ensure the development of the shipbuilding industry and enhance the international competitiveness of the shipbuilding industry, it is necessary to analyze the present situation of the shipbuilding industry and the financial situation of the shipbuilding enterprises. And analyzing the problems faced by enterprises from the perspective of capital structure is very meaningful to the shipbuilders with high capital operation. We are trying to analyze the determinants of capital structure of China's shipbuilding listed companies. 30 listed Chinese shipbuilding and listed companies have been designated as sample companies that can obtain financial statements for 13 consecutive years. They also divided 30 sample companies into shipbuilding, shipbuilding-related manufacturing, and shipbuilding-related transportation. Dependent variable is the debt level of the year, independent variable includes the debt level of the previous year, fixed asset ratio, profitability ratio, depreciation cost ratio and asset size. The regression model of the panel used to analyze determinants is capital structure. The results of the empirical analysis are as follows. First, a fixed-effect model for the entire entity showed that the debt-to-equity ratio and the size of the asset in the previous period had a positive effect on the debt-to-equity ratio in the current period. Second, the impact of the profitability ratio on the debt level in the prior term also supports the capital procurement ranking theory rather than the static counter-conflict theory. Third, it was shown that the ratio of the depreciation of the prior term, which replaces the non-liability tax effect, affects the debt-to-equity ratio in the current period.