MQI를 이용한 예비교사와 현직교사의 수학수업의 질 분석

Analysis of Mathematical Quality of Instruction between Preservice and Inservice Mathematics Teachers

  • 투고 : 2016.07.11
  • 심사 : 2016.11.07
  • 발행 : 2016.11.30


This study analyzed the quality of mathematics classes with observations using the instrument, MQI(Mathematical Quality of Instruction). Class recordings and interviews were conducted on 2 pre-service teachers and 4 in-service teachers. This study recorded and analyzed 3 or 4 classes for each mathematics teacher by using revised MQI. There were a total of 8 raters: 2 or 3 raters analyzed each class. MQI has four dimensions: Richness of the Mathematics, Working with Students and Mathematic, Errors and Imprecision, Student Participation in Meaning-Making and Reasoning. In the dimension of 'Richness of Mathematics', all teachers had good scores of 'explanations of teacher' but had lower scores of 'linking and connections', 'multiple procedures or solution methods' and 'developing mathematical generalizations.' In the dimension of 'Working with Students and Mathematics', two in-service teachers who have worked and having more experience had higher scores than others. In the dimension of 'Errors and Imprecision', all teachers had high scores. In the dimension of 'Student Participation in Meaning-Making and Reasoning', two pre-service teachers had contrast and also two in-service teachers who hadn't worked not long had contrast. Implications were deducted from finding to improving quality of mathematics classes.



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피인용 문헌

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