Diversity and Role of Yeast on Kimchi Fermentation

김치 발효에 관여하는 효모의 다양성 및 역할

  • Kang, Seong Eun (Department of Food and Nutrition, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Mi Ju (Microbiology and Functionality Research Group, World Institute of Kimchi) ;
  • Kim, Tae Woon (Microbiology and Functionality Research Group, World Institute of Kimchi)
  • 강성은 (전남대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김미주 (세계김치연구소 미생물기능성연구단) ;
  • 김태운 (세계김치연구소 미생물기능성연구단)
  • Received : 2019.03.26
  • Accepted : 2019.04.18
  • Published : 2019.04.30


This review summarizes the studies on a wide variety of yeast found in kimchi and the effects of yeast on kimchi fermentation, and discusses the direction for further research. Yeast belongs to the genera Trichosporon, Saccharomyces, Sporisorium, Pichia, Lodderomyces, Kluyveromyces, Candida, Debaryomyces, Geotrichum, Kazachstania, Brassica, Yarrowia, Hanseniaspora, Brettanomyces, Citeromyces, Rhodotorula, and Torulopsis have been identified using culture-dependent methods and metagenomics analysis. The application of yeast as a starter into kimchi has resulted in an extension of shelf life and improvement of sensory characteristics due to a decrease in the amount of lactic acid. On the other hand, some yeast cause kimchi spoilage, which typically appears as an off-odor, texture-softening, and white-colony or white-film formation on the surface of kimchi. In contrast to lactic acid bacteria, there are limited reports on yeast isolated from kimchi. In addition, it is unclear how yeast affects the fermentation of kimchi and the mechanism by which white colony forming yeast predominate in the later stage of kimchi fermentation. Therefore, more research will be needed to solve these issues.


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White colony-forming yeasts grown on the surface of kimchi

Diversity of yeast isolated from kimchi

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Studies on starter cultures for kimchi fermentation using yeast

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