• Title/Summary/Keyword: 秘訓

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  • Lee, Eun-Young;Kim, Kyoung-Won
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 2009
  • The maxilla rarely undergoes necrosis due to its rich vascularity. Maxillary necrosis can occur due to bacterial infections such as osteomyelitis. viral infections such as herpes zoster and fungal infections such as mucormycosis, aspergillosis etc. Herpes zoster is a common viral infection, the oral soft tissue manifestations of which are widely known and recognized. Extremely rare complications such as osteonecrosis, and secondary osteomyelitis in maxilla were observed. But, reports of spontaneous tooth exfoliation and jaw osteonecrosis following herpes zoster infection in the distribution of the trigeminal nerve are extremely rare in the literature. We report a case of maxillary necrosis by herpes zoster in an uncontrolled diabetic patient. There was extensive necrosis of the buccal and palatal mucoperiosteum and exposure of the alveolar bone. This patient was successfully treated using a removal of necrotic bone and nasolabial flap. We briefly discuss different diseases which can lead to maxillary necrosis and a review. Analysis of the pathogenesis of herpes zoster and bone necrosis are discussed.

A Study on the Use of Bihoon (鼻熏) Therapy, which focuses on Korean traditional medicine (한국 한의서를 중심으로 살펴본 '비훈(鼻熏)요법'의 활용에 대한 연구)

  • KIM Dong-ryul;Lee Jee Young
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.99-113
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    • 2023
  • This paper is a study to find the philological basis of Bihoon (鼻熏) therapy. There is no separate philological study of Bihoon therapy to date, and for this reason, there is no clear definition or specific treatment manual. In this study, a related database was created and analyzed by examining literature data related to Bihoon therapy, focusing on Korean traditional medical books. There were about 1,000 data points related to Bihoon therapy in 45 kinds of medical books. They were largely classified into 1. Acute diseases such as insensitivity, 2. Diseases that occur in the upper human body such as nose, head, eyes, and throat, 3. Women's diseases related to childbirth, 4. Treatment of skin diseases and prevention of infectious diseases. In the case of insensitivity treatment, the focus was on awakening the patient's mind, and the treatment of diseases such as the nose, head, eyes, etc. was focused on resolving each symptom. Symptoms related to childbirth were mainly treated for uterine escapism or fainting after childbirth, while skin diseases were mainly treated for diseases that did not heal well, such as amniotic fluid. If a multifaceted approach to non-discipline therapy is added in the future, it is expected that clinical utilization will also be increased.

Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids in an Annulus with Rotation of the Inner Cylinder (안쪽축이 회전하는 환형관내 비뉴튼유체 유동 연구)

  • 김영주;우남섭;황영규
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.277-283
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    • 2002
  • This experimental study concerns the characteristics of a helical flow in a concentric annulus with a diameter ratio of 0.52, whose outer cylinder is stationary and inner one is rotating. The pressure losses and skin friction coefficients have been measured for the fully developed flow of Non-Newtonian fluid, aqueous solution of sodium carbomethyl cellulose (CMC) and bentonite with inner cylinder rotational speed of 0~400 prm. Also, the visualization of helical flows has been performed to observe the unstable waves. The results of present study reveal the relation of the Reynolds number Re and Rossby number Ro with respect to the skin friction coefficients. In somehow, they show the existence of flow instability mechanism. The pressure losses increase as the rotational speed increases, but the gradient of pressure losses decreases as the Reynolds number increases in the regime of transition and turbulence. And the increase of flow disturbance by Taylor vortex in a concentric annulus with rotating inner cylinder results in the decrease of the critical Reynolds number with the increase of skin friction coefficient.

Clinical Experience with Nasolabial Cysts Using the Sublabial Approach (구강내 접근법을 이용한 비순낭종의 치료 경험)

  • Kwon, Joon-Sung;Choi, Hwan-Jun;Choi, Chang-Yong;Park, Jae-Hong;Park, Nae-Kyeong;Kim, Sook
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.251-256
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: A nasolabial cyst is a rare non-odontogenic, soft-tissue, developmental cyst arising anywhere on the face inferior to the nasoalar region. It is thought to arise from either epithelial remnants trapped along the lines of fusion during the development of face or the remnants of the developing nasolacrimal duct. This study examines various features of nasolabial cysts with bony involvement to provide a basis for correct diagnosis and treatment. Methods: Eight cases of nasolabial cyst treated in Soonchunhyang Hospital between March 2002 and July 2010 were examined in terms of their clinical features and radiological and histological findings. Seven patients underwent surgical excision of the cyst via an intraoral, sublabial approach. One underwent incision and drainage. Results: Our eight patients were seven women and one man. The most frequent symptoms and signs were facial deformity and swelling of the nasolabial fold. Computed tomography (CT) showed a well-circumscribed cystic mass lateral to the pyriform aperture. Seven cases had erosive lesions on CT, and the intraoperative findings were consistent with a nasolabial cyst with a bony defect. Typical histopathological findings showed that these cysts were most frequently lined with respiratory epithelium with ciliated columnar cells and cuboid cells. No patient developed complications or recurrences. Conclusion: A nasolabial cyst is often unrecognized or confused with other intranasal masses, including fissural and odontogenic cysts, midface infections, or swelling in the nasolabial area. Therefore, a careful clinical and radiological evaluation should be preformed when considering the differential diagnosis. We present eight patients with nasolabial cysts treated via a gingivobuccal approach with excellent functional and cosmetic results.

