A Study on the Network Governance Model Using the Returned Area(Camp Market)

반환공여구역(캠프마켓) 활용을 위한 네트워크 거버넌스 모형 연구

  • Yoon, mi
  • 윤미 (인천대학교 도시과학대학 도시계획.정책학과 )
  • Published : 2023.06.30


Based on the theory of network governance, this study aims to establish a n'work governance model and present strategic measures for the use of return donor zones. In a network society, it is difficult for the government to handle complex problems alone, so close cooperation between related agencies has become important. After the return of the USFK base, most of the policies established by the government have not been carried out smoothly, so it is necessary to introduce cooperative network governance.Accordingly, technical statistics were analyzed for camp market business institutions to examine the centrality and structure of network relations (information sharing relationship, idea exchange relationship, civil complaint sharing relationship). As a result of the analysis, the Camp Market Division of Incheon City had the most central role and great influence in the camp market, which was maintained even when the time changed. Currently, it is in the form of a vertical network centered on local governments, but in the future, a horizontal network is suitable to strengthen cooperative relations and must be systematically managed around managers.



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