A Network Transport System Using Next Generation CCN Technology

  • Lee, Hyung-Su (Department of Computer, Graduate School, SoongSil University) ;
  • Park, Jae-Pyo (Graduate School of Information Science, SoongSil University) ;
  • Park, Jae-Kyung (Dept. of Information Security, SeoulGangseoCampus, Korea Polytechnics)
  • Received : 2017.09.04
  • Accepted : 2017.10.19
  • Published : 2017.10.31


Current internet has evolved from the sharing and efficiency aspects of information, it is still vulnerable to the fact that the Internet is not secure in terms of security and is not safe to secure of security mechanism. Repeating patches on continuous hacking are continuously demanding additional resources for network or system equipment, and consequently the costs continue to increase. Businesses and individuals alike are speeding up the damage caused by crime like of ransomware, not jusy simple attacks, and businesses and individuals need to respond to cyber security. In addition, the ongoing introduce of security device, and separate of networks for secure transmission of contents in the existing TCP/IP system, but it is still lacking in security. To complement the security implications of this existing TCP/IP Internet Protocol, we intend to propose a Secure Contents Transport System (SCTS) on the network using the CCN concept.



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Cited by

  1. A Study of Advanced Internet Strategy for Future Industry vol.25, pp.4, 2020,
  2. A Study of Advanced Internet Strategy for Future Industry vol.25, pp.4, 2020,