Figure 2. Predicted somatic growth rate (mean±s.d.; SGR) in related to (a) temperature and (b) dissolved oxygen (TC, critical temperature; OC, oxygen saturation)
Figure 3. Predicted (a) SGR and (b) accumulated damage in related to interaction between temperature and dissolvedoxygen (DO; white tringle-0.5, black circle-1, white square-1.5)
Figure 4. Predicted body size at maturation in related to temperature and dissolved oxygen (white tringle- 0.5, black circle-1, white square-1.5)
Figure 6. Relation between body size at maturation and accumulated damage. Symbols represent mean value in each treatment group
Figure 1. (a) The four classes of growth trajectories produced by our modeling framework. (b) Frequencies of each growth trajectory. (c) Linear discriminant function analysis of the parameters and first-order parameter interactions associated with each type of growth trajectory. Trajectory types are indicated by the different marker types I-IV are indicated by the light grey circles, black circles, white circles, and dark grey circles, respectively.
Figure 5. (a) Proportion of critical temperature in accumulated damage in related to dissolved oxygen and (b) proportion of normoxia in accumulated damage in related to temperature. Grey bar in (b) represents mean proportion among temperature treatment groups
Table 1. Summary of variables and parameters definitions and the range of values used in the simulation. Note that for the state variables and control, the range indicates the set of achievable values within the optimization routine. For the parameters, the range indicates the support over which values were drawn at random. Parentheses represents number of categories
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