A study on the Gae-sung Han-ok of in the 『Mi-mang』 of novel

소설 『미망』 속 개성 한옥 고찰

  • Received : 2022.05.23
  • Accepted : 2022.06.30
  • Published : 2022.06.30


This study explains the han-ok. in Gae-sung, which was antique and traditional city. In view of the fact that these were located in Gae-sung in North Korea hence direct investigate is not possible. Since there was no comprehensive study of Gaeseong han-ok, we have no choice but to rely on fragmentary records and memory of Gaeseong people. In accordance from the Japanese colonial era's surveys and sketches as well as how they were illustrated in the novel. Hark back to the peoples' thought of the han-ok years when they ran the survey in 1920s, the results were as follows: First, there are many houses so various classes in Mi-Mang. Jeon Cheo-man's house was a representative example of a rich family in Gae-sung, Jeon Je-seong(Jeon's 2nd son)'s house was located in Si-jeon(government licensed-markets) near by the South gate. In particular, Jeon Yi-seong(Jeon's 3rd son)'s house was in rural areas. He managed on immense ginseng field and worker's houses. Hae-ju's house was a small house off the track. Second, the outer house is low and the main house is high and neat. Lastly, it was confirmed that it corresponded to sketches recorded by architects, such as neat housekeeping, long stones used for various purposes, invisible flat gates, the appearance of old and old houses and the composition of each room.



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