An Exploratoy Study on Influence Factors for Expectation Effect of Smart Work and the Attitude Difference between Positions and Job Types

스마트워크의 기대효과 영향요인과 직급/직무 간 수용태도 차이 간 탐색연구

  • Park, Kiho (Management of Digital Technology of Administration Department, College of Social Science, Hoseo University)
  • Received : 2018.08.04
  • Accepted : 2018.10.10
  • Published : 2018.12.31


The purpose of this study was to investigate empirically whether the expected effects of smart work in organizations were different between job types and positions. The development of information technology is demanding innovation of working style within the enterprise. There is a tendency to prefer the face-to-face working style in traditional organizations in the case of some positions or job types. However, many companies are carrying out smart work such as teleworking or telecommuting, flexible working time. But many companies still stick to their existing working methods. There is also the causal relationship between accepting attitudes toward smart work and expectation effects, depending on the position and the job types, even within the same organization. As a result of research, causal relationship analysis showed that the significant factors affecting productivity were teleworking and increasing work efficiency. The national social cost savings were influenced by the improvement of quality of life and flexible working hours. In order to activate communication within the organization, there was a positive effect on the increase of work efficiency. Only flexible working hours between the general manager and subordinates showed a significant difference.


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Research Model


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Characteristics of Samples

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Characteristics of Samples(Continued)

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Correlation Coefficient

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Multiple Regression Analysis

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ANOVA for Attitudes(Position-Based)

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Difference of Attitudes(Position-Based)

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ANOVA for Attitudes(Job-Type Based)

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ANOVA for Expectation Effects

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Summary of Results

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