• 제목/요약/키워드: price of farm milk products

검색결과 5건 처리시간 0.016초

산지 방목 유제품의 Value Chain 활성화를 위한 조사 연구 (Value-Chain Analysis of Mountain Farm Milk Products)

  • 박승용;권영웅;성경일
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.184-195
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    • 2017
  • This study was carried out to investigate the micro-agribusiness realities of dairy farms by surveying both farmers' opinions and consumers' recognition of dairy farm products for in a value-chain analysis. In most cases, dairy farms produced fermented milk for sales and to prepare cheese both for sales and for providing the necessary material for farm visitors. Value-chain analysis did not seem to be a viable strategy for dairy farmers, except when assessing the quality of farmstead milk products in comparisons of dairy farm milks and commercial milk products. Consumers had a wide range of experience with milk products and had no willingness to buy products from dairy farms because of the high cost and the lack of product diversity. Our findings established three strategies for improving the economic feasibility of dairy farms. First, the price should be reduced by adopting a production balance to establish a farm-gate price, i.e., not as quota milk but as surplus milk. Second, consumers should be educated on the prescription of cheese at home. Third, a value-chain based on cooperative partnerships should be established among dairy farms. In addition, to improve the consumers' satisfaction on the diversity and quality of farm dairy products, developments of new value-added milk products made from the milk of cows allowed to graze on mountain pastures are needed.

The End of the Milk Quota Regime in the European Union: The Perspective of the Dairy Sector with Particular Regard to Mountain Areas

  • Corazzin, Mirco;Piasentier, Edi;Park, Seung Yong
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.171-177
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    • 2015
  • In March 2015, the milk quota system in Europe that had lasted for more than 30 years was abolished to improve the competitiveness of the European dairy sector in the international market. Despite an increase in the consumption of dairy products in Europe, the milk price is expected to stabilize in the next decade after a decrease between 2015 and 2016. This stabilization of prices will be caused by a significant increase in production, with the proportion exceeding domestic demand to be exported. In the international market, the price of milk will reduce in the next decade, leading to a restructuring of the milk sector with a lower number of farms, but with higher production and efficiency. Mountain farms will follow the same trend, although these farms play an important social role by providing ecosystem services such as maintaining cultural services, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting soil stability, and improving the aesthetic value of the landscape. Nevertheless, they remain at a disadvantage compared with lowland farms. To prevent the loss of mountain farms, there is thus a need to valorize the ecosystem services that they provide and promote the processing of milk into certified products of high quality.

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FTA가 유가공업에 미치는 영향과 원유 수급 전망 (The Effect on Dairy Industry of FTA and the Raw Milk Demand and Supply Outlook)

  • 신승열;김현중;최세균
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2004
  • The FTA(Free Trade Agreements) are loading the world trade liberalization. Entering into FTA with Chile on 1 Apr 2004, Korea is trying to tie with Singapore and Japan in FTA. It also has a long-term plan for free-trading with China, USA, ASEAN, Canada and India. The portion of the dairy products imported from Chile, Japan and Singapore is under 1% of total dairy product imports. However, in the long run the conclusion of FTA with dairy product exporting countries such as USA, Australia, New Zealand and Netherlands will give a big impact on the dairy industry with abrupt increment in dairy product imports. Especially, whole and skim milk powder imports which are imported on the high tariff rate expect to increase. Furthermore mixed milk powder(Food preparations of goods and other whey powders) imports which domestic price is higher than world market also will dramatically increase. The milk powder stocks have increased since 2002. That made the government carry out some policies. Those include slaughtering milking cow(2002) and terminating the dairy farm enterprise and decreasing in milk production(2003). Also the case of artificial insemination by a Hanwoo fertilized egg has increased with the rise of Hanwoo farm price in 2003. By those reason, it is forecasted that the downward trend in the number of cow will be continued in 2004. It is also forecasted that the raw milk production in 2004 will decrease 4.4% compared to last year due to decreasing in the number of milking cow and raw milk collecting quota.

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세계 낙농산업 동향: I. 우유 생산 및 액상우유의 현황 (Global Dairy Industry Outlook and Current Situation: I. An Overall Perspective of Milk Production)

  • 김영훈;문용일;오세종
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2009
  • To focus attention on milk and dairy products, we celebrate World Milk Day on the first day of June. Milk is a primary source of essential nutrients for newborn mammals, including humans. Milk and its by-products have been integral to human life since domestication of the dairy cow. Even though a large portion of the population is lactase impersistent, consumption of dairy products, including liquid milk, has been increasing over the last decade in Korea. Per capita annual consumption of dairy products in Korea increased to 61.3 kg in 2008, up from 49.4 kg in 1998. However, consumption of liquid milk has only increased marginally from 30.3 kg in 1998 to 35 kg in 2008. In 2007, the price of farm milk in Korea was the highest in the world. High dairy prices are forcing major manufacturers to find alternative, less expensive sources of milk, which has led to an increase in imported dairy products. Recently, the International Dairy Federation (IDF) published a special report containing the figures for world milk production, milk processing, and consumption. Understanding the current situation with regard to world diary production and the outlook for the industry could be useful during the present world economic crisis. The authors of this brief review summarize the status of dairy production in countries throughout the world, including Korea, along with some of the data published in the IDF annual report. The authors greatly appreciate the support of IDF Korea and the IDF for generously providing the data used in this paper.

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한국 유가공업의 발전과 전망 - 치즈 (Development of Korean Dairy Industry - Cheese)

  • 전호남
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.161-166
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    • 2005
  • In 1967, cheese was first produced with small scale of mozzarella cheese in Korea. The processed cheese market was highly grown after putting on the market of sliced cheese in the late 1980's, and the various products that complied with well-being trends such as organic and high functional cheese have been produced in the 2000's. The natural cheese opens up a new domestic market after producing camembert and brie cheese in the end of 2004. At present. the cheese market is expanded with differentiated products such as high value added and high functional cheese. The size of domestic cheese market remains about 200 billion won, but it is expected to go over a trillion won on account of growing preference of natural cheese with well-being trends. To promote domestic cheese industry, differentiation policy of raw milk price for cheese, diversification of cheese products, financial support to farm-made cheese industry and automation and processing development to improve productivity should be taken into account in the future in Korea.

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