Effects of Childcare Teachers' Active Motivation for Choosing a Profession on the Quality of Interaction with Infants and Toddlers: Focusing on the Moderating Role of Emotional Dysregulation

영아교사의 능동적 직업선택동기가 영아와의 상호작용 질에 미치는 영향: 정서조절곤란의 조절효과를 중심으로

  • 양수진 (충북대학교 교육대학원 유아교육전공) ;
  • 신나리 (충북대학교 아동복지학과)
  • Received : 2022.06.23
  • Accepted : 2022.09.19
  • Published : 2022.10.31


Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of childcare teachers' active motivation for choosing a profession on the quality of their interaction with infants and toddlers, and to investigate the moderating effect of their emotional dysregulation. Methods: The subjects of this study were childcare teachers working with infants and toddlers. A mobile survey was conducted and a total of 282 sets of results have been collected. Moderating effects have been explored with the use of PROCESS Macro (version 3.5) Model 1. Results: The main findings showed that childcare teachers' emotional dysregulation played a moderating role in the effect of childcare teachers' active motivation on the quality of interaction with infants and toddlers. Conclusion/Implications: The results of this study imply that the ability of childcare teachers working with infants and toddlers to regulate their emotions can simultaneously play a role as a protective factor as well as a risk factor for the quality of interaction. Also, it was revealed that is necessary to give pre-service teachers an opportunity to deliberate on their motivations for a childcare teacher position.



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