Motivation for learning is important for positive learning outcomes as well as for measured achievement levels. When students come to our classes, they bring with them learning histories in which we as individual teachers, most likely, did not have an input. Our students do not only bring with them different levels of prerequisite leanings but also different levels of affect for what they will be learning. If we leave their final learning at the mercy of these entry characteristics, a test given the first day before the course will have almost isomorphic results with their achievement levels on the last day. The ones who had 'it' on the first day will be the ones who in the future will also have 'it', not too different from what the present situation is all over the world. These circumstances will tend to be the case ad infinitum, unless of course, we want to change the situation. This research clearly shows that effective instructional methodologies coupled with cooperative peer interactions not only have an impact on achievement but also on positive attitudes toward one's learning.