시설딸기 농장에서 황색점착트랩 설치각도에 따른 주요 해충의 유살특성 예비연구

A Preliminary Study on the Attractiveness of Yellow Sticky Trap for Insect Pests According to the Installation Angle of Traps in Strawberry Farms

  • 김상희 (제주대학교 생명자원과학대학(SARI)) ;
  • 김수빈 (제주대학교 생명자원과학대학(SARI)) ;
  • 김동순 (제주대학교 생명자원과학대학(SARI))
  • Kim, Sanghee (Majors in Plant Resource Sciences & Environment, College of Applied Life Science, SARI, Jeju National University) ;
  • Kim, Subin (Majors in Plant Resource Sciences & Environment, College of Applied Life Science, SARI, Jeju National University) ;
  • Kim, Dong-Soon (Majors in Plant Resource Sciences & Environment, College of Applied Life Science, SARI, Jeju National University)
  • 투고 : 2019.05.01
  • 심사 : 2019.05.21
  • 발행 : 2019.06.01


본 연구는 황색점착트랩의 설치각도에 따른 해충의 유인특성을 구명하고자 실시하였다. 고설재배 딸기농장에서 황색점착트랩을 수직(단면), 수평 앞면 및 뒷면, 45도 앞면 및 뒷면 등 5개 각도처리로 설치하고 유인된 해충수를 조사하였다. 총채벌레류(꽃노랑총채벌레 우점)와 뿌리파리류(작은뿌리파리 우점)의 경우 45도 윗면, 수직, 수평 윗면은 45도 뒷면이나 수평 뒷면보다 많은 수가 유인되었다. 매미충류(괴테애매미충)는 수직 또는 45도 위면 트랩에서 통계적으로 많은 수가 유살되었고 전체적으로 45도 뒷면, 수평 윗면이나 뒷면은 적은 수가 유살되었다. 진딧물류(목화진딧물 우점)와 가루이류(딸기가루이 우점)는 발생밀도가 낮은 관계로 뚜렷한 경향이 나타나지 않았다.

This study was conducted to examine the attractiveness of yellow sticky trap (YST) for insect pests by the angle of inclination of the trap surface. In strawberry farms with high bed system, YSTs were installed to attract insect pests in vertical direction with one surface, horizontal direction with upper and under surface, and angle of $45^{\circ}$ with upper and lower sticky surface. Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis in dominance) and Sciaridae (Bradysia agrestis in dominance) species were more attracted on upper surface of $45^{\circ}$ angle trap, vertical surface and upper surface of horizontal trap than on lower surface of $45^{\circ}$ angle trap or horizontal trap. Cicadellidae (Empoasca vitis in dominance) species were caught more on vertical surface and upper surface of $45^{\circ}$ angle trap than on other traps. There were no specific trend in capture of aphid (Aphis gossypii in dominance) and white fly (Trialeurodes packardi in dominance) species among traps, probably because of a low density of the pest species.


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Fig. 1. The diagram of trap installation method at different angles in a strawberry farm with high-bed system. Yellow sticky trap (YST) were in vertical direction with one surface, horizontal direction with upper and under surface, and angle of 45° with upper and lower sticky surface.

Table 1. The attractiveness of yellow sticky trap for thrips species (Frankliniella occidentalis in dominance) according to the installation angle of traps in strawberry farms

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Table 2. The attractiveness of yellow sticky trap for Sciaridae species (Bradysia agrestis in dominance) according to the installation angle of traps in strawberry farms

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Table 3. The attractiveness of yellow sticky trap for Cicadellidae species (Empoasca vitis in dominance) according to the installation angle of traps in strawberry farms

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Table 4. The attractiveness of yellow sticky trap for Aphid species (Aphis gossypii in dominance) according to the installation angle of traps in strawberry farms

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Table 5. The attractiveness of yellow sticky trap for white fly species (Trialeurodes packardi in dominance) according to the installation angle of traps in strawberry farms

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