The volcanic aspect on determining Site of nuclear power plant in Indonesia: Gap analysis between standard and regulations

  • Widjanarko (Research Center for Safety, Metrology, and Nuclear Quality Technology) ;
  • Budi Santoso (Research Center for Safety, Metrology, and Nuclear Quality Technology) ;
  • Rismiyanto (Research Center for Safety, Metrology, and Nuclear Quality Technology) ;
  • Kurnia Anzhar (Research Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology) ;
  • Joko Waluyo (Research Center for Safety, Metrology, and Nuclear Quality Technology) ;
  • Gustini H. Sayid (Research Center for Safety, Metrology, and Nuclear Quality Technology) ;
  • Khusnul Khotimah (Research Center for Safety, Metrology, and Nuclear Quality Technology) ;
  • Nicholas Bertony Saputra (Research Center for Safety, Metrology, and Nuclear Quality Technology) ;
  • Agus Teguh Pranoto (Research Center for Safety, Metrology, and Nuclear Quality Technology) ;
  • Hadi Suntoko (Research Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology) ;
  • Siti Alimah (Research Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology) ;
  • Sriyana (Directorate of Environment, Maritime, Natural Resources, and Nuclear Policy) ;
  • Roni Cahya Ciputra (Research Center for Nuclear Material and Radioactive Waste Technology) ;
  • Alfitri Meliana (Directorate of Laboratory Management, Research Facilities, and Science and Technology Park, National Research and Innovation Agency)
  • 투고 : 2023.07.04
  • 심사 : 2024.04.09
  • 발행 : 2024.07.25


The development of nuclear power plants is in three phases. The first phase is a consideration before the decision on the NPP construction program is approved, the second phase is the preparatory work for making contracts and preparing for the construction of NPP after the NPP construction policy is approved, and the third phase is contracting, licensing and building the first NPP. As a volcanically active country, Indonesia contains over 130 active volcanoes that are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. The volcanic aspect is one of the safety factors considered while deciding the location of an NPP. Research on the potential of natural external risks to the determination of nuclear power plants in Indonesia, including the volcanic aspect, has been conducted based on the safety reference or safety guide of the IAEA and the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Body (BAPETEN) Regulation. Due to technological advancements, safety needs have evolved so the existing Indonesia National Standard (SNI) must be updated to comply with BAPETEN regulations. The substance in SNI 18-2034-1990 relating to volcanic features seems less relevant in actual conditions, given that more complete and exact criteria for determining a site guarantee the safety and health of residents and surrounding the environment site. The study intends to conduct a gap analysis of volcanic issues in SNI and volcanic regulations. The method used is identification requirements for volcanic aspects in SNI 18-2034-1990 about Determining Site of Nuclear Reactor Guidance with BAPETEN Chairman Regulation (BCR) number 4 of 2018 about Nuclear Installation Site Evaluation Safety Provisions and BCR number 5 of 2015 about Evaluation of Nuclear Installation Sites for Volcanic Aspects, and analysis uses a qualitative method of inductive techniques. The outcome of this research applies to suggesting a revision of SNI number 18-2034-1990, especially the volcanic aspect.



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