Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of this study
Fig. 2 Locations of selected streams in this study
Fig. 3 Regression equations between cross-section characterstics
Fig. 4 Regression equations between cross-section characterstics (Shin et al., 2016)
Fig. 5 Scatter plots comparing measured and estimated cross-section characteristics (Doowol stream)
Fig. 6 Regression equation between stream width and cross-sectional area considering locations of cross-sections
Fig. 7 Regression equation between stream width and height considering locations of cross-sections
Fig. 8 Scatter plots comparing measured and estimated cross-section characteristics considering locations of cross-sections (Doowol stream)
Fig. 9 Scatter plots of water surface elevations between measured and estimated cross-sections by 50-year, 100-year and 200-year frequency floods (Doowol and Cungmi stream)
Fig. 10 Scatter plots of water surface elevations between measured and estimated cross-sections considering locations of cross-sections by 50-year, 100-year and 200-year frequency floods (Doowol and Cungmi stream)
Table 1 Characteristics of cross-sections in 6 streams
Table 2 Design floods of different frequency on Doowol stream (m3/s)
Table 3 Equations for statistical performance measures
Table 5 Statistical variances between measured and estimated cross-section characteristics of 6 streams (Doowol, Chungmi, Jiseok, Gam, Wonpyeong, and Bokha)
Table 6 Statistical variances between measured and estimated cross-section characteristics of 6 streams (Doowol, Chungmi, Jiseok, Gam, Wonpyeong, and Bokha) considering locations of cross-sections
Table 7 Variances of water surface elevations between measured and estimated cross-sections for 6 streams (Doowol, Chungmi, Jiseok, Gam, Wonpyeong, and Bokha) by 50-year, 100-year and 200-year frequency floods
Table 8 Variances of water surface elevations between measured and estimated cross-sections considering locations of cross-sections for 6 streams (Doowol, Chungmi, Jiseok, Gam, Wonpyeong, and Bokha) by 50-year, 100-year and 200-year frequency floods
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