이 과제는 부산대학교 기본연구지원사업(2년)에 의하여 연구되었음.
- Cho HM, Kim KM. 2011. Correlation Analysis between the Korean REITs and the Property Market and the Capital Market. The Korea Spatial Planning Review 69-86. [Korean Literature]
- Ha CH. 2016. How to Revitalize senior housing using REITs. Business Law Review 30(2): 281-302.
- Jeong JW, Kim CY. 2016. A Study on Application Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) for Preservation of Historic Cultural Resources - Focusing on the Areas of Joong-gu. Daegu. Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea Urban Design 17(5): 5-21. [Korean Literature]
- Jun JH, Kim CH. 2021. Investigating the Improvement Direction of the District Unit Plan for Inside Commercial Areas According to the Abolition of the Setback Regulation from Road Width - Focused on Status Analysis of Development Activities on the Inside Commercial Area in Bangi-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul. Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea Urban Design 22(2): 39-57.
- Kim HS, Cheong WH, Hur JW, Lee YS, Kim KS. 2005. A Study of the Legislation of TDR (Transfer of Development Right). Journal of Korea Planning Association. 40(5): 7-23.
- Kim HS, Lee WY. 2011. A Study on the Characteristic of the High-rising Mixed-use Building based on View of Landscape Design Convergence Study 10(2): 45-60. [Korean
- Kim SJ, Choi MC. 2010. Application of TDR (Transferable Development Right) to Provide Affordable Rental Housing in the Downtown of Seoul. Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea Urban Design 11(2): 63-76.
- Kim SY. 1981. Ownership and development rights of land (awards). Urban Affairs 16(10): 81-100. [Korean
- Lee IS, Bae JH. 2013. The Applicability of Transaction Systems for the TDR Program. Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea Urban Design 14(3): 131-143. [Korean Literature]
- Lee Sh, Byun CH. 2019. Discussion of the concept of land disclosure and policy design: from the perspective of sharing development profits. National Land Planning 54(2): 122-140. [Korean Literature]
- Lee YS, Hur JW, Kim KS, Cheong WH, Kim HS. 2005. An In-depth Comparative Case Study on Transfer of Development Rights. Journal of Korea Planning Association 40(6): 117-133. [Korean Literature]
- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport REITs Information System [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 18]. Available from:
- Park WS. 2017. Applications of REITs in Urban Regeneration Projects. SH Urban Research & Insight 7(2): 1-17. [Korean Literature]
- Park WS. 2018. Application of Capital Market for Expanding Housing Welfare - Case Study of Affordable Housing REITs in US. Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea 21(3): 231-253. [Korean Literature]
- Seo MS, Jung IH, Cho JH. 2013. A Study on Measures to Improve of Rental Housing REITs - Focusing on Feasibility and Structure -. Residential Environment : Journal of the Residential Environment Institute of Korea 11(1): 85-95. [Korean Literature]
- Yoon BR. 2023. Seoul Metropolitan Government formed a public-private TF to improve urban planning regulations. Yonhap News. 2023. 03.08. [Korean Literature]