알칼라인 수전해용 Ni-Zn-Fe 전극의 산소 발생 반응 특성

Study on Oxygen Evolution Reaction of Ni-Zn-Fe Electrode for Alkaline Water Electrolysis

  • 투고 : 2018.10.30
  • 심사 : 2018.12.30
  • 발행 : 2018.12.30


The overall efficiency depend on the overpotential of the oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline water electrolysis. Therefore, it is necessary to research to reduce the oxygen evolution overpotential of electrodes. In this study, Ni-Zn-Fe electrodes were prepared by electroplating and the surface area was increased by Zn leaching process. Electroplating variables were studied to optimize the plating parameters(electroplating current density, pH value of electroplating solution, Ni/Fe content ratio). Ni-Zn-Fe electrode, which is electroplated in a modified Watts bath, showed 0.294 V of overpotential at $0.1A/cm^2$. That result is better than that of Ni and Ni-Zn plated electrodes. As the electroplating current density of the Ni-Zn-Fe electrode increased, the particle size tended to increase and the overpotential of oxygen evolution reaction decreased. As reducing pH of electroplating solution from 4 to 2, Fe content in electrode and activity of oxygen evolution reaction decreased.


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Fig. 1. I-E curve (CV) for Ni in Watts bath, A bath and B1 bath, scan rate 5 mV/s at 50℃

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Fig. 2. XRD patterns of the Ni-Zn-Fe electrode (B1 bath) surface prepared by electrodeposition (a) as prepared (b) after leaching

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Fig. 3. SEM images of the Ni-Zn-Fe electrode (B1 bath) surface prepared by electrodeposition (a) as prepared (b) after leaching

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Fig. 4. I-E curve (LSV) of the electrodes prepared by electrodeposition in watts bath, A bath and B1 bath, scan rate 0.1 mV/s at 25℃ (1 M KOH)

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Fig. 6. SEM images of the Ni-Zn-Fe electrodes (B1 bath) surface prepared by electrodeposition with different current densities (a) 70, (b) 100, and (c) 130 mA/cm2

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Fig. 7. I-E curve (LSV) of the Ni-Zn-Fe electrodes (B1 bath) prepared by electrodeposition with different current densities, scan rate 0.1 mV/s at 25℃ (1 M KOH)

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Fig. 8. SEM images of the Ni-Zn-Fe electrodes (B1 bath) surface prepared by electrodeposition (a) 70 mA/cm2, 2,000 s and (b) 130 mA/cm2, 1,077 s

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Fig. 9. I-E curve (LSV) of the Ni-Zn-Fe electrodes (B1 bath) prepared by on electrodeposition, scan rate 0.1 mV/s at 25℃ (1 M KOH)

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Fig. 10. SEM images of the Ni-Zn-Fe electrodes (B1 bath) prepared by electrodeposition with different pH value of B bath (a) pH2 and (b) pH4

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Fig. 11. I-E curve (LSV) of the Ni-Zn-Fe electrodes prepared by electrodeposition with different pH value of B1 bath and scan rate 0.1 mV/s at 25℃ (1 M KOH)

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Fig. 13. I-E curve (LSV) of the Ni-Zn-Fe electrodes prepared by electrodeposition with different Ni, Fe composition of B bath and scan rate 0.1 mV/s at 25℃ (1 M KOH)

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Fig. 5. SEM images showing the surface morphology of electrodeposited Ni-Zn-Fe (B1 bath) in Hull cell, corresponding current density of (a) 20, (b) 60, and (c) 100 mA/cm2

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Fig. 12. SEM images of the Ni-Zn-Fe electrodes surface prepared by electrodeposition with different Ni, Fe composition of B bath (a, b) Ni11Fe1 and (c, d) Ni1Fe1 and (a, c) with low magnification (2,000) and (b, d) with high magnification (10,000)

Table 1. Composition of electrodeposition baths (g/L)

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Table 2. Elemental composition results of the Ni-Zn-Fe electrodes (B1 bath) prepared by electrodeposition (weight%)

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Table 3. Elemental composition results of electrodeposited Ni-Zn-Fe (B1 bath) in Hull cell, corresponding current density (weight%)

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Table 4. Elemental composition results of the Ni-Zn-Fe electrodes (B1 bath) prepared by electrodeposition with different current densities (weight%)

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Table 5. Elemental composition results of the Ni-Zn-Fe electrodes (B1 bath) prepared by ectrodeposition (weight%)

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Table 6. Elemental composition results of the Ni-Zn-Fe electrodes prepared by electrodeposition with different pH value of B1 bath (weight%)

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Table 7. Elemental composition results of the Ni-Zn-Fe electrodes prepared by electrodeposition with different Ni, Fe composition of B1 bath and B2 bath (weight%)

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