• Hoxha, Ilmi (Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences University of Prishtina) ;
  • Braha, Naim Latif (Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences University of Prishtina)
  • Received : 2014.03.07
  • Published : 2014.09.01


An operator $T{\in}L(H)$, is said to belong to k-quasi class $A_n^*$ operator if $$T^{*k}({\mid}T^{n+1}{\mid}^{\frac{2}{n+1}}-{\mid}T^*{\mid}^2)T^k{\geq}O$$ for some positive integer n and some positive integer k. First, we will see some properties of this class of operators and prove Weyl's theorem for algebraically k-quasi class $A_n^*$. Second, we consider the tensor product for k-quasi class $A_n^*$, giving a necessary and sufficient condition for $T{\otimes}S$ to be a k-quasi class $A_n^*$, when T and S are both non-zero operators. Then, the existence of a nontrivial hyperinvariant subspace of k-quasi class $A_n^*$ operator will be shown, and it will also be shown that if X is a Hilbert-Schmidt operator, A and $(B^*)^{-1}$ are k-quasi class $A_n^*$ operators such that AX = XB, then $A^*X=XB^*$. Finally, we will prove the spectrum continuity of this class of operators.



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