조선시대 공신 초상(功臣肖像)의 관복(제2기) 고찰

A Study on the Official Uniform (2nd period) of Meritorious Vassals' Portraits in the Joseon Dynasty

  • 김미경 (안동대학교 융합콘텐츠학과) ;
  • 이은주 (안동대학교 문화산업연구소)
  • Kim, Migyung (Dept. of Content Convergence, Andong National University) ;
  • Lee, Eunjoo (Research Center for Cultural Industry, Andong National University)
  • 투고 : 2020.06.28
  • 심사 : 2020.08.11
  • 발행 : 2020.09.30


조선 전기 적개공신(1467, 1476 초상 제작)과 정국(1506)·정난공신(1507), 위사공신(1545) 초상까지를 아청색 흑단령 차림이 등장하여 정착하는 '관복 제2기' 공신 초상으로 규정하고 적개공신 손소, 오자치, 장말손 초상 3점, 그리고 정국·정난공신 유순정과 홍경주, 정국공신 이우와 유홍의 초상 4점, 총 7점을 대상으로 분석하였다. '예복 흑단령' 차림의 적개공신 초상의 사모는 성종 초 높아졌던 모체가 다시 낮아졌고 모정은 둥글게 표현되었다. 너비가 넓은 타원형의 사모 양각에 무늬는 표현되지 않았다. 아청색 단령과 답호, 철릭에도 무늬가 표현되지 않았다. 단답호와 철릭의 색상이 각각 녹색과 홍색으로 통일되었으며 단령과 답호의 무는 '안팎주름무'로, 신발은 백화로 표현되었다. 적개공신 초상은 책록 시의 품계가 아닌, 초상 제작 시의 품계로 그려졌음을 보여 주었다는 점에서 주목할 만하다. '시복 흑단령' 차림의 정국·정난공신 초상은 사모의 경우, 적개공신 초상에서 낮아진 사모 모체의 형태는 그대로 유지되었으나 모정 부분이 조금 좁아지고 앞으로 휜 형태로 변하였으며 사모 양각은 전체적으로 너비가 균일한 타원형으로 표현되었다. 그리고 전 시기와 마찬가지로 사모 양각에도 무늬가 표현되지 않았다. 당하관 초상의 복식에는 무늬가 표현되지 않았으나 당상관 초상의 복식에는 운문(雲紋) 등이 표현되기 시작하였다. 또 단령은 안감 없는 홑단령으로 표현되었다. 당상관 초상에서는 홍색 답호와 녹색 철릭을, 당하관 초상에서는 녹색 답호와 남색 철릭이 표현되었다. 따라서 당상·당하 신분에 따라 받침옷의 색상이 구별되었음을 알 수 있었다. 단령과 답호에는 '안팎주름무'가 그대로 유지되었다. 신발은 흑화로 표현되었으며 흉배와 품대는 공신 책록 당시의 품계가 반영되어 있었다. 한편 위사공신 초상은 확인할 수 없었으나 명종대의 기록화를 통해 중종대의 단령 제도와 유사함을 알 수 있었다. 이상으로 살펴 본 제2기 적개공신 공신 초상을 통해 흑단령 차림을 공신 초상의 관복으로 사용하기 시작하였다는 점, 공신 초상 제작 시기의 품계를 초상에 반영하였다는 점을 확인할 수 있었다. 정국공신 초상 이후 복식에 무늬가 표현되기 시작하였는데 특히 흑단령의 무늬 유무로 당상·당하를 구별할 수 있게 되었다. 그리고 표현된 관복 모습은 당시의 관복 규정이나 관행과 일치함을 확인할 수 있었다.

In the early Joseon dynasty, the meritorious vassals' portrait of Jeokgae (1467, 1476), Jeongguk (1506)·Jeongnan (1507), and Wisa (1545) were defined as the 2nd period of the official uniform, in which the acheongsaek HeukDanryung appeared and settled. A total of seven portraits were analyzed, including three portraits of Jeokgae (1467, portrait production 1476) Son-so, Oh Jachi, and Jang Malson, and four portraits of Jeongguk (1506)·Jeongnan (1507) Yoo Sunjung, Hong Gyeongju, Lee Woo, and Yoo Hong. In the portrait of the Jeokgae wearing a Yebok HeukDanryung, in the case of the Samo, the height of the Samo, which had been raised at the beginning of King Seongjong, was lowered again, and the parietal part was rounded. The pattern was not expressed on the wide oval side wings of the Samo. In addition, the pattern was not expressed on the acheongsaek Danryung, Dapho, and Cheolrik. The colors of Dapho and Cheolrik were unified in green and red, respectively. The Mu of Danryung and Dapho was expressed as 'in and out wrinkled Mu', and the shoes were expressed in Baekhwa. Another feature is that the Jeokgae's portrait is expressed not as the Pumgye at the time of appointment, but as the Pumgye of the portrait production time. In the portrait of the Jeongguk·Jeongnan wearing a Sibok HeukDanryung, the height of the Samo lowered from the Jeokgae was maintained, while the parietal part was slightly narrowed and bent forward. The side wings of the Samo were expressed as an oval with a uniform width, and still the pattern was not expressed on the side wings. The pattern was not expressed in the costume of the Danghagwan's portrait, but the cloud pattern began to be expressed in the costume of the Dangsanggwan's portrait. And the Danryung was expressed as single Danryung without lining. In the portrait of Dangsang, the red Dapho and green Cheolrik were expressed, and in the portrait of Dangha, the green Dapho and blue Cheolrik were expressed. Therefore, it was found that the color of the undergarment was distinguished according to the Dangsang and Dangha. In Danryung and Dapho, the 'in and out wrinkled Mu' were maintained. The shoes were expressed in Heukhwa, and the rank badge and rank belt reflect the Pumgye at the time of the appointment. On the other hand, the portrait of Wisa could not be confirmed, but through the recording painting of the reign of King Meongjong, it was found that it was similar to the Danryung system of the reign of King Jungjong. Through the 2nd period of the meritorious vassal's portrait of Jeokgae, it was confirmed that the HeukDanryung outfit began to be used as the official uniform of the meritorious vassal's portrait, and that the Pumgye of the portrait production time was reflected in the portrait. After the meritorious vassal's portrait of Jeongguk, the pattern began to be expressed in the costumes, and in particular, it was possible to distinguish Dasang and Dangha by the presence or absence of the HeukDanryung's pattern. In addition, it was confirmed that the expressed aspect of the official uniform was consistent with the practices and regulations at the time.



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