With the prosperous economy, the status of diet and nutrition among the urban and rural Chinese population has been improved significantly. This paper will focuses on three main surveys in China. (1)'Food and Nutrition Surveillance System in China': Phase I focused on analysis of previous data. Phase II was a pilot survey initiated in Beijing, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Ningxia, Zhejiang, Guangzhou, and Sichuan in 1990. (2) 'The China Health and Nutrition Survey' is an ongoing longitudinal project covered 8(9) provinces in 1991,1993,1997,2000. This paper will analysis the adults aged 18 45 of 1991, 1993, 1997, and 2000. (3) Survey on the status of nutrition and health of the Chinese (2002) is an across sectional study covered 31 provinces, autonomous region and the municipalities. The data was used to analyze the status of food consumption and dietary nutrients intake of Chinese population. In the past ten years, the prevalence of malnutrition and nutrition deficiency has been continuously decreased. The consumptions of animal products, milk, and edible oil have been increased, while the dairy and legume products consumption decreased. The unbalance was showed with a downward trend in cereals, vegetables and fruits consumption and a significant increase in animal products and oil intake among urban people. Dietary pattern of some subjects went away to 'high energy density' diet. The deficiency of calcium, retinal and ascorbic acid etc, especially in the rural areas still exist. China is undergoing a remarkable, but undesirable, rapid transition towards a stage of the nutrition transition characterized by high rates of DR NCDs in a very short time. China is facing the dual challenges of nutrition deficiency and nutrition imbalance. The results can help to understand the dietary structure and the status of nutrition among Chinese people over the past years. It will provide the basis for formulating relevant state policies.