목적: RF Birdcage Resonator는 그것의 높은 자장 균질성과 신호 대 잡음비의 특성이 좋음으로 인해 MRI와 MRS 연구에 보편적으로 사용되고 있다. 본 연구는 인체를 비롯한 동물실험을 위한 다양한 실험대상에 따라 코일의 크기를 예측하여 Birdcage Resonator를 개발하였다. unloaded와 loaded 상태에서의 전기적인 성향을 Lumped Element Circuit Theory를 따라 일반적인 분석을 하였을 뿐 아니라 실제적인 실험을 통한 분석도 하였다.
Purpose: Recently, a major interesting method of fast MR imaging is sensitivity encoding (SENSE) using arrays of multiple receiver coils. In this study, we have designed and implemented a 4-channel head array coil and optimized the structure and arrangement of the coil to improve the performance.
목적: 생체 조직에서의 전기임피던스 분포는 생리적 기능에 대하여 풍부한 정보를 가지고 있다. 이러한 전기임피던스 분포는 전기임피던스단층촬영법(EIT)으로 구할 수 있으나 공간해상도가 열악하여 그 사용이 보편화되지 못하고 있다. 기존의 EIT의 한계점을 극복하기 위하여 EIT와 MRI 기술을 결합한 자기공명임피던스단층촬영법(MREIT: Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography)이 최근 제안되었다. MREIT는 영상복원 과정에서 x, y, z 3방향의 자속밀도 벡터를 필요로 하므로 MRI용 자석 내에서 물체를 3차원으로 회전하여 자속밀도 벡터를 구해야 한다. 이러한 3차원 회전은 MREIT가 실제 임상에 적용되는데 있어서 한계점으로 지적되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 물체 회전을 하지 않고 전기임피던스 분포를 얻을 수 있는 새로운 MREIT 방법을 제안하였다. 새로운 MREIT 방법의 원리에 대해서 소개하고 0.3T의 주자장세기를 갖는 연구용 MRI 시스템에서 얻은 MREIT영상을 소개하고자 한다.
목적: MRI 시스템에서 얻어지는 Data는 TR(Repetition Time)과 TE(Echo Time)에 따라서 신호 대잡음비(SNR), 조직들간의 대조도(Contrast), Artifact 및 촬영시간이 결정된다. 이 연구에서는 TR/TE를 줄이는 기법을 이용한 Radial Imaging 영상기법을 제시하고자 한다. 대상 및 방법: 일반적인 Radial Imaging 기법에 HASTE 기법과 Non-uniform sampling 기법의 특징을 이용하여 구현하였으며, TR/TE를 줄일 수 있었으며 얻어진 K-space Data는 가변주파수 역 Fourier Transform을 이용하여 Projection Data를 재구성한 후 Back Projection 기법을 이용하여 최종 영상을 재구성한다.
목적: MRI 시스템에서 얻어지는 기초 Data는 K-space 즉 촬영대상의 Fourier Transform 된 Data 이다. 이 K-space Data는 영상 촬영 기법에 따라 다른 형식으로 얻어지게 되는데, 이 연구에서는 Radial Imaging에서 Repetition Time 과 Echo Time을 줄이기 위해 구현된 영상기법을 이용하여 얻어진 Data를 이용하여 영상을 재구성하는 방법을 제시하고자 한다.
Lee, Jeong-Hyun;Lee, Sun-Young;Kim, Hyun-Jeong;Park, Choong-Gon;Lee, Deok-Hee;Lee, Ho-Kyu;Kim, Sang-Joon;Suh, Dae-Chul 20
Purpose: To investigate the difference of fractional anisotropy (FA) values between 6- and 25-direction diffusion tensor images (DTI) in normal adult brain. Materials and Methods: DTI was peformed in 28 normal subjects (15 subjects with 6-direction, 13 subjects with 25-direction) in a 1.5 T MR system. DTI was done with SE-EPI sequence with TR/TE/NEX 10000/84/1, 5mm slice thickness and b=1000 s/mm2. FA values were measured from 8 different anatomical locations which included both cerebral peduncles, both posterior limbs of the internal capsules, both corona radiata, genu and splenium of the corpus callosum. Statistical difference of FA was tested between 6-and 25-direction DTI. -
목적: 악성뇌종양 주변부위의 역동자기공명영상에서의 시간신호강도곡선 양상으로 종양의 성장 양상이나 예후를 판단할 수 있는지를 알고자 한다. 대상 및 방법: Anaplastic oligodendroglioma 3예, Anaplastic astrocytoma 1예, Glioblastoma multiforme 1예, Malignant ependymoma 2예, Medulloblastorna 1예로서, 총 8예의 종양절제전, 혹은 후의 잔류 종양을 대상으로 하였다. Routine MRI에 추가하여 종양부위에서 Turbo spin echo T1 강조 역동자기공명영상을 하였으며, Gd-DTPA 0.1 mmol/kg를 급속 주사 한 후, TR/TE, 350/15, slice thickness 6 mm, slice number 3, NEX 2회, scan time은 15 초로 하여 5 분 동안 20회 영상을 얻었다. 가시적으로 조영증강이 없는 종양의 주변부위나 수술경계부위에 관심영역을 그려서 시간신호강도곡선을 얻었으며, 첫 회 조영제 통과시의 peak 이후에 신호가 감소하는 경우를 Normal pattern으로, peak 이후에 신호가 계속 유지되거나 증가하는 경우를 Tumor pattern으로 하였으며, Normal pattern과 Tumor pattern을 보인 예들을 구분하여 종양의 재성장 상태와 환자의 생존 기간을 비교 관찰하였다.
