In this study, we investigated the relationship between friendship level within a hospital organization and job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job stress. Focusing on the hierarchy and occupation of a hospital, different from previous introductory studies. As a study tool, structured questionnaire were devised and used. The subjects were nurses, administrators and medical technicians who worked at 17 tertiary hospitals in Seoul and Kyongin area. To analyze the data, we conducted frequency analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis.The main results of our study can be summarized as followings:Firstly, seen from the viewpoint of social demographic characteristics, on the whole friendship level with fellows is the highest, and then that with subordinates and that with bosses the lowest. Secondly, the friendship level with bosses, subordinates and fellows had a significant relationship with job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job stress, though there were some differences among them. In case of junior managers, the friendship level with fellows had a significant relationship with job satisfaction and organizational commitment; in case of middle managers, the friendship level with fellows had significant relationship with job satisfaction. We found that the friendship level with the bosses had a deeper relationship with job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job stress as we went down the hierarchy. Thirdly, analyzing the differences between occupation, administrators and medical technicians had relatively higher significant relationship with the friendship level with bosses than nurses in job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job stress. High friendship level with the bosses influenced job satisfaction significantly for the nurse; yet, in case of administrators and medical technicians, the friendship level with bosses influenced all of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job stress. Based on our study, we recommend facilitating friendly relationship between the bosses and the subordinates in order to enhance job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job related stress reduction.