• Title/Summary/Keyword: ${\mu}$-approach

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Fractal-based collaboration model for a virtual enterprise (가상기업을 위한 프랙탈 기반 협업 모델)

  • Mun Jeong-Tae;Mun Yeong-Pil;Jeong Mu-Yeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.1698-1701
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    • 2006
  • In this research, fractal approach is applied to the realization of a virtual enterprise. Virtual enterprise is a temporarily built organization to cope with new business opportunity. It is composed of diverse business partners such as suppliers, manufacturers, customers, and service providers in value chains. Therefore, communication and interoperability problems between heterogeneous participants are one of the main concerns in developing collaboration models of a virtual enterprise. Fractal-based reference model can be a solution for this problem. The term 'fractal' is used to represent a participant of the value chains. There are many advantages when participants try to embody fractal-based collaboration model such as; (1) no restriction of inner configuration, (2) guarantee of autonomy, (3) easy implementation of interfaces, etc. Fractals are self-similar, however, this does not mean that they should have same configuration. In this paper, a fractal-based collaboration model for a virtual enterprise is proposed and described with (1) a formal formulation of fractal concept, (2) functional requirements and interfaces, and (3) a goal model as a driving force of the virtual enterprise.

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A Study on Inspection Technology of PDP ITO Defect (PDP ITO 결함 검출기술에 관한 연구)

  • 송준엽;박화영;정연욱;김현종
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.06a
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    • pp.191-195
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    • 2003
  • The formation degree of sustain (ITO pattern) decides quality of PDP (plasma display panel). For this reason. it makes efforts in search defects more than 30 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$. Now, the existing inspection process is dependent upon naked eye or SEM equipment in off-line PDP manufacturing process. In this study developed prototype inspection system of PDP ITO glass. This system creates information that detects and sorts kind of defect automatically. Design ed inspection technology adopts line-scan method by slip-beam formation for the minimum of inspection time and image processing algorithm is embodied in detection ability of developed system. Designed algorithm had to make good use of kernel matrix which draws up an approach to geometry. A characteristic of area-shaped defects, as pin hole, substance, protrusion et al, are extracted from blob analysis method. Defects, as open, short, spots, et al, are distinguished by line type inspection algorithm. In experiment results, we could have ensured ability of inspection that can be detected with reliability of up to 95% in about 60 seconds

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Development of the Osseo-integrated Implant system for Laboratory Animals (동물실험용 골융합 임플란트 시스템 개발)

  • Bae, Tae-Soo;Heo, Hyun;Kim, Shin-Ki;Mun, Mu-Seong;Ahn, Jae-Yong;Hong, Sung-Ran
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.117-122
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    • 2007
  • The novel implant system was developed using osseo-integration technology which enable amputee to overcome skin troubles in use of previous socket system and was evaluated in view of biomechanics, radiology, histology, and pathology. The osseo-integrated implants were designed and manufactured using CT image of canine's tibia and were applied to laboratory animals (canines). The follow-up studies were performed for 24 months with 10 canines. In radiology examination, we found that the relative low strain distribution caused medial and posterior bone resorption and then we verified them by biomechanical testing. In histological approach, the complete osseo-integration was observed through the activity of osteoblast cells around bone-implant interface and the radial outer region of bone due to peristeum reaction. Lastly in pathological aspect, the evidence of superficial infection was detected but that of deep infection was not. Therefore it is thought that infection problem will be overcome by immunity of body and good hygiene.

