Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate occupational therapy at M college in Changwon and the impact of smart phone use on the school life of college students and to help them find ways to further develop in the future. Methods; Data collection was conducted using questionnaires, and the questionnaires consisted of 152 total questions with 15 interpersonal questions, 23 problem solving skills, 43 self-efficacy, 16 class participation scale, and 55 self-directed learning scale. It was conducted to first and second graders of M college and conducted a survey through the corresponding academic year from March 26, 2019 to March 29, 2019 to retrieve 120 questionnaires and use them for analysis. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS. Statistic 20.0. Results: Studies show that "school life satisfaction" is usually the highest at 53 percent. The "smartphone user motivation" was the highest with 50.8 percent, while the "most frequently used feature on smartphones" was the highest with 57.5 percent on SNS. Satisfaction after using a smartphone was the highest with 49.2 percent, while 41.7 percent said it would be easier to acquire and utilize information in the areas of satisfaction. Conclusion: Smartphone addiction, interpersonal relationships, problem-solving skills, self-efficacy, participation in classes, and self-control learning items are not only affected by one part, but also by the other.