The purpose of this study was to compare the detection rate of brain metastasis according to size of nodule between 1.5T and 3.0T MRI 대상 및 방법: We reviewed 44 patients with primary tumors and clinical symptoms suggesting brain metastasis. After administration of double dose gadolinium-DTPA, MR imaging was performed with 3D SPGR sequence by 3.0T MRI and then with T1 SE sequence by 1.5T MRI. Consequently, comparison was done in 1.5T T1 SE sequence and 3.0T 3D SPGR sequence. With use of the signal intensity (SI) measurements in the metastatic nodules and adjacent tissue, metastatic nodule-to-adjacent tissue SI ratio were calculated. In each patient, the number of metastatic lesions detected in 1.5T and 3.0T, and their size were assessed qualitatively by three blinded readers.
To evaluate clinical visualization of intracranial aneurysms between 3D-TOF MRA with 3.0T MR and CTA with 16-slices MDCT. In a prospective series, 12 patients with 16 aneurysms were studies with 3D-TOF MRA and CTA. MRA were performed on a GE Signa 3.0 T system (Signa VH/i, GE) with 25/3/20 (TR/TE/FA). CTA were peformed on a 16 slice MDCT (Sensation 16, Somatom, Siemens) with IV shooting of 80 ml iodinated contrast mediumat antecubital vein at a rate of 3.5 ml/sec. Four among 12 patients underwent DSA for surgery. Size, shape, neck and parent vessel of aneurysms were evaluated for comparison of visualization and detectability of aneurysms.
Purpose: It is known that diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI) is helpful in the evaluation of malignancy grading in brain tumor. This study was to evaluate the DWls with different b-values of various brain tumors in order to determine optimal b-values on 3T MR unit. Method: On a 3T MR unit, DWls with b-values of 1, 000, 3, 000 and 5, 000 s/mm2 were obtained in 20 patients of pathologically-proven brain tumors (7 metastases, 4 high grade gliomas, 2 Iymphomas, 2 low grade gliomas, 2 germinomas, and one each of germinoma, meningioma, hemangioblastoma and central neurocytoma. The overall image quality, contrast between normal brain parenchyma and tumor and signal intensities of solid and cystic components were comparatively evaluated among DWls with different b-values by visual inspection.
Purpose: In order to characterise primary central nervous system Iymphomas (PCNSL) and to evaluate if 1H spectroscopy improves the preoperative differential diagnosis of other diseases. Method: We reviewed 11 MR imaging and 7 MR spectroscopy of 9 patient with Iymphoma confirmed by stereotatic biopsy.
목적: 본 연구의 목적은 미각자극에 대한 인간 뇌의 활성화 영역을 측정하고 가시화하여 미각의 뇌 활성화 부위에 대한 기초자료를 마련하는데 있다. 대상 및 방법: 5명의 남자 대학생 (평균 24.8세)을 뇌기능 연구의 실험 대상자로 선정하였고, 대상자들은 미각에 이상이 없고 구강수술 경험이 없는 오른손잡이를 대상으로 3번에 걸쳐 EPI 혈액산 소농도의존(blood oxygen level dependent)법을 이용하여 미각자극에 의한 기능적 자기공명영상 실험을 수행하였다. 미각 자극을 위하여 5%의 saline을 사용하였으며 자체적으로 제작한 Stimulator를 사용하여 자극하였다. 자극은 3회의 휴식기간과 2회의 자극기간에 걸쳐 시행하였으며, 각 자극기간은 30초씩 5초 간격으로 이스 당 42개의 영상을 획득했다. Post-processing은 SPM99 (Statistical Parametric Mapping 99, The Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, Oxford 1999)의 correlation법을 사용하여 threshold 0.4∼0.7의 범위에서 통계처리 하였으며, 활성화 영상은 EPI영상과 같은 부위의 T1 강조영상에 overlapping시켰다. 이렇게 얻어진 fMRI 영상으로 활성 영역의 위치를 분석하였다.
목적: 뇌내혈종이 발생한 경우 원인질환의 파악은 환자의 치료방법을 결정하는 데 아주 중요한 요소이다. 특히 악성 신생물에 의한 뇌내혈종의 발생을 파악하는 것은 초기 치료 방법의 결정 뿐 아니라 환자 예후의 결정에도 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 뇌내혈종 주위의 부종과 병변의 크기비를 이용한 원인질환 감별방법의 유용성에 대해 알아보고자 하였다.
목적: 통증에 대한 fMRI 연구에 있어서 differential-regression-analysis (DRA) 기법을 사용하여 대뇌 피질에서 통증 처리에 관련된 영역의 순시적인 변화를 관찰하였다. 대상 및 방법: 우선 통증과 일반적인 감각자극과의 생리학적 차이를 밝히기 위해 운동 (finger tapping) 및 시각 (flickering light) 자극 실험이 선행되었다. 통증 유발을 위해서는 50C에서 52C의 뜨거운 물을 이용한 온도자극이 왼손의 검지와 중지에 30초 동안 가해졌다. fMRI 실험은 Marconi (Philips) 1.5 T scanner를 이용하여 gradient echo EPI sequence(TR / TE / FA = 3 sec / 35 msec / 90)로 수행되었다. 감각자극과 통증자극에 대한 반응의 동적인 변화를 관찰하기 위하여 fMRI 결과 분석에 기존의 box-car function과 DRA 기법이 사용되었다.
