• Title/Summary/Keyword: value chain formation

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Global Value Chain Formation and Human Capital: Case of Korea and ASEAN

  • Li, Jia-En;Choi, Young-Jun
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.126-142
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - This study discusses the effects of human capital in the formation of GVC linkages. We also investigate GVC intensity between Korea and ASEAN. Design/methodology - To solve the doubling-counting problem in evaluating comparative advantage, RCA has been re-computed using domestic value-added (henceforth RCA_VA) at the country-sector level instead of value of trade. The impact of human capital on GVC intensity was empirically analyzed by establishing a panel data set with four industries (ISIC Rev. 4) in eight ASEAN countries from 2005 to 2015 from OECD-TiVA and WDI. Findings - The empirical results show that human capital has a negative effect on GVC intensity in the agriculture and manufacture industries, while it has a positive effect in the service and information industries. The results do not mean that low human capital is a barrier and inefficient to GVC linkages. Low Value-added activities may be more profitable to some emerging countries. These findings suggest that it is important to accurately identify the competitive elements to increase gains from trade under the GVC. Also, it shows that comparative advantages can be misled by an RCA index evaluated in trade volume under the GVC. Originality/value - This study highlights the importance of human capital as a factor for the efficient formation of Global Value Chain (GVC). This study has different from the literature in analyzing the role of human capital in formation of linkage of the GVC. And we clarify the changing patterns of trade by removing the double-counting problem under the GVC.

"Word of Mouth" in the Chain Restaurant Industry (체인 레스토랑 산업에서 고객의 '구전 효과' 형성에 관한 연구)

  • Hyun, Sung-Hyup;Heo, Cindy Yoon-Joung
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.606-618
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    • 2010
  • The study investigated how 'word of mouth' originates in the chain restaurant industry. It has long been acknowledged that 'word of mouth' is a critical factor for the success of a restaurant business due to its targetability and cost effectiveness. A review of the literature revealed four antecedents of 'word of mouth': service quality, perceived value, satisfaction, and relationship quality. Based on the theoretical/empirical relationships between those constructs, a structural model composed of the hypotheses was proposed. The structural model was tested with data collected from 471 chain restaurant patrons. The structural equation modeling analysis revealed that five constructs in the proposed model are interrelated, and during this process, word of mouth is formed in the chain restaurant industry. A positive relationship between service quality and satisfaction (0.265, p<0.05), service quality and perceived value (0.831, p<0.05), service quality and relationship quality (0.465, p< 0.05), and service quality and WOM (0.263, p< 0.05) were found, indicating that service quality is a key prerequisite for word of mouth and other constructs proposed in the model. It was revealed that perceived value doe not have a direct impact on WOM formation (t=1.275, p=0.202), but a positive relationship between perceived value and satisfaction (0.293, p<0.05) and between satisfaction and WOM (0.627, p< 0.05) were found. Therefore, it was concluded that patrons' perceived value influences word of mouth formation, but that impact is mediated by satisfaction. During this process, relationship quality also plays a mediating role in generating word of mouth. Based on data analysis, theoretical/managerial implications are discussed.

Value-Chain Analysis of Mountain Farm Milk Products (산지 방목 유제품의 Value Chain 활성화를 위한 조사 연구)

  • Park, Seung-Yong;Kwon, Young-Woong;Sung, Kyung-Il
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.184-195
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    • 2017
  • This study was carried out to investigate the micro-agribusiness realities of dairy farms by surveying both farmers' opinions and consumers' recognition of dairy farm products for in a value-chain analysis. In most cases, dairy farms produced fermented milk for sales and to prepare cheese both for sales and for providing the necessary material for farm visitors. Value-chain analysis did not seem to be a viable strategy for dairy farmers, except when assessing the quality of farmstead milk products in comparisons of dairy farm milks and commercial milk products. Consumers had a wide range of experience with milk products and had no willingness to buy products from dairy farms because of the high cost and the lack of product diversity. Our findings established three strategies for improving the economic feasibility of dairy farms. First, the price should be reduced by adopting a production balance to establish a farm-gate price, i.e., not as quota milk but as surplus milk. Second, consumers should be educated on the prescription of cheese at home. Third, a value-chain based on cooperative partnerships should be established among dairy farms. In addition, to improve the consumers' satisfaction on the diversity and quality of farm dairy products, developments of new value-added milk products made from the milk of cows allowed to graze on mountain pastures are needed.

