산지 방목 유제품의 Value Chain 활성화를 위한 조사 연구

Value-Chain Analysis of Mountain Farm Milk Products

  • 투고 : 2017.09.12
  • 심사 : 2017.09.26
  • 발행 : 2017.09.30


This study was carried out to investigate the micro-agribusiness realities of dairy farms by surveying both farmers' opinions and consumers' recognition of dairy farm products for in a value-chain analysis. In most cases, dairy farms produced fermented milk for sales and to prepare cheese both for sales and for providing the necessary material for farm visitors. Value-chain analysis did not seem to be a viable strategy for dairy farmers, except when assessing the quality of farmstead milk products in comparisons of dairy farm milks and commercial milk products. Consumers had a wide range of experience with milk products and had no willingness to buy products from dairy farms because of the high cost and the lack of product diversity. Our findings established three strategies for improving the economic feasibility of dairy farms. First, the price should be reduced by adopting a production balance to establish a farm-gate price, i.e., not as quota milk but as surplus milk. Second, consumers should be educated on the prescription of cheese at home. Third, a value-chain based on cooperative partnerships should be established among dairy farms. In addition, to improve the consumers' satisfaction on the diversity and quality of farm dairy products, developments of new value-added milk products made from the milk of cows allowed to graze on mountain pastures are needed.



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