Methane steam reforming (MSR) reaction for hydrogen production was studied in a membrane reactor (MR) using two tubular membranes, one Pd-based and one of porous alumina. A higher methane conversion than the thermodynamic equilibrium for a traditional reactor (TR) was achieved using MRs. The experimental temperature range was 350-500$^{\circ}C$; no sweep-gas was employed during reaction tests to avoid its back-permeation through the membrane and the steam/methane molar feed ratio (m) varied in the range 3.5-5.9. The best results (the difference between the MR conversion and the thermodynamic equilibrium was of about 7%) were achieved with the alumina membrane, working with the highest steam/methane ratio and at 450$^{\circ}C$. Silica membranes prepared at KRICT laboratories were characterized with permeation tests on single gases (N$_2$, H$_2$ and CH$_4$). These membranes are suited for H$_2$ separation at high temperature.