The purpose of paper is to implement a PC-based software for 3D visualization of brain fiber tractography and high-resolution anatomical data 서론: DTI (Diffusion tensor imaging) is a very useful noninvasive MRI technique for providing the direction and connectivity information of brain fiber tracts. Especially in patients with glioma, fiber tracts on the lesion side in the brain had varying degrees of displacement or disruption as a result of the tumor. Tract disruption resulted from direct tumor involvement, compression on the tract, and vasogenic edema surrounding the tumor. To combine information on fiber tracts surrounding turner with a high-resolution anatomical 3D image may be clinically useful for surgical planning. Therefore we implemented a software for visualizing both brain fiber tractography and anatomical data.
목적: 확산텐서영상 획득시 확산경사자장의 방향수와 FA값, 그리고 FA값의 표준편차와의 상관관계를 조사해 보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 3T MR scanner에서 정상성인 10명(남자 5명, 여자 5명)을 대상으로 걸어주는 확산강조 경사자장의 수(N = 6, 11, 23, 35, 47)를 증가시키며 확산텐서영상을 획득하였다. 획득된 영상들로부터 FA map을 만들고 주요 뇌구조물(frontal GM, putamen, posterior limb of internal capsule, thalamus 등)에 관심영역을 설정하여 FA값을 측정하였으며 그 FA값의 표준편차(sd) 를 계산하였다. 이때 사용한 펄스열은 Stejskal-Tanner type의 확산강조 경사자장이 포함된 single-shot SE EPI를 사용하였으며 영상획득시 사용한 피라미터는 다음과 같다. TR/TE=8000ms/71ms, Thickness/spacing=5/2mm, FOV=240mm, Matrix=
$128{\times}128$ , NEX= 1, b value=1000s/$\textrm{mm}^2$ . -
Age-related WMCs frequently appear in older subjects and are known to be associated with cognitive impairment and brain pathologies such as Alzheimer's disease and stroke. However, it is difficult to detect WMC correctly by using only intensity-based clustering scheme because the intensity levels of WC are similar to those of gray matter(GM). In this paper, we aimed to develop a fast and accurate scheme to detect and segment periventricular WMCs by using both k-means clustering method and morphological features.
목적: 나노 산화철 입자 및 생고분자인 PCL(Polycarprolacton)로 표면 코팅한 T2 MR 조영제를 합성하고 동물 종양 모델을 이용하여 In vivo 특성을 조사하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법:
$FeC1_2$ .$4H_2$ O와$FeC1_3$ .$6H_2$ O을 무게비를 1:2로 정량하여 첨가하고 NaOH 혹은 TMAOH로 pH를 조절한후 PCL를 첨가하여 magnetite가 생성되는 동시에 고분자로서 코팅을 한후 증류수로 여러번 씻어준다. TEM, SEM, DLS 및 IR spectroscopy와 SQUID등을 측정하여 최종 반응물의 입자크기, 자성, 코팅 상태등을 평가하였다. 최소의 입자크기를 형성하는데 필요한 실험 조건을 찾기 위해 반응온도, 코팅할 고분자의 함량, 교반속도별로 실험하여서 최적의 조건을 찾으려 하였다. 토끼의 간에 VX2 암종을 이식한 동물 모델을 이용하여 PCL로 표면 코팅된 나노자성체의 in vivo 영상 특성을 알아보았다. -
목적: 고형성 종양에 특이적으로 발현하는 MR 분자영상용 조영제의 후보물질을 분자생물학적 방법 및 in vitro 분자영상기법을 이용하여 탐색하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 암이 진행됨에 따라 유전자가 과발현되는 세포표면 단백질인 CD44 와 세포막에 존재하는 단백질분해효소의 일종인 MTI-MMP를 일차 선정하여 유전자 수준 및 단백질 수준에서 분자생물학적 방법으로 종양특이성에 대해 검증하였고, 특히 각종 암세포에서 발현양이 증가하는 CD44의 변형인 CD44v6 항체를 이용하여 생세포에서의 표적화에 대한 광학적 검증을 위해 초상자성 나노입자 대신 형광입자(FITC)를 결합하여 confocal microscopy로 실시간 표적화에 대한 분자영상을 획득하였다.