Analysis of Natural Ventilation Effect of Seoul Metropolitan Subway by Monitoring Indoor $CO_2$ Concentrations (수도권 전동차 객실 $CO_2$농도관측을 통한 자연환기효과 해석)

  • Kwon, Soon-Bark;Cho, Young-Min;Park, Duck-Shin;Park, Eun-Young;Kim, Se-Young;Jung, Mi-Young
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.965-968
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    • 2007
  • Two major parameters, i.e. carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) and particulate matters smaller than $10{\mu}m\;(PM_{10})$, were selected as the index pollutants in managing indoor air quality. The former pollutant, $CO_2$, is the index that shows the ventilation status and is exhaled by passengers when they breathe in train or subway. It is generally known that high $CO_2$ concentration in the vehicle may be decreased by insufficient air-tightening vehicle bodies and the air is ventilated when vehicles stop at the station and doors open. However, there is no established proof or quantitatively identified data on how much the $CO_2$ concentration is reduced when ventilation is done while doors are opened. In this study, $CO_2$ concentrations were measured in 6 lines of Korail and one line of Seoul Metro subway linesand a theoretical approach was takento predict the changing trend of $CO_2$ concentrations during the operation of vehicle by using $CO_2$ dilution factor through natural ventilation. As a result, the change could be quantified and it was found that app. 35% of indoor $CO_2$ was removed through natural ventilation.

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Tensor-Based Channel Estimation Approach for One-Way Multi-Hop Relaying Communications

  • Li, Shuangzhi;Mu, Xiaomin;Guo, Xin;Yang, Jing;Zhang, Jiankang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.4967-4986
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    • 2015
  • Multi-hop relaying communications have great potentials in improving transmission performance by deploying relay nodes. The benefit is critically dependent on the accuracy of the channel state information (CSI) of all the transmitting links. However, the CSI has to be estimated. In this paper, we investigate the channel estimation problem in one-way multi-hop MIMO amplify-and-forward (AF) relay system, where both the two-hop and three-hop communication link exist. Traditional point-to-point MIMO channel estimation methods will result in error propagation in estimating relay links, and separately tackling the channel estimation issue of each link will lose the gain as part of channel matrices involved in multiple communication links. In order to exploit all the available gains, we develop a novel channel estimation model by structuring different communication links using the PARAFAC and PARATUCK2 tensor analysis. Furthermore, a two-stage fitting algorithm is derived to estimate all the channel matrices involved in the communication process. In particular, essential uniqueness is further discussed. Simulation results demonstrate the advantage and effectiveness of the proposed channel estimator.

The Approach for the Trade-off Study Between Field-effect Mobility and Current on/off Ratio in P3HT Field-effect Transistors

  • Jeong, Shin-Woo;Chang, Seong-Pil;Park, Jung-Ho;Oh, Tae-Yeon;Ju, Byeong-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.15-19
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    • 2012
  • Presented herein are the results of the study that was conducted on the electrical characteristics of organic field-effect transistors based on poly(3-hexylthiophene), particularly the thickness and annealing temperature of their active layer is varied. The changes in field-effect mobility and current on/off ratio were explored. It was observed that both increasing annealing temperature from $60^{\circ}C$ to $100^{\circ}C$ and various concentrations influence the trade-off relations between the mobility and current on/off ratio. The surface morphology of the 2-${\mu}m^2$ area with various thicknesses was scanned via atomic-forcemicroscopy(AFM) to verify the relationship between surface morphology, which is related to the thickness of the film, and device performance.

Folate-Targeted Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLCs) Enhance (Letrozol) Efficacy in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells

  • Sabzichi, Mehdi;Mohammadian, Jamal;Khosroushahi, Ahmad Yari;Bazzaz, Roya;Hamishehkar, Hamed
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.5185-5188
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    • 2016
  • Objective: Targeted-drug-delivery based lipid nanoparticles has emerged as a new and effective approach in cancer chemotherapy. Here, we investigated the ability of folate-modified nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) to enhance letrozol (LTZ) efficacy in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Methods: New formulations were evaluated regarding to particle size and scanning electron microscope (SEM) features. Anti-proliferative effects of LTZ loaded nanoparticles were examined by MTT assay. To understand molecular mechanisms of apoptosis and cell cycle progression, flow cytometric assays were applied. Results: Optimum size of nanoparticles was obtained in mean average of $98{\pm}7nm$ with a poly dispersity index (PDI) of 0.165. The IC50 value was achieved for LTZ was $2.2{\pm}0.2{\mu}M$. Folate-NLC-LTZ increased the percentage of apoptotic cells from 24.6% to 42.2% compared LTZ alone (p<0.05). Furthermore, LTZ loaded folate targeted NLCs caused marked accumulation of cells in the subG1 phase. Conclusion: Taken together, our results concluded that folate targeted LTZ can be considered as potential delivery system which may overcome limitations of clinical application of LTZ and improve drug efficacy in tumor tissue.