Soft tissue cephalometric analysis of Aesthetic Korean female (심미적 측모에 관한 두부계측방사선학적 연구)

  • Kim, Yoon-Ji;Nahm, Dong-Seok
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.32 no.6 s.95
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    • pp.383-393
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to provide data on the normative values of some clinically important soft tissue dimensions for adult Korean females with aesthetically beautiful facial profiles. Lateral cephalograms of 18 Korean female models, who were selected for their well balanced and aesthetic facial profiles, were evaluated. All cephalograms were taken with the subjects in a natural head position with the teeth in occlusion and the lips at rest. The means and standard deviations were determined and presented. In addition, comparisons with the previous studies were performed The results of the present study were as follows: 1. The upper and lower lips were posteriorly located in relation to the Ricketts' E line (Upper lip to E line: -2.08, Lower lip to E line: -0.04). 2. Both lips were more posteriorly located than those in the results of previous studies on Korean females selected by normal occlusion, but more anteriorly located than in the results of studies selected on an aesthetic basis. 3. The nasolabial angle for this sample was 101.03 degrees with a standard deviation of 8.47 degrees.

A comparative study of soft tissue changes with mandibular one jaw surgery and double jaw surgery in Class III malocclusion (III급 부정교합자의 양악 수술과 하악 편악 수술 시 연조직 변화에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Chang, In-Hee;Lee, Young-Jun;Park, Young-Guk
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.36 no.1 s.114
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2006
  • Numbers of postulations lie on the difference of integumental changes with two major surgical remedies of one jaw vs. two jaw surgery in skeletal Class III malocclusion. Accordingly it was the aim of the study to elucidate the skeletal profile changes with an accompanying disposition of soft tissues, consequently to yield the correlation and ratio of soft tissue changes with two types of surgical procedures, which in turn make it possible to predict the soft tissue outcomes by means of assembled regression equations. Cephalometric headfilms of fifty two adult skeletal Class III comprised of 26 maxillary advancement by Le Fort I osteotomy and mandibular setback by sagittal split ramus osteotomy simultaneously (double jaw surgery, group A), 26 mandibular setback alone (one jaw surgery, group B) were statistically analyzed. Group A manifested 72.4% soft tissue advancement to skeletal changes in the upper lip area, while group B appeared to have no statistically significant changes. The nasolabial angle showed more increment in group A than in group B, whereas the mentolabial angle illustrated more reduction in group B. The backward movement of soft tissue pogonion to skeletal change revealed 98% in group A, and 109% in group B. The double jaw surgery group characteristically revealed remarkable integ umental change in the upper lip area, while the one jaw surgery had major effects in the lower lip and soft tissue pogonion areas.

Changes in Soft Tissue Profile after Surgical Correction of Prognathic Mandible (하악전돌증의 악교정수술 후 연조직 형태변화에 대한 연구)

  • Sung, Sang-Jin;Park, Hyun-Do;Kim, Jae-Seung;Moon, Yoon-Shik
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.30 no.3 s.80
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    • pp.355-365
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    • 2000
  • The treatment plan for orthognathic surgery must be based on accurate predictions, and this can be produced the most esthetic results. Treatment of prognathic mandible in adult is usually orthognathic surgery using mandible set back, but mandible with retruded chin point is needed additional chin augmentation. In this case, the directions between mandible and chin point are different therefore, the prediction of soft tissue reactions must be modified. In this study, we materialize the patients who was taken orthognathic surgery due to prognathic mandible, 11each(Group A) was taken only Bilateral Sagittal Sprit Ramus Osteotomy (BSSRO), 9each(Group B) was taken additional advancement genioplasty. The lateral cephalometric radiography taken 8 months later after orthognathic surgery by this patients were used. The results of this study were as follows : 1. The profile of lips was favorable after surgery due to upper lip to I-line became prominent and lower lip tc E-line was retruded. 2. In both group, upper lip moved posteriorly and nasolabial angle was increased. 3. The ratio of the soft tissue profile change in POGs point to skeletal B point movement was $84\%$ in group A and $66\%$ in group B, and there was statistical significance between group A and group B. 4. Vertical movement of hard tissue points is decreased in group A.