To assess the merits and demerits of postcontrast fat-suppressed (FS) brain MR imaging in children in the evaluation of various enhancing lesions, compared with postcontrast conventional or Magnetization Transfer (MT) imaging. 대상 및 방법: We reviewed patients with enhancing lesion on brain MR imaging who underwent both FS imaging and one of conventional or MT imaging as a postcontrast T1-weighted brain MR imaging. Inclusion criteria of our study were as follows: MR studies should be peformed within one-year interval and showed no significant interval change of imaging findings. Thirty-four patients (21 male, 13 female; mean age, 8 years) with 43 enhancing lesions (19 intra-axial, 19 extra-axial, and 5 orbital location) were included in this study, Twenty-one pairs of FS and conventional imaging, and 15 pairs of FS and MT imaging were available. Two radiologists visually assessed the lesion conspicuity and the presence of flow or susceptibility artifacts in a total of 36 pairs of MR imaging by consensus. For 21 measurable lesions (19 pairs of FS and conventional imaging, 5 pairs of FS and MR imaging), contrast ratio between the lesion and the normal brain( [SIlesion-SIwater]/[SInormal brain-SIwater]) were calculated and compared.
To evaluate the clinical characteristics and outcome of the patients with disseminated pilocytic astrocytoma compared to non-disseminated disease and to discuss treatment options for disseminated disease. We Identified patients with disseminated pilocytic astrocytoma from our Tumor Registry over 21 years of period and reviewed medical records and neuroimages to determine location of the tumor, pattern of dissemination, clinical characteristics, treatment, and outcome. 24 controls without dissemination, matched for age at diagnosis, tumor histology, and primary location were selected from the same registry and case/control comparison was done using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis.
The purpose of this study was to characterize focal hepatic lesions through pre and post ferucarbotran-enhanced T2 and T2*-weighted imaging and to help differentiate benign and malignant lesions 대상 및 방법: Consecutive 34 patients with 52 hepatic lesions underwent MRI before and after intravenous bolus injection of ferucarbotran (Resovist Sobering, Berlin, Germany) for evaluation of focal hepatic lesions. Lesions included hemangiomas (n=17), metastases (n=12), cysts (n=10), hepatocellular carcinomas (n=8), dysplastic nodules (n=4), and focal fat deposit (n=1). T2-weighted fast spin echo (TR/TE: 4060/138) and gradient echo T2*-weighted images(TR/TE: 140/5.3, FA = 90) were obtained according to the institutional routine imaging protocol. Lesional signal-intensity and lesion-to-liver contrast changes were measured by contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) from region of interest.
To evaluate whether mangafodipir trisodium (Mn-DPDP)-enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) imagingimproves the detection and characterization of small (2 cm) hepatic lesions in patients with colorectal carcinoma, compared with spiral CT.
목적: 축구는 현재 전세계에서 가장 대중화된 스포츠이며 육체적인 손상이 흔히 발생한다. 여러 손상 부위중에서 하지의 손상이 가장 흔한 것으로 알려져 있고 골, 근육, 건, 인대 등의 다양한 손상이 있을 수 있다. 저자들은 2002년 한국-일본 공동개최 월드컵 경기에 참가했던 8명의 선수에서 나타난, 하지의 다양한 근골격계손상의 분포와 MR소견에 대해 알아보고자 한다.
Viable myocardium can be distinguished from the infarcted myocardium by contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (ceMRI). In this study, contrast-enhancement with cine magnetic resonance imaging (cecineMRI) was performed for direct correlation of transmural extent of hyperenhancement and that of contractility.
To determine feasibility of contrast-enhanced MRI (co-MRI) at true end-diastole (ED) free from limitation of time for inversion-recovery and trigger window for quantifying transmural extent of infarction. 대상 및 방법: MRI was performed in 18 patients with myocardial infarction. Cine imaging and co-MRI with same registered slices in short axis were peformed. To allow true ED co-MRI, ECG synchronization should use two RR-intervals for one acquisition of a segment of k-space by setting the heart rate to half that of the true heart rate. Trigger delay time was adjusted to the RR-interval for imaging at ED and to the sum of RR-interval plus the time between R-wave and the end-systole (ES) determined in cine images for imaging at ES.
To evaluate remodeling of infarcted myocardium with contrast-enhanced MRI (co-MRI) at true end-diastole (ED) MRI was performed with a Gyroscan Intera (1.5 Tesla, Philips, Netherlands) in 13 patients with acute subendocardial myocardial infarction. The First exam was done 0-15 days (mean 5.2days) after symptom onset and the second exam 28-88days (mean 49 days) after the first exam. Ce-MRI encompassing the entire left ventricle was performed with a multi-shot, turbo-field-echo, breath-hold sequence and a non-selective, inversion prepulse 10 minutes after the intravenous injection of Gd-DTPA at a dose of 0.2 mmol/kg body weight. To allow the long TD, ECG synchronization should use two RR-intervals for one acquisition of a segment of k-space by setting the heart rate to half that of the true heart rate. Trigger delay time (TD) was adjusted to the RR-interval for true end-diastolic imaging. The other typical parameters were TR=5.4ms, TE=1.6ms, voxel size=1.37
${\times}$ 1.37${\times}$ 10mm, k-space data segmented into 8 segments with 32 lines of segment per two cycles over 16 cardiac circles. The thickness of hyperenhanced myocardium and epicardially nonenhanced myocardium were followed. -
확산텐서영상(Diffusion Tensor Imaging)의 개념은 1980년대 중반 확산강조영상(Diffusion Weighted Imaging)의 개념이 도입되면서 거의 동시에 도입되었지만 MR 장비의 기계적 한계등으로 인해 최근에야 임상적으로 사용되기 시작했다. 확산텐서영상(DTI)과 확산강조영상(DWI)의 방법론적인 차이점은 단순히 확산강조영상의 경우 세 개의 다른방향 (X-, Y-, Z-축)으로 확산측정용 경사자장을 가하는 반면 확산텐서영상의 경우 이보다 많은 방향 (최소한 6 방향)으로 확산측정용 경사자장을 가한다는 점이다. 이러한 차이로부터 금방 알 수 있는 점은 확산강조영상은 확산텐서영상의 일부라는 점이다. 즉, 확산텐서영상의 경우 더 많은 방향으로 확산측정용 경사자장을 가했으므로 더 많은 정보를 획득할 수 있고 이중 세 개의 방향 (주로 X,Y,Z)에 대한 정보만을 이용하게 되면 확산강조영상이다. 이러한 이유로 확산텐서영상을 획득하면 확산강조영상에서 얻게 되는 방향별 확산강조영상, 등방성(isotropic) 확산강조영상, ADC (Apparent Diffusion Coefficient) map등도 기본적으로 얻게 되므로 추가로 확산강조영상을 획득할 필요가 없다. 본 강의에서는 이러한 확산(텐서)영상의 물리적 원리를 복잡한 수학적 설명보다는 개념 위주로 설명해 보고자 한다.
