본 논문은 (주)제이알솔루텍 산학협동과제(과제명: 30kW급 연료전지용 DC-DC 컨버터 및 특주품 개발)의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구 결과입니다.
- S. Lu and X. Deng, "A passive transient current balancing method for multiple paralleled SiC-MOSFET half-bridge modules," Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Mar. 2019.
- J. Liu and Z. Zheng, "Switching current imbalance mitigation for paralleled SiC MOSFETs using common-mode choke in gate loop," IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition(ECCE), Oct. 2020.
- Y. Wen, Y. Yang and Y. Gao, "Active gate driver for improving current sharing performance of paralleled high-power SiC MOSFET modules," IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, Vol. 36, No. 2 pp.1491-1505, Feb. 2021.
- AN11599 Using power MOSFET(nexperia) application.
- Driving Parallel MOSFETs Using the DRV3255 application.
- I. Prakash, D. Klikic, N. Prabhakaran, G. Jagadanand and V. Pulakhandom, "Decoupled layout approach for paralleling GaN devices in half bridge inverters," Global Conference for Advancement in Technology(GCAT), Nov. 2021.
- C. Zhao, L. Wang, X. Yang, F. Zhang and Y. An, "Comparative investigation on paralleling suitability for SiC MOSFETs and SiC/Si cascode devices," Proc. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 69, pp. 3503-3514, Apr. 2019.
- S. Yang, J. Soh, S. Min and R. Kim, "Parasitic inductance reduction design method of vertical lattice loop structure for stable driving of GaN HEMT," The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Power Electronics, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 195-203, Jun. 2020.