Survey on the use of security metrics on attack graph

  • Lee, Gyung-Min (Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University) ;
  • Kim, Huy-Kang (Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University)
  • Received : 2018.08.27
  • Accepted : 2018.11.26
  • Published : 2018.12.31


As the IT industry developed, the information held by the company soon became a corporate asset. As this information has value as an asset, the number and scale of various cyber attacks which targeting enterprises and institutions is increasing day by day. Therefore, research are being carried out to protect the assets from cyber attacks by using the attack graph to identify the possibility and risk of various attacks in advance and prepare countermeasures against the attacks. In the attack graph, security metric is used as a measure for determining the importance of each asset or the risk of an attack. This is a key element of the attack graph used as a criterion for determining which assets should be protected first or which attack path should be removed first. In this survey, we research trends of various security metrics used in attack graphs and classify the research according to application viewpoints, use of CVSS(Common Vulnerability Scoring System), and detail metrics. Furthermore, we discussed how to graft the latest security technologies, such as MTD(Moving Target Defense) or SDN(Software Defined Network), onto the attack graphs.


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Fig. 1. CVSS scoring process

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Fig. 2. Example of attack graph

Table 1. Metrics classification based on application perspective

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Table 2. Metrics classification based on CVSS usage

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Table 3. Metrics classification based on detailed metric

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Table 4. Evaluation of 5 aspects in security metrics

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