Does Live Streaming Allure the Unrestrained Buying Behavior?

  • Satinder Kumar (School of Management Studies, Punjabi University) ;
  • Garima Kathuria (School of Management Studies, Punjabi University) ;
  • Mansi Rani (School of Management Studies, Punjabi University)
  • Received : 2023.09.25
  • Accepted : 2024.01.29
  • Published : 2024.06.30


E-commerce has grown to be perceived as an integral component of modern customers' lives. Fast innovation enables businesses to implement new business ideas that enhance customers' shopping experiences. The motive is to study the allurement of unrestrained buying behaviors resulting from Live Streaming Commerce in the presence of Emotional imagery. The conceptual model and hypotheses for the study have been framed based on the SOR model. A survey was conducted in north India, where data was collected from 577 consumers experiencing live streaming and analyzed with the help of AMOS and SPSS software. The repulsive behavior scale has been developed by using qualitative research. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between the stimulus of livestreaming and unrestrained buying behaviors with the mediating role of emotional imagination. Two crucial mediating factors, pleasure, and arousal (fervent imagination), have successfully predicted experiential shopping behavior. The study has implications for online marketers and policymakers, as marketers can use our developed model to understand consumers' different buying behaviors, and policymakers can select and design specific features for the social presence of live streaming. Integrating three different types of unrestrained buying behavior influenced by live streaming would add to the literature. The study adds value to the literature by developing a scale to measure repulsive behavior after testing and validating with experts.



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