• Title/Summary/Keyword: (S)-Phenylethylamine

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Survey of Biogenic Amines Contents in Commercial Beers (시판 맥주 중의 biogenic amines 함량 조사)

  • Kim, Jae-Hyun;Ahn, Hyun-Joo;Hong, Jin-Hwan;Han, Sang-Bae;Byun, Myung-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.1127-1129
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    • 2002
  • Fourteen commercial beers (eight domestic and six imported) were investigated for their biogenic amine contents. In all products, six biogenic amines, putrescine, cadaverine, tryptamine, ${\beta}-phenylethylamine$, spermine, and tyramine, were detected at different contents among the products, with the spermine content being the highest. Contents of cadaverine and ${\beta}-phenylethylamine$ in domestic beers, and ${\beta}-phenylethylamine$ and tyramine in imported ones were not significantly different. Results indicate that continuous monitoring of biogenic amine levels in commercial beers is needed to maintain chemical safety and qualities.

Convenient Synthesis of Optically Pure α-Mono and α,α-Disubstituted β-Amino Acids

  • Lee, Hyun-Soo;Park, Jung-Dae;Kim, Dong-H.
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.467-472
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    • 2003
  • Optically pure α-mono- and α, α-disubstituted β-amino acids were conveniently prepared in four steps and in 27-40% overall yields from the correspondingly substituted racemic β-hydroxy acids that can be readily obtained from diethyl malonate. In the synthesis, (S)-phenylethylamine has been used as a resolving agent and as a source of the amino group in the β-amino acids.

Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Biogenic Amines Levels in Doenjang during Fermentation (감마선 조사가 된장 숙성중의 Biogenic Amine 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jae-Hyun;Ahn, Hyun-Joo;Kim, Dong-Ho;Jo, Cheorun;Cha, Bo-Sook;Byun, Myung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.713-716
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    • 2002
  • Biogenic amine levels in irradiated doenjang, Korean fermented soybean paste, were investigated during fermentation at $25^{\circ}C$ for 12 weeks. Biogenic amines detected in doenjang were putrescine, cadaverine, tryptamine, $\beta$-phenylethylamine, spermidine, spermine, histamne, tyramine and agmatine. Agmatine showed the most highest level among biogenic amines detected in doenjang during fermentation. Most biogenic amines, such as putrescine, cadaverine, tryptamine, $\beta$-phenylethylamine, spermidine, histamne and tyramine, significantly decreased 20~60% by gamma irradiation during fermentation, while spermine and agmatine did not. Therefore, gamma irradiation can be applied to inhibit the biogenic amines formation in doenjang during fermentation.

Determination of Biogenic Amines using an Amperometric Biosensor with a Carbon Nanotube Electrode and Enzyme Reactor (Carbon Nanotube 전극과 효소반응기로 구성된 Amperometric Biosensor를 이용한 Biogenic Amines 검출)

  • Kim, Jong-Won;Jeon, Yeon-Hee;Kim, Mee-Ra
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.735-742
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    • 2010
  • Biogenic amines are synthesized by microbial decarboxylation for the putrefaction or fermentation of foods containing protein. Although biogenic amines such as histamine, tyramine, and putrescine are required for many physiological functions in humans and animals, consumption of high amounts of biogenic amines can cause toxicological effects, including serious gastrointestinal, cutaneous, hemodynamic, and neurological symptoms. In this study, a novel amperometric biosensor wasdeveloped to detect biogenic amines. The biosensor consisted of a working electrode, a reference electrode, a counter electrode, an enzyme reactor with immobilized diamine oxidase, an injector, a peristaltic pump and a potentiostat. A working electrode was fabricated with a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) by coating functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT-$NH_2$) and by electrodepositing Prussian blue (PB) to enhance electrical conductivity. A sensor system with PB/MWCNT-$NH_2$/GCE showed linearity in the range of $0.5 {\mu}M{\sim}100 {\mu}M$ hydrogen peroxide with a detection limit of $0.5 {\mu}M$. The responses for tyramine, 2-phenylethylamine, and tryptamine were 95%, 75%, and 70% compared to that of histamine, respectively. These results imply that the biosensor system can be applied to the quantitative measurement of biogenic amines.

Preparation and Characterization of Ion-exchange Membrane Using sPEEK for Fuel Cell Application (Sulfonated-PEEK를 이용한 연료전지용 이온교환막의 제조 및 특성평가)

  • Jang, Won-Gi;Ye, Se-Hui;Kang, Seung-Kyu;Kim, Ji-Tae;Byun, Hong-Sik
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.270-276
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    • 2011
  • A nascent membrane was prepared by using the solution evaporation method with a solution of sPEEK, EdAn (cross-linking reagent), and PEA (grafting reagent) in DMAc. Then, after the imination and sulfonation process the cross-linked and grafted ion-exchange membrane, CG-sPEEK, was obtained. The sulfonation and imination reactions were confirmed by FTIR analysis. In order to evaluate the possibility of prepared membrane for the use of an ion-exchange membrane in PEMFC, proton conductivity, water uptake and volume change were measured and compared with a commercial membrane, Nafion 115. It was revealed that since the proton conductivity (0.17 S/cm) of prepared membrane were much higher than those of Nafion 115 (0.10 S/cm) the prepared membrane could be used for the ion-exchange membrane in PEMFC. However, the high water uptake (130%) of CG-sPEEK should be reduced for the dimension stability.

Evaluation of Biogenic Amines in Korean Commercial Fermented Foods (국내 유통 발효식품 중 biogenic amines 함량 분석)

  • Han, Gyu-Hong;Bahn, Kyeong-Nyeo;Son, Yeong-Wook;Jang, Mi-Ran;Lee, Chang-Hee;Kim, So-Hee;Kim, Dae-Byoung;Kim, Seon-Bong;Cho, Tae-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.730-737
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    • 2006
  • High performance liquid chromatographic methods for the simultaneous determination of 12 biogenic amines were developed and contents of biogenic amines in 23 varieties of Korean commercial fermented food were analyzed. Dansyl derivatives of biogenic amine were very stable and had good peak resolution. Except agmatine, the recovery of biogenic amines from soybean paste with extraction of 0.1 N HC1 added biogenic amines to soybean paste was greater 85%. The calibration curve showed good linearity over a concentration range up to 50 ${\mu}g/mL$. In the determination of biogenic amine level in Korean commercial fermented foods, doenjang and chungkukjang (fermented soybean pastes), soy sauce, anchovy and pacific sand lance liquid jeotkal (fermented fish sauce products), and cabbage kimchi had high level biogenic amines. Especially, traditional doenjang had a histamine (HIS) level of 952.0 mg/kg, a tyramine (TYR) level of 1,430.7 mg/kg. Most cheese had low level of biogenic amines, but one Gouda cheese had a tyramine (TYR) level of 97.5 mg/kg. A low level of biogenic amines was detected in wines, beer, yoghurt, and sausage. Putrescine (PUT), cadaverine (CAD), tryptamine (TRY), histamine (HIS), tyramine (TYR), and 2-phenylethylamine (PHE) were mainly formed in fermented foods by the action of microorganism, so their levels were high with a range. On the other hand, spermidine (SPD), spermine(SPM), serotonin (SER), noradrenaline (NOR), and dopamine (DOP) were formed originally via biosynthesis with consequent low level.