The selectivity of a gas in the carbon molecular sieve membrane (CMSM) can be expressed as the ratio of the product of the diffusivity and the solubility of two different gases. The diffusivity is also expressed as the product of the entropy and the total energy (kinetic and potential energy) in the nano-sized pore of the membrane. The present study calculates the entropic-energy and selectivity of penetrant gases such as H$_2$, O$_2$, N$_2$, and CO$_2$ from the gas-in-a box theory to physically analyze the diffusivity of penetrant gas in slit-shaped pore of CMSM focusing on the restriction of gas motion based on the size difference between penetrant gas pairs. The contribution of each energy term is converted to entropic term separately. By the conjugated calculation for each entropic-energy, the entropic effects on diffusivity-selectivity for gas pairs such as H$_2$/N$_2$, CO$_2$/N$_2$, and O$_2$/N$_2$ were analyzed within active pore of CMSM. In the activated diffusion domain, the calculated value of entropic-selectivity lies between 9.25 and 111.6 for H$_2$/N$_2$, between 3.36 and 6.0 for CO$_2$/N$_2$, and between 1.25 and 16.94 for O$_2$/N$_2$, respectively. The size decrement of active pore in CMSM had the direct effect on the reduction of translational entropic-energy and the contribution of vibrational entropic-energy for N$_2$, O$_2$, and H$_2$ was almost negligible. However, the vibrational entropic term of CO$_2$ might extravagantly affect on the entropic-selectivity.