Relationship between the GVC participation and the productivity in the Chinese Manufacturing Industries

중국 제조업에서 GVC 참여 정도와 위치가 생산성에 미친 영향 실증 분석

  • Jingbu Wang (Department of International Trade, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Keunyeob Oh (Department of International Trade, Chungnam National University)
  • Received : 2021.01.30
  • Accepted : 2021.06.28
  • Published : 2021.06.30


This paper investigates the effects of China's participation in global value chains (GVC) on the productivities focusing on the manufacturing industries. In this study, several indicators of participation in global value chains were used. These include GVC participation, forward GVC participation, backward GVC participation and GVC position index. In particular, we used the data obtained from 18 manufacturing industries in China during 15 years from 2000 to 2014. The main results of the analysis are as follows. First, the higher the degree of total participation in GVC, the higher the productivity. This means that with the increase in exports and imports of intermediate goods, productivity has increased through technology spillover effects or competition effects, and so on. Second, the backward participation does not increase the productivities significantly while forward participation leads higher productivity. Third, the productivity improvement effects of GVC participation was larger in the high-tech industries than in the low-tech industries. These results show that GVC participation was helpful for the economic growth of China and the efforts for moving toward upstream production stage in GVC is necessary for the improvement of international competitiveness in Chinese manufacturing industry.



This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea.(NRF-2018S1A5B8070344)


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