Kinetics and Statistics of Structural Changes in Polyacrylonitrile (폴리아크릴로니트릴의 構造變化에 있어서의 動力學的 및 統計學的 硏究)

  • Noh, Ick-Sam
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 1966
  • It is well known that the coloration and structural changes in thermal treatment of polyacrylonitrile are due to the formation of partly hydrogenated naphthylidine-type ring involving the pendant nitrile groups. Any quantitative study of the reaction, in the sense of kinetics and/or statistics, however, has never been reported. This paper presents that, at first, the disappearance of the nitrile groups follows the first order kinetics, which indicates clearly that nitrile groups do not disappear by a long chain reaction-the kinetic chain length is very short. This observation rules out the long intramolecular and intermolecular propagation chain through which most of the nitrile groups disappear. From the evidence that a similar reaction occurs in propylene carbonate solutions without gel formation, one may conclude that the coloration and structural changes are not necessarily intermolecular reaction. Secondly, a finite amount of nitrile groups remains unreacted at the extrem of reaction-not contributed to the formation of naphthylidine-type ring. The concentration of this unreacted nitrile groups is 19∼22% which is good agreement with the statistically calculated value of 19.2%.

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The Value chain and the Networks of Apparel Industry in Guro-Gasan, Seoul (서울 구로.가산동 의류패션산업의 가치사슬과 네트워크)

  • Lee, Sang Wook;Kim, Kyung-Min
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.465-481
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    • 2014
  • This study is about an apparel industry in Guro-Gasan where is growing up to the one of the apparel industry cluster beyond an agglomeration in Seoul. The purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to define industrial functions and roles of Guro-Gasan in a value chain of the apparel industry; and (2) to understand whether an industrial cluster is built on the local networks. This study reviewed formation and transitions of its local industries and industrial size, characteristics, spatial distribution and spatial properties using GIS analysis and field surveys. Through in-depth interviews, it analyzed the production system and spatial dispersion of the value chain to understand its functions and roles.

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The Influence of Consumer's Shopping Values on the Evaluations of Fashion Product Attributes and Brand Re-purchase Intention - Focused on the Moderating Role of Price Level - (소비자의 쇼핑가치가 패션제품 속성평가 및 브랜드 재구매의도에 미치는 영향 - 가격수준에 따른 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Hyun-Hee;Ku, Yang-Suk;Koo, Dong-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.31 no.2 s.161
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    • pp.236-246
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of the current study is to investigate the underlying reasons of fashion brand repurchase intention formation based on means-end chain theory and to identify whether the price level moderates the relationships between attribute evaluation and re-purchase intention. Questionnaire data from 291 consumers who had purchase experience of casual wear during the last 6 month period through off-line retail shops were analyzed. The results showed that hedonic shopping value had a positive impact on aesthetic attribute and utilitarian shopping value also had a positive impact on physical attribute of fashion product. While aesthetic attribute had a positive influence on brand repurchase intention, physical attribute had no effect on brand repurchase intention. In addition, there was no moderating effect of price level between the links from shopping value to fashion product attribute evaluation. When casual wear companies have to devise price related strategies, they need to pay attention to diverse promotion factors except for product attributes to realize price-based differentiation.

Technological Innovation System for Energy Transition in Small Island Developing States: Adaptive Capacity, Market Formation and Policy Direction in the Maldives

  • Mohamed, Shumais
    • Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.293-319
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    • 2022
  • By analyzing the adaptive capacity, market formation and policy direction as functional areas of Technological Innovation System (TIS), the article evaluates the progress of renewable energy transition in the Maldives, with the inclusion of ideas from Mauritius and Cabo Verde. On the policy direction in the Maldives, technology roadmaps produced with assistance from International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and Asian Development Bank (ADB) are evaluated. Although there are inducing factors such as the Solar Risk Management Initiative, the progress of energy transition is hindered by the lack of technical capacity and local value chain. The findings indicate the importance of facilitating and establishing industry and knowledge networks, incorporating innovation policies, greater involvement of the local private sector along with international investors, and taking water-energy nexus to achieve complementary targets. The study adds value to knowledge by offering a simplified TIS framework, with a current insight of the energy transition in Small Island Developing States with a focus on the Maldives.

