Suggestion of Zoning Criteria Based on the Assessment System for River Environment

하천환경 평가체계의 구축에 따른 지구 지정 기준의 검토 및 제안

  • Received : 2018.11.19
  • Accepted : 2018.12.05
  • Published : 2018.12.31


This study was carried out to review as criteria for zoning at management plan for river restoration, in case of naturalness of river environment and suitability of water friendly activity suggested at assessment system of river environment in Korea. As a result of reviewing law and guidelines concerned, historic & cultural resources used as criteria for preservation zone, it was judged that the historical and cultural value as the preservation zone needs to be examined in connection with waterfriendly activity zone. In this study, we propose a sequential evaluation method to distinguish the waterfriendly activity zone by applying suitability of waterfriendly activity reflecting land use social characteristics, followed division of preservation and restoration zone at the first stage by the naturalness of river environment reflecting the natural environmental characteristics as a result of application to the test bed, Gap and Yudeung streams. In particular, it was concluded that the results of the present study provided more clear criteria for the problem that the last criteria for zoning did not reflect the difference between the left and the right side of stream, or the designation of the excessive water friendly zone. On the other hand, the criteria for designation in this study reflect the characteristics of various river environments as well as the setting of assessment unit based on the physical characteristics of rivers, and other legal regulations and local situations should be adjusted and supplemented in administrative procedures.

본 연구는 국가의 하천환경관리차원에서 정립되고 있는 한국형 하천환경 평가체계의 하천환경 자연도와 하천 친수도에 대해 하천정비 및 관리계획의 지구지정 기준으로서의 적용가능성을 검토하고자 수행하였다. 관련 법제도적 기준과 지침을 검토한 결과 보전지구 지정기준인 역사문화적 가치는 친수지구와의 연계성의 검토할 필요가 있는 것으로 판단되었다. 또한 본 연구에서는 자연환경적 특성을 반영한 하천 환경 자연도의 기준의 1단계 보전과 복원지구의 구분에 이어 인문사회적 특성을 반영한 하천 친수도를 적용하여 친수지구를 구분하는 순차적인 평가방식을 제안하였다. 시험하천인 갑천과 유등천에 적용한 결과 현재 상태의 하천환경특성을 적절하게 반영하고 있는 것으로 판단되었다. 특히 기존의 지구구분 자료가 좌안과 우안의 차이를 반영하지 못한 점이나 과도한 친수지구의 지정 등의 문제에 대해 본 연구결과는 보다 분명한 기준을 제공한 것으로 판단되었다. 한편 본 연구에서 제시한 지구지정의 기준은 하천의 물리적 특성을 기준으로 한 평가단위의 설정과 함께 다양한 하천환경의 특성을 반영한 것으로서 또 다른 법적 규제나 지역의 여건 등은 행정적 절차에서 조정, 보완되어야 할 것으로 판단되었다.


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Figure 1. Location Map of Test Stream studied

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Figure 1. Box plots of seasonal mean concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 of 23 air monitoring station in Seoul

Table 1. Composition of assessment system for river environments

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Table 2. Zoning based on naturalness for river environment & suitability for water friendly

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Table 3. Grades evaluated by total scores in biological factors at Gap stream

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Table 4. Grades evaluated by total scores in biological factors at Yudeung stream

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Table 5. Grades evaluated by naturalness of river environments and suitability of water friendly activity at Gap stream

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Table 6. Grades evaluated by naturalness of river environments and suitability of water friendly activity at Yudeung stream

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Table 7. Comparative results between zoning by the existing data and this study at Gap stream

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  3. Kwater. 2010. Guidelines for Assessment of River Environments. 63.
  4. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. 2009. Integrated Guideline for Naturefriendly Management of Stream Corridor. 98.
  5. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. 2011. Long-term Comprehensive Water Resource Plan (2011-2020). 253.
  6. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. 2014. Plan for Use and Preservation and Zoning of Stream Section at National River. 266.
  7. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. 2015. Guideline for Setting up of Basic River Plans. 67.
  8. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. 2017. Guideline for Assessment System of River Environments. 148.
  9. Ministry of Environment. 2011. Technical Specification of Ecological Stream. 299.
  10. Ministry of Environment. 2014. Guideline for Restoration toward Ecological Stream. 87.