Implement Static Analysis Tool using JavaCC

  • Kim, Byeongcheol (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Korea Polytechnic University) ;
  • Kim, Changjin (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Korea Polytechnic University) ;
  • Yun, Seongcheol (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Korea Polytechnic University) ;
  • Han, Kyungsook (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Korea Polytechnic University)
  • Received : 2018.10.18
  • Accepted : 2018.11.20
  • Published : 2018.12.31


In this paper, we implemented a static analysis tool for weakness. We implemented on JavaCC using syntax information and control flow information among various information. We also tested the performance of the tool using Juliet-test suite on Eclipse. We were classified using information necessary for diagnosis and diagnostic methods were studied and implemented. By mapping the information obtained at each compiler phase the security weakness, we expected to link the diagnostic method with the program analysis information to the security weakness. In the future, we will extend to implement diagnostic tools using other analysis information.


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Fig. 1. Diagnostic Algorithm using Syntax Information

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Fig. 2. Diagnostic Algorithm using Flow Information

Table 1. Classification by Information from Compiler Phase

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Table 2. Diagnostic Method using Syntax Information

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Table 3. Diagnostic Method using Flow Information

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Table 4. Implementation List(using Syntax Information)

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Table 5. Implementation List(using Flow Information)

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Table 6. Result using Juliet Test Suite

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