이 논문은 한양대학교 교내연구지원사업으로 연구되었음(HY-202400000001265).
- 권영주.문성호(2023), "드론 촬영 이미지 데이터를 기반으로 한 도로 균열 탐지 딥러닝 모델 개발", 「LHI Journal」, 14(2): 125~135.
- 염준호(2023), "무감독 SVM 분류 기법을 통한 드론 영상 경계 박스 내 차량 자동 추출 연구", 「LHI Journal」, 14(4): 95~102.
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- Ding, Y. and X. Luo (2024), "A Virtual Construction Vehicles and Workers Dataset with Three-Dimensional Annotations", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 133: 107964.
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- Kim, J., D. Kim, S. Lee and S. Chi (2023), "Hybrid DNN Training Using both Synthetic and Real Construction Images to Overcome Training Data Shortage", Automation in Construction, 149: 104771.
- Kim, J., J. Hwang, I. Jeong, S. Chi, J. O. Seo and J. Kim (2024), "Generalized Vision-Based Framework for Construction Productivity Analysis Using a Standard Classification System", Automation in Construction, 165: 105504.
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- Mahmood, B., S. Han and J. Seo (2022), "Implementation Experiments on Convolutional Neural Network Training Using Synthetic Images for 3D Pose Estimation of an Excavator on Real Images", Automation in Construction, 133: 103996.
- Park, M., D. Q. Tran, J. Bak and S. Park (2023), "Small and Overlapping Worker Detection at Construction Sites", Automation in Construction, 151: 104856.
- Roberts, D., W. T. Calderon, S. Tang, and M. Golparvar-fard (2020), "Vision-Based Construction Worker Activity Analysis Informed by Body Posture", Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 34(4): 04020017.
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- Wang, M., G. Yao, Y. Yang, Y. Sun, M. Yan and R. Deng (2023), "Deep Learning-Based Object Detection for Visible Dust and Prevention Measures on Construction Sites", Developments in the Built Environment, 16: 100245.
- Wang, Q., H. Liu, W. Peng, C. Tian, and C. Li (2024), "A Vision-Based Approach for Detecting Occluded Objects in Construction Sites", Neural Computing and Applications, 36(18): 10825~10837.
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- Xuehui, A., Z. Li, L. Zuguang, W. Chengzhi, L. Pengfei, and L. Zhiwei (2021), "Dataset and Benchmark for Detecting Moving Objects in Construction Sites", Automation in Construction, 122: 103482.
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