확산 텐서 영상은 기존의 x, y, z 세 방향으로 가해지는 화산 경사자장 외에 추가 자장을 걸어준 뒤 계산을 통하여 얻어지는데 기존의 세 방향 경사 자장을 이용한 확산 강조 영상만으로는 스핀의 방향성을 표현하는데 한계가 있고 이를 극복하기 위해 도입된 개념이다 (1-3). 최근 그 임상적 응용이 증가되고 있으며 그 분야는 허혈성 뇌질환에서부터 퇴행성 질환 및 선천성 이상에 이르기까지 광범위하게 적용되고 있으나 그 임상적 의미는 아직 불분명하며 활발한 연구가 이루어지고 있는 단계이다.
We will present work done at our institution on the use of MRI in breast cancer. The presentation will start by describing a compartmental model that has been used by us since 1993 in studying tumor vascular function in animal models and humans. The employment of this method for diagnosis, therapy monitoring, and disease prognosis in breast cancer will be presented with examples.
For fast MRI, the number of phase encoding steps has to be reduced. However, the reconstructed image is aliased if the phase encoding steps don't satisfy Nyquist sampling theory. SENSE is used in order to eliminate the aliasing effect as well as to reduce imaging time. SENSE is a linear algebraic technique applied to the multiple receiver data. In this study, we implement a tool to reconstruct the original image (SENSE image) with Sensitivity Encoding (SENSE)
In SENSE, division process is used in order to get a raw sensitivity map. This process requires denominator which is estimated by "sum-of-squres". However, this image does not have uniformbrightness because of the non-symmetrical property of RF coil arrays. Thus, this study is focused on better estimation of the denominator image.
목적: 피부조직과 같은 미세 인체구조 연구를 위해 고해상도 3T MRI 시스템에 적합한 고분해능의 RF surface coil을 개발하고 있다. In vivo 연구를 위한 여러 parameter를 최적화하여 기능영상에도 부합된다. 비침습적인 In vivo 검사에 의한 세포수준의 극 미세구조의 연구가 가능해짐으로써 과거 시행하던 침습적인 생검없이 각종질환의 진단적 접근이 병리학적 수준으로 향상되어 질병의 정확한 진단이 가능해지게 될 것이다.
목적: 피부표면에 가까운 고분해능 MR 영상을 얻기 위하여는 Surface RF Coil과 강력한 경사자계를 갖는 Gradient Coil이 필수적으로 요구된다. 본 연구에서는 High-Resolution MR Imaging을 위해 surface RF Coil과 Surface Gradient Coil을 제안하였다. Target Field Method를 사용하여 Gradient Coil의 전력 소모를 최소화하였으며 MR Microscopy가 가능한 50 mm∼100 mm의 해상도가 가능하도록 Coil을 설계하였다.
목적: MR 영상에 나타나는 bias field, 즉 영상의 특정 부분이 주위보다 어둡거나 밝게 나타나는 현상을 보다 균일하게 보정시키는 방법으로 제시된 N3 방법에서 Gaussian kernel을 사용한 smoothing 방법 대신에 Wavelet(Daubechies, D4)함수를 smoothing기법으로 사용했을 때 어느 정도 균일함에 향상이 일어나는지를 알아보는 것이다.
목적: fMRI와 뇌파의 동시측정 방법은 높은 시간적-공간적 해상도를 동시에 달성할 수 있는 뇌기능 측정을 가능케 하고, 각각의 방법이 제공하는 정보를 상호보완적으로 동시에 이용할 수 있도록 하는 유용한 방법이다. 그러나 자기공명영상을 얻기 위한 경사자계가 유발하는 잡음과 높은 자기장 내에서의 심장박동으로 인한 미세한 움직임 때문에 생기는 잡음이 뇌파신호의 질을 크게 저하하는 요소로 작용하여 이를 해결하기 위한 계측시스템의 최적화와 신호처리 방법의 개발이 요구된다. 본 논문에서는 평균차감법과 recursive least square 적응 필터링 방법에 기반한 심장 박동잡음의 감소를 위한 신호처리 방법의 개발 결과에 대한 연구 결과를 제시한다.
