Anomaly Detection in Sensor Data

  • Kim, Jong-Min (Statistics Discipline, Division of Science and Mathematics, University of Minnesota at Morris) ;
  • Baik, Jaiwook (Department of Information Statistics, Korea National Open University)
  • Received : 2017.10.12
  • Accepted : 2018.01.09
  • Published : 2018.03.25


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to set up an anomaly detection criteria for sensor data coming from a motorcycle. Methods: Five sensor values for accelerator pedal, engine rpm, transmission rpm, gear and speed are obtained every 0.02 second from a motorcycle. Exploratory data analysis is used to find any pattern in the data. Traditional process control methods such as X control chart and time series models are fitted to find any anomaly behavior in the data. Finally unsupervised learning algorithm such as k-means clustering is used to find any anomaly spot in the sensor data. Results: According to exploratory data analysis, the distribution of accelerator pedal sensor values is very much skewed to the left. The motorcycle seemed to have been driven in a city at speed less than 45 kilometers per hour. Traditional process control charts such as X control chart fail due to severe autocorrelation in each sensor data. However, ARIMA model found three abnormal points where they are beyond 2 sigma limits in the control chart. We applied a copula based Markov chain to perform statistical process control for correlated observations. Copula based Markov model found anomaly behavior in the similar places as ARIMA model. In an unsupervised learning algorithm, large sensor values get subdivided into two, three, and four disjoint regions. So extreme sensor values are the ones that need to be tracked down for any sign of anomaly behavior in the sensor values. Conclusion: Exploratory data analysis is useful to find any pattern in the sensor data. Process control chart using ARIMA and Joe's copula based Markov model also give warnings near similar places in the data. Unsupervised learning algorithm shows us that the extreme sensor values are the ones that need to be tracked down for any sign of anomaly behavior.



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