This paper provides a case study to explore the Kitakyushu case as a good referential example on STP development for rejuvenation of declining industrial city. The major data for the case, basically, has been sourced from some materials published by the municipality of Kitakyushu City, the website of the Kitakyushu Science and Research Park (KSRP) etc. The City of Kitakyushu has promoted the KSRP development to overcome industrial decline and stimulate city renaissance as a new industrial city. The core of the development was to develop a high-level education and research environment by gathering several HEIs into one campus. Based on the environment, the Kitakyushu Foundation for the Advancement of Industry and Science and Technology (FAIS) played the critical role as a coupler to make various networks and boost industry-academiaadministration innovation. The KSRP, and then, has been designated as a project area of some cluster projects initiated by the central government. It means that local projects can be synchronized, synergized and synthesized with national projects in the KSRP. In addition, through a series of the environmental approach from the Kitakyushu Eco-town Project to the Low Carbon Society Project, the development of the KSRP is being extended into the region. In the Kitakyushu case, networking is the essence of the KSRP development from the planning stage. First of all, the plan put emphasis on networking of academia for the knowledge creation based on competitive collaboration that is expected as the mainspring of rejuvenating declining industrial area and making a new industrial city that the plan aimed. Then, the roles of two organizations are very important for networking, especially networking of networks: the Campus Management Committee as an interface and the FAIS as a coupler. STP development without some strategic considerations for networking as the way of interaction among its participants cannot be a tool to promote innovation and rejuvenate a declining industrial area. The Kitakyushu case mentioned above explains the matter clearly.