목적: 한국인의 인체 모델링을 연구하는 과정에서 인체의 부위별로 원하고자하는 부분과 영상 분할 할 수 있는 최적의 영상 분할 알고리듬을 개발하여 3차원 해부학적 영상을 재구현 하는데 그 목적이 있다.
목적: 이전에는 손쉽게 구할 수 있는 표준데이터를 가지고 visual human body model을 형성하였다. 주로 팬텀이나, 외국인의 데이터를 가지고 만든 것이기 때문에 우리가 실제 실험에 쓰려면 큰 차이가 있었다. 그래서 본 연구에서는 실제 우리나라 사람 중 동일 인물의 MR와 CT 이미지를 가지고 인체 모델을 만들고자 하였다. 그러기 위해서 먼저 인체의 MR, CT영상에 대한 특징을 분석해야 했고, 이것을 바탕으로 영상 분할(Image Segmentation)을 하였다. 인체 부위에 따라 영상 분할 방법도 그 차이가 있음을 알 수 있었다.
In existing method, the threshold has determined the points to be used in extrapolation and only pre-peak points were used to find t0. However, to reduce error in using this fitting method, in this study, finding t0is considered the correlation between fitting result and each profile in using iteration method. And the proposed method is compared with the existing method.
This event-related fMRI study was to further our understanding about how different brain regions could contribute to effective access of specific information related to cognitive process and shows the different response of brain regions involved in recognition of familiar faces compared to unfamiliar faces and repetition effect.
목적: 인간은 시각적 자극에 뇌가 반응함으로써 대상을 파악한다. 그리고 대상의 종류에 따라 뇌가 시각적인 정보를 판단하는 영역은 서로 다를 수 있다는 것을 예상할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 시각적 자극의 대상을 크게 인간의 안면과 사물로 나누고 그 대상에 따라 인지하는 뇌의 영역을 확인하고자 한다.
Purpose: The purpose of paper is to implement a PC-based software for 3D visualization of brain fiber tractography and high-resolution anatomical data introduction: DTI (Diffusion tensor imaging) is a very useful noninvasive MRI technique for providing the direction and connectivity information of brain fiber tracts. Especially in patients with glioma, fiber tracts on the lesion side in the brain had varying degrees of displacement or disruption as a result of the tumor. Tract disruption resulted from direct tumor involvement, compression on the tract, and vasogenic edema surrounding the tumor. To combine information on fiber tracts surrounding tumor with a high-resolution anatomical 3D image may be clinically useful for surgical planning. Therefore we implemented a software for visualizing both brain fiber tractography and anatomical data.
Purpose: To assess clinical proton MR spectroscopy (MRS) as a noninvasive method for evaluating tumor malignancy at 3T high field system. Materials and methods: Using 3T MRI/MRS system, localized water-suppressed single-voxel technique in patients with brain tumors was employed to evaluate spectra with peaks of N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), choline-containing compounds (Cho), creatine/phosphocreatine (Cr) and lactate. On the basis of Cr, these peak areas were quantificated as a relative ratio.
Purpose: To investigate whether or not acupuncture of GB34 produces a significant response of the modulation of somatomotor areas by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study. Materials and methods: The acupoint, GB34, located in the back of the knee, is known to be effective in recovering motor function after stroke. Using 3T MRI scanner, functional MR imaging of the whole brain was peformed in 12 normal healthy subjects during two stimulation paradigms; acupuncture manipulation on GB34 and sham points. This study investigates the activation of the motor cortex elicited by a soft and an intensified stimulation of GB 34.Three different paradigms were carried out to detect any possible modulation of the Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) response in the somatomortor area to motor stimulation through acupuncture.
Purpose: To prove feasibility of proton chemical shift. imaging (1H CSI) during stereotactic procedure, authors peformed 1H CSI in combination with a stereotactic headframe and selected targets according to local metabolic information, evaluated the pathologic results Materials and methods: The 1H CSI directed stereotactic biopsy was performed in five patients. 1H CSI was performed before conventional stereotactic MRI with gadolinium enhancement for stereotactic coordinates. The metabolite images expressed as integral ratios, Cho/Cr and Lac/Cr, were displayed in different colors. The stereotactic target coordinates were correlated with the coordinates from the 1H CSI images.
Purpose: To determine the motor cortex dysfunction in hemiparetic patients due to deep intracerebral hematoma, authors peformed proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) for the evaluation of biochemical changes in the cortex on affected hemisphere according to axonal injury at the level of internal capsule. Materials and methods: Ten control subjects and 14 patients with documentable hemiparesis of varying severity hemiparesis were included. All the hemiparesis was caused by deep intracerebral hematoma (putaminal and thalamic hemorrhage). In vivo 1H MRS study was performed on a 3T MRI/MRS system using STEAM sequence. As a single-voxel technique, Spectral parameters were: 20 ms TE, 2000 ms TR, 128 averages, 2500 Hz spectral width, and 2048 data points.