The Effect of Economic and Infrastructure Factors on the Formation of Electric Vehicle Supply Chain and Optimal Location Selection: Korea-US FDI

  • Young-Kyou Ha
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.23-40
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - This study aims to present the changes and directions in the automotive supply chain in the face of changes in the global supply chain caused by external factors and the integration of industries resulting from internal factors. Assuming FDI in the Korean automotive industry in the US, this study analyzed the influential factors over the long term and derived the optimal location. Design/methodology - For this analysis, the characteristics and current status of the automotive industry are presented. Additionally, the study emphasizes the necessity and direction of change. The factors influencing Korea-US FDI in the automotive industry and the electric vehicle industry were analyzed through panel analysis. The optimal location from the perspective of distribution costs was selected using linear programming under the assumption that local demand will be replaced by local production in the future. Findings - This study found that the electric vehicle supply chain will change with the characteristics of the electric and electronic industries rather than with the traditional automotive industry. Additionally, in deriving the optimal location, the study emphasized the proximity to the consumption market. Originality/value - The analysis method and conclusions of this study not only present the influential factors and direction of FDI in the automotive industry but also can be applied to other industries. Moreover, the study provides practical and policy implications for industries and governments considering FDI in the US.

A Study on the Statistical Continuity of Electrical Construction Cost Index Applied Chain Method (전기공사비지수의 산정방식 변경에 따른 통계연속성 실증분석 연구)

  • Park, Houng-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2015
  • Electrical construction cost index is composed of the cost of albor and material. The producer price index is used to the cost of material. The Bank of Korea restructured the formation method and the basic period of the producer price index in 2013. Because fixed-weighted method can't faithfully reflect industrial structure changes. The weighted value and price index of fixed-weighted method is fixed on the basicp eriod. Electrical construction cost index is changed from fixed-weighted method to chain-weighted method in september 2014, because of these on the need. But the change of organization in formation method changes the weighted value. So there is the need of analysis about the statistical continuity of electrical construction cost index. This study is focused on the time series analysis between fixed-weighted and chain-weighted electrical construction cost index. We uses unit root test, cointegration test, regression analysis of long and short term equation, fitness for the estimation of static forecast as time series analysis. We verify that chain-weighted electrical construction cost index can be replaced to fixed-weighted construction cost index accounting analyses result. So users of it recognize that chain-weighted electrical construction cost index has statistical continuity.

Effects of Hydrophobic Chain Structure of Nonionic Surfactanets on Surfactant Adsorption and Diesel Removal from Kaolin Soil (비이온계 계면활성제의 소수성 구조가 카올린 토양에서 흡착 및 경유 제거에 미치는 영향)

  • 김종성;이기세
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 1999
  • The effects of hydrophobic chain length and its structure of nonionic surfactants on surfactant adsorption and contaminated diesel removal were studied in kaolin soil. Hydrocarbon chain length and double bond in hydrophobic tail group of nonionic surfactants affected surfactant adsorption and diesel removal efficiency from kaolin soil. The degrees of surfactant adsorption and diesel removal were closely related each other. Among nonionic surfactants we studied, surfactants with shorter hydrophobic chain length and higher HLB value showed lower degree of adsorption and higher efficiency of diesel removal. The existence of unsaturated carbons in the structure of hydrophobic chain enhanced diesel removal by reducing surfactant adsorption to kaolin soil. The best diesel removal was obtained after adsorption saturation was reached. If surfactant concentration was higher than a critical value, diesel removal was reduced probably because of precipitation. liquid crystal formation, or coacervation of surfactants at high concentration.

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