A Study on the Initiation and Growth Behaviors of Surface Crack in a Type 304 Stainless Steel at Room Temperature (SUS 304鋼 의 常溫下 表面피勞균열 의 發생.成長 擧動 에 관한 硏究)

  • 서창민;김규남
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.195-200
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    • 1984
  • In-plane tension fatigue tests(R=0.1) were carried out to investigate the initiation and growth behaviors of very small surface fatigue cracks on smooth unnotched surfaces of type 304 stainless steel at room temperature. The present paper deals with the unification of two approaches to the analysis of fatigue: the one approach is based on fracture mechanics concept and the other on low-cycle fatigue concept. The results are;(1)Maximum crack length, 2 $a_{max}$, initiated at a very small surface scratch not exceeding 20 .mu.m which can exist on the surface after buffing. And the density of small surface crack is remarkably low compared to that of mild steel. (2) The growth rate, d(2a)/dN, of very small fatigue cracks can be represented by one straight line as a function of either stress intensity factor range, .DELTA. $K_{I}$ or cyclic total strain intensity factor range, .DELTA. $K_{\epsilon}$$_{I}$/, for various values of the nominal stress range.e.e.e.e.

Analysis on the Navigation Menu to Improve Accessing Information in Elementary School Website (초등학교 웹사이트에서의 내용 접근성 향상을 위한 메뉴 구조 분석)

  • Lee, Byeong-Mu;Kho, Dae-Ghon;Yoo, In-Hwan
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.163-173
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    • 2003
  • In this study, the six types of menu were suggested according to analysis of elementary school website about informational structure, depth and width of the menu, method of arrangement, suggesting form of the menu, ease the menu usage. And we design and develop the menu, and test, adapting the six types of menu on the same control condition, for the purpose of test about affective response and effectiveness, efficiency in user's utilizing these menus. As a result, the menu type of upper part drop-down type and left part suggesting after upper part suggesting type were testified as a menu type of high approach and recognition in the elementary schools web site.

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Detection of DNA Hybridization Characteristics Using Electrochemical methods (전기화학법을 이용한 DNA Hybridization 특성 검출)

  • Kim, Do-Kyun;Chang, Jeong-Soo;Kwon, Young-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2002.07c
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    • pp.1569-1571
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    • 2002
  • The determination of DNA hybridization can apply the molecular biology research, clinic diagnostics, bioengineering, environment monitoring, food science and other application area. So, The determination of hybridization is very important for the improvement of DNA detection system. In this study, we report the characterization of the DNA hybridization by the electricalchemical methods. A new electrochemical biosensor is described for voltammetric detection of gene sequence related to probe oligonucleotide of bacterium Escherichia coli O157:H7. The biosensor involves the immobilization of a 18-mer probe oligonucleotide, which is complemetary to a specific gene sequence related to Escherichia coli O157:H7 on a gold electrode through specific adsorption. The probe oligonucleotide was used to determine the amount of target oligonucleotide in solution using mitoxantrone(MTX) as the electrochemical indicators. The cathodic peak currents $(I_{peak})$ of MTX were linearly related to the concentration of the target oligonucleotide sequence in the range $1[{\mu}M]{\sim}0.1[nM]$. The detection limit of this approach was 0.01[nM]. In addition, these indicators were capable of selectivity discriminating against various mismatching condition.

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