Purpose: To investigate whether there are significant changes in regional brain metabolism in patients with Parkinson's disease after thalamotomy using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS). Materials and methods: Fifteen patients with Parkinson's disease of mean age 56.5 years (7 males and 8 females; mean age, 56.5 years) that have treated with levodopa were included. All patients with tremor experienced amelioration of their symptoms on the side contralateral to the thalamotomy. As a single-voxel technique, 1H MR spectra were obtained from the volume of interested regions in thalamus and primary motor cortex. Spectral parameters were: 20 ms TE, 2000 ms TR, 128 averages, 2500 Hz spectral width, and 2048 data points.
Viable myocardium can be distinguished from the infarcted myocardium by contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (ceMRI). In this study, contrast-enhancement with cine magnetic resonance imaging (cecineMRI) was performed for direct correlation of transmural extent of hyperenhancement and that of contractility.
To determine feasibility of contrast-enhanced MRI (co-MRI) at true end-diastole (ED) free from limitation of time for inversion-recovery and trigger window for quantifying transmural extent of infarction. 대상 및 방법: MRI was peformed in 18 patients with myocardial infarction. Cine imaging and co-MRI with same registered slices in short axis were performed. To allow true ED co-MRI, ECG synchronization should use two RR-intervals for one acquisition of a segment of k-space by setting the heart rate to half that of the true heart rate. Trigger delay time was adjusted to the RR-interval for imaging at ED and to the sum of RR-interval plus the time between R-wave and the end-systole (ES) determined in cine images for imaging at ES.
To evaluate remodeling of infarcted myocardium with contrast-enhanced MRI (co-MRI) at true end-diastole (ED) MRI was performed with a Gyroscan Intera (1.5 Tesla, Philips, Netherlands) in 13 patients with acute subendocardial myocardial infarction. The First exam was done 0-15 days (mean 5.2days) after symptom onset and the second exam 28-88days (mean 49 days) after the first exam. Ce-MRI encompassing the entire left ventricle was peformed with a multi-shot, turbo-field-echo, breath-hold sequence and a non-selective, inversion prepulse 10 minutes after the intravenous injection of Gd-DTPA at a dose of 0.2 mmol/kg body weight. To allow the long TD, ECG synchronization should use two RR-intervals for one acquisition of a segment of k-space by setting the heart rate to half that of the true heart rate. Trigger delay time (TD) was adjusted to the RR-interval for true end-diastolic imaging. The other typical parameters were TR=5.4ms, TE=1.6ms, voxel size=1.37
$\times$ 1.37$\times$ 10mm, k-space data segmented into 8 segments with 32 lines of segment per two cycles over 16 cardiac cycles. The thickness of hyperenhanced myocardium and epicardially nonenhanced myocardium were followed. -
To test the feasibility of rBF and rBVin the assessment of R004 sarcomas of the rat and to compare the results obtained by using Gd-DTPA and Gadomer-17 as a MR contrast agent, on the basis of the histological findings of tumor necrosis.
목적: 기능적 자기공명영상과 확산텐서영상기법을 이용하여 전음성 난청과 감각신경성 난청에서의 뇌활성화 양상 그리고 청신경경로상의 차이점을 비교 연구하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 전음성 난청군 (n=4)과 감각신경성 난청군(n=5) 그리고 정상군(n=5)에서의 기능적 자기 공명영상과 확산텐서영상을 획득하였다. 기능적 자기공명영상의 경우 1.5T Siemens MR scanner에서 BOLD 기법을 이용하여 500 Hz 순음 청각자극에 대한 뇌활성화 영역을 검출하였고 영상촬영시 발생하는 기계적 소음을 차폐하기 위한 청각자극기를 특별히 제작하여 사용하였다. 뇌백질신경로를 영상화하는 확산텐서영상은 3.0T GE whole body MR scanner를 사용하였으며 미세한 확산운동을 검출하기 위해 초고속 영상기법인 EPI 기법을 사용하였다. 영상의 화질을 높이기 위해 공간적으로 25개의 다른 방향으로 확산경사자장을 가하였다. 청신경로의 비등방성 영상, 신경로 방향 영상등을 구현하기 위해 획득한 확산영상들에 대한 영상 후처리과정을 시행하였다.
We aimed to control the sensory input in terms of auditory perception. For this purpose, the direct comparison of the activation at the auditory cortex between the phases of the passive and active listening was carried out.
To know the differences of proton MR spectroscopic features between recurrent rectal cancer and fibrosis in post-operative period, and to evaluate the possibility to discriminate recurrent rectal cancer from post-operative fibrosis by analysis of proton MR spectra.
