Individual approach in the recanalization treatment of the acute ischemic brain stroke according to the various MR findings in hyperacute stage

  • Y. Jang ;
  • Lee, D. ;
  • Kim, H. ;
  • Lee, J. ;
  • Park, C.G. ;
  • Lee, H.K. ;
  • Kim, S. ;
  • D. Suh
  • Published : 2003.10.01


We will present various MR findings of hyperacute ischemic stroke with our own experiences in the management of the patients according to the findings. 대상 및 방법: A total of 441 patients were underwent 'acute stroke MR' imaging protocol between Mar. 2001 and Jun. 2003. The protocol included initial T2-weighted image (WI), diffusion WI (DWI, b=2000), time-of-flight (TOF) MR angiography (MRA), and pefusion WI(PWI), and follow-up T2WI, DWI, TOF MRA, and neck vessel contrast-enhanced MRA obtained three to five days after the insult. Among them, we retrospectively reviewed the MR findings and clinical courses of 193 patients with anterior circulation territorial infarction. Those ICA and MCA lesions were divided into six and five groups respectively according to the level and mechanism of the occlusion. PWI findings can be another factor in the management planning.