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Nasoanthropometric Study After Open Rhinoplasty (개방형 비성형술 후 비계측 연구)

  • Kim Yoon-Tae;Ahn Kang-Min;Myoung Hoon;Hwang Soon-Jung;Chi Jin-Young;Choung Pill-Hoon;Kim Myung-Jin;Lee Jong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Cleft Lip And Palate
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2005
  • 1. Introduction : 개방형 비성형술은 직접적인 비소주에 대한 접근으로 진단과 기술상의 장점으로 인하여 과거 수년간 의심의 여지 없이 사용되었으며 또한 비익 연골을 쉽게 사용할 수 있어서 대부분의 경우에 사용되어져 왔다. 그러나 비개방형에 비해 개방형 비성형술의 경우 콧구멍과 비첨부의 비대칭 및 비익부의 길어짐 등의 불만을 호소하는 경우가 많았다. 그러나 개방형 비성형술의 경우 아직도 접근의 용이성 및 대칭성으로 많이 사용되고 있다. 2. Material & Methods : 이에 서울대학교 구강악안면외과에서 1999년부터 2001년까지 개방형 성형술을 시행 받은 환자를 대상으로 술후에 비익과 비첨부의 대칭 및 비공의 크기 정도를 평가해보고 개방형 비성형술의 좋은 결과에 대해 논해보고자 하였다. 3. Resulo : 술 후 환자의 만족도는 높은 편이었으나 양측의 대칭 정도에서는 조금씩 차이를 보여 비첨은 대개 이환측으로 변위되어 있었으며 비공의 크기에서도조금씩 차이를 나타내었다. 4. Conclusion : 지금까지는 주로 비순부의 평균치나 성장 방향을 연구하는데 주로 계측치들이 이용되었던 반면, 수술 후 일어날 수 있는 비부의 변화앙상을 나타내는 데에는 부족한 점이 많았고 특히 구순 구개열 환자에서 연령, 성별에 따른 표준자료의 부족으로 형태학적인 비교 연구 및 표준자료가 부족하였다. 따라서 이번 연구에서는 구순 구개열 환자의 술 전 및 술 후 의 변화 양상을 파악하는데 도움이 될 만한 차트를 만들었고 변화양상을 연구하는데 도움이 될만한 자료를 제시하는 바이다.

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Comparison of Soft Tissue Changes between Adolescents and Adults in Class II Malocclusion Treatment (청소년 및 성인 환자에서 II급 부정교합 치료시 연조직 변화에 관한 비교)

  • Chang, Na-Young;Cho, Jin-Hyoung;Lee, You-Mee;Kang, Kyung-Hwa
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.277-294
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the soft tissue changes of class II adolescents and adults in respect to extraction or nonextraction. The study included 68 patients from Wonkwang Dental Hospital were categorized to adolescent extraction group, adolescent nonextraction group, adult extraction group, adult nonextraction group. Cephalometric tracing of each patient was done to compare pretreatment and posttreatment of each group, to compare the changes between groups. And among the variables that showed significancy, correlation analysis and simple linear regression were done. The results were as follows. 1. In both adolescents and adults after extraction treatment, nasolabial angle significantly increased and in both subjects after non extraction treatment, nasolabial angle significantly decreased. 2. In extraction subjects, there were positive correlation between the amount of treatment changes of vertical-U1 and E line-upper lip, the changes of vertical-L1 and E line-lower lip, the changes of vertical-L1 and vertical-Li. 3. In extraction subjects, simple regression equations of E line-upper lip, E line-lower lip, Li were calculated by regression analysis. According to the results above, it could be considered that the effect of the extraction or nonextraction treatment was greater than the effect of growth.

Subjective Evaluation about Ideal Position of the Subnasale on Lateral Photos (측모 사진상에서 Subnasale의 이상적인 위치에 관한 주관적 평가)

  • Kim, Yi-Dong;Chung, Dong-Hwa;Cha, Kyung-Suk;Lee, Jin-Woo;Lee, Sang-Min
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.347-358
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    • 2013
  • When analyzing soft tissue of the profile, Subnasale is often used as an important reference point. But there are few studies on the ideal position of the Subnasale. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present an objective reference of the esthetic face relating to the change of Subnasale position in Koreans' profile, and also to determine whether there is concordance between professionals and laypersons in their perception of facial attractiveness. The one determined as appropriate profile portion by experts of pictures taken in women in 20s was selected. The photograph was modified changing the Subnasale anteroposteriorly on the plane perpendicular to the true vertical line, while maintaining the nasolabial angle. The photographs were presented to a group of professionals (9 orthodontists) and 126 laypersons, who were asked to assess the facial attractiveness of the photographs on a VAS independently. The conclusion was obtained. 1. The ideal position of the Subnasale is when the ratio of the distance Lateral canthus~Subnasale : Subnasale~Pronasale is 1.769 : 1. 2. The ideal degrees between the true vertical line passing through Nasion and Subnasale is $5.5^{\circ}$ 3. The professionals recognized every change in the ratio, but the laypersons couldn't differentiate between the change from 1.571 : 1 to 1.769 : 1.