Lee, Jeong-Hyun;Kim, Jin-Hyoung;Kim, Hyun-Jeong;Park, Choong-Gon;Lee, Deok-Hee;Lee, Ho-Kyu;Kim, ang-Joon;Suh, Dae-Chul 97
Contrast-enhanced MR angiography (CE-MRA) gradually occupies its position as a primary evaluation tool forsteno-occlusive disease of supra-aortic cervical arteries. It has several advantages over time-of-flight (TOF) technique such as shorter imaging time, less saturation effect, and less flow- and motion-related artifacts. Diverse methods of k-space sampling, imaging sequences, and strategies for image acquisitiontiming have been introduced since its early clinical application. Especially, methods of k-space sampling and image acquisition timing are very important to achieve maximal arterial enhancement and suppress venous signal while maintaining large scan coverage and high spatial resolution. In addition, regardless of several advantages over TOF technique, it still has a tendency to overestimate the degree of stenosis in patients with carotid or vertebralartery disease. In this exhibit, we will overview the current techniques of CE-MRA with special attention to methods of k-space sampling and image acquisition timing. We will also discuss diagnostic accuracy of CE-MRA in patients with supra-aortic cervical artery stenosis and artifacts frequently misinterpreted as steno-occlusive lesion on CE-MRA. -
We will present various MR findings of hyperacute ischemic stroke with our own experiences in the management of the patients according to the findings. 대상 및 방법: A total of 441 patients were underwent 'acute stroke MR' imaging protocol between Mar. 2001 and Jun. 2003. The protocol included initial T2-weighted image (WI), diffusion WI (DWI, b=2000), time-of-flight (TOF) MR angiography (MRA), and pefusion WI(PWI), and follow-up T2WI, DWI, TOF MRA, and neck vessel contrast-enhanced MRA obtained three to five days after the insult. Among them, we retrospectively reviewed the MR findings and clinical courses of 193 patients with anterior circulation territorial infarction. Those ICA and MCA lesions were divided into six and five groups respectively according to the level and mechanism of the occlusion. PWI findings can be another factor in the management planning.
To exhibit our clinical experience of diffusion-weighted (DW) MR imaging for various brain pathologies and to determine its role in characterizing brain pathologies in children. DW images in 177 children (M:F=96:81, mean age, 4.7 years) with various brain pathologies were retrospectively collected over past 3 years. DW images (b value: 1000 s/mm) were reviewed along with corresponding apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps. Brain pathologies included cystic or solid brain tumor (n = 55), cerebral infarct (n = 32), cerebritis with or without brain abscess (n = 21), metabolic or toxic brain disorder (n = 19), demyelinating disease (n = 16), hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (n = 16), intracerebral hemorrhage including traumatic brain lesion (n = 15), and posterior reversible leukoencephalopathy (n = 3). We reviewed whether DW images and ADCmaps contribute to further characterization of brain pathologies by defining a chronological age of lesions, the presence of cytotoxic edema in lesions, and the nature of cystic lesions.
In brain MR imaging, contrast-enhanced study is important in the detection and characterization of lesions. As a postcontrast brain MR imaging, conventional T1 weighted imaging has been usually used. Magnetization transfer imaging has been used to increase conspicuity of enhancing lesions. In addition, fat-suppression imaging can be used as in other parts of the body. Recently, FLAIR sequence has been reported to be useful in detecting subarachnoid, meningeal, and subdural abnormalities. In this exhibit, we demonstrate basic principles and typical appearances of various pulse sequences that can be used as a postcontrast brain MR imaging in children. Furthermore, we discuss imaging strategies to increase clinical usefulness of postcontrast brain MR imaging for specific abnormalities. The advantages and disadvantages of each pulse sequence are also discussed.
After fifteen years of development, Magnetic Resonance (MR) technology for human imaging and spectroscopy is reaching a refined state with FDA approved 3T clinical products from Siemens, GE, and Philips. Broker has cleared CE approval with a 4T system. Varian supports a 4T system platform as well. Shielded magnets are standard at 3T from GE, Oxford, Magnex, and IGC. A shielded 4T whole body magnet is available from Oxford. Stronger switched gradients and dynamic shim coils, desired at any field, areespecially useful at higher static magnetic fields B0. In addition to the higher currents required for higher resolution slice or volume selection afforded by higher SNR, whole body gradient coils will be driven at increasing slew rates to meet the needs of new cardiac applications and other requirements. For example 3T and 4T systems are now being equipped with 2kV, 500A gradient coils and amplifiers capable of generating 4G/cm in 200msec, over a 67+/-cm bore diameter. High field EPI applications require oscillation rates at 1 kHz and higher. To achieve a benchmark 0.2 ppm shim over a 30cm sphere in a high field magnet, at least four stages of shimming need to be considered. 1) A good high field magnet will be built to a homogeneity spec. falling in the range of 100 to 150 ppm over this 30cm spherical "sweet spot" 2) Most modern high field magnets will also have superconducting shim coils capable of finding 1.5 ppm by their adjustment during system installation. 3) Passive ferro-magnetic shimming combined with 4) active, high order room temperature shim coils (as many as five orders are now being recommended) will accomplish 0.2 ppm over the 30cm sphere, and 0.1 ppm over a human brain in even the highest field magnets for human studies. Safety concerns for strong, fast gradients at any B0 field include acoustic noise and peripheral nerve stimulation. One or more of the mechanical decoupling methods may lead to quieter gradients. Patient positioning relative to asymmetric or short gradient coils may limit peripheral nerve stimulation at higher slew rates. Gradient designs combining a short coil for local speed and strength with a longer coil for coverage are being developed for 3T systems. Local gradients give another approach to maximizing performance over a limited region while keeping within the physiologically imposed dB0/dt performance limits.
Compared to the present clinical field strengths, MR at 47 and above promises to improve anatomic imaging quality by factors, and to bring metabolic and functional imaging to the forefront of research and diagnostic modalities. While human bore sized magnets as high as 9.4T are now installed, realization of the potential benefit of these magnets will require more of the MR system than a simple field, frequency or power scaling from technologies used at lower fields. New constraints on the high field MR studies, both physical and physiological, will require new technical developments to be considered for the highest field systems.