What Factors Affect the Voluntary and Active Social Media Marketing Activities of Nonprofit Organization Members?

  • Cheolho Yoon (Department of Business Administration, Mokpo National University) ;
  • Jose Marti-Parreno (Vice-Rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer, Universidad Internacional de Valencia)
  • Received : 2023.11.20
  • Accepted : 2024.01.26
  • Published : 2024.06.30


For nonprofit organizations to effectively conduct social media marketing, which is characterized by viral marketing, it is essential that members engage in voluntary and active social media marketing activities. The purpose of this study was to present and empirically analyze the factors that influence the social media marketing activities of nonprofit organization members. To this end, this paper presents a research model that combines social capital and social cognitive theory based on the theory of reasoned action. To test this research model, valid survey data were collected from 317 members of nonprofit organizations in Korea and analyzed with structural equation modeling. The main results suggest that reciprocity, shared goals, outcome expectations, and self-efficiency affect the social media marketing activity intentions of nonprofit organization members through attitude and subjective norms. These results provide practical guidelines for the revitalization of social media marketing in nonprofit organizations.



This Research was supported by Oversea training support Funds of Mokpo National University in 2023.


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