모바일 애플리케이션 업데이트 선택에 대한 사용자 후회

User's Regret on Update Decisions of Mobile Applications

  • 투고 : 2015.06.18
  • 심사 : 2015.09.08
  • 발행 : 2015.09.30


Purpose While new versions of mobile applications could offer users better computing environment, users are not always comfortable with them for various reasons. Considering making update decisions is important task for users, it is crucial for us to understand users' behavior and attitude on app updates. The purpose of this study is to explain why mobile users succumb to both reactance toward the update and satisfaction to the current version, ultimately leading them to feel the regret by employing three theoretical perspectives including regret theory, status quo bias theory and the dual model. Design/methodology/approach Survey data collected from 204 mobile users was used to test the research model using partial least squares analysis. The results have shown that both reactance toward the update and satisfaction to the current version have negative impacts on individuals' decisions to update, which leading to their regret after updating the applications Findings By integrating both status quo bias and regret theory in the model, this study tried to explain why mobile users feel regret in application update settings. More specifically, this study has proposed a novel framework that introduces an individual's update decision on